Affiliate links go against everything GB stood for

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I agree that this is not a great look, especially given the history of Giantbomb specifically. In particular I think it's a big problem that the affiliate link is for the game that is being Quick Looked. Even if it has absolutely zero effect on the editorial side or how the crew expresses their opinion, it still creates a major impression of impropriety. This is especially true given how the link is just kind of . . . there. It isn't announced at the beginning of the video or at the end, it's just kind of snuck into the show notes. However it was intended, the impression given off by doing it that way is that it's something dirty and under the table.

It's particularly frustrating because they could have put just about anything else there and it would have felt much less gross. There are plenty of items that correlate strongly with games that aren't necessarily the game itself. For example, if the link has said, "Hey, do you want to experience this game with the best possible sound? Go to [Link] for a deal on [Headphones: The Brand]", I don't think that as many people would be shouting about it.

However, for me, the greater issue is that this is a problem that should have been super easy to avoid with even a minimum of foresight. You could have had a short segment on the Bombcast before this change discussing the economics of running a site like this, the need for advertising and affiliate links, and an explanation of how this was all going to go down. It probably wouldn't have gotten rid of all the complaining, but it would have gone a long way towards mollifying some of the concerns.

Instead, the links just kind of start appearing and all we get is a post hoc explanation on a Discord chat that's locked behind premium so most people won't even be able to listen to it. And while I will say that is extremely on brand for the site given its long history of communication problems, it's still a bummer to see. You'd have hoped they'd have learned their lesson about it at some point in the last - checks calendar - 14 years.

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@therealturk: If communication gets better then that is what's going against everything GB stands for.

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I came here to say that I want GB to review boner pills. A "friend" of mine is interested.

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I kinda forgot how strongly people feel about ads. My personal feeling on them, especially in a case like this (where it's not a paid partnership with the game in question, it's just a link to an online store under the same parent company that sells the game) is that no affiliate-style link is ever going to pay out enough to warrant the team selling out their morals for (which would risk compromising their perceived integrity).

If I have a gripe, it'd be that they are technically ads (even if it does end up being the cheapest place to buy the game) and they probably shouldn't be shown to premium members. I realise that might be awkward depending upon how they're framed, though (given that this one was literally just a comment under the video).

This particular case is perhaps an interesting example too because you can tell Sonic fans that a game is bad until the cows come home and a lot of them will still buy it regardless. I can certainly appreciate the concerns people have; I just can't think of any situation where I've felt like someone is speaking more favourably about a game because it has an affiliate link. If we were talking 'This Quick Look is brought to you by SEGA and Sonic Frontiers' I might feel more strongly against it.

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#56  Edited By spacemanspiff00

I'm not sure I would have noticed the links if not for this thread. I find it pretty easy to ignore things I don't care about. That being said, I haven't felt like the staff has really changed their tune as a result of these links. I have to imagine its all coming from above. As others mentioned, GB has never been great with communication. But until I notice it creeping hard into the main content in a way where it feels like I'm being sold to I'm fine with it.

At least it isn't Kinda Funny levels of corporate affiliation. When it became clear to me that Greg and Tim really wanted to reingratiate themselves with that side of the industry is when I mostly dipped out. Greg hosting EA Play really drove that home. Which kinda sucks cause I like the guys. I was super happy when Blessing was brought on after I championed it for awhile before it happened. I check in from time to time, I like their new studio setup, however I just can't take a lot of what they do now very seriously on the gaming side of things.

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#57  Edited By Undeadpool

Forget being doomed to repeat history, those who do not learn from history are doomed to post REALLY myopic forum posts where they try to wield long-term fandom like a cudgel, but only expose how limited their own engagement is.

I've been on this site since it was a news crawl with a podcast attached, and this drum has been beaten since they went to the subscription model with the same. Exact. Talking. Points.

It's entertainment. You evolve, or you die.

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I'll say what I've said on this comment that was left on YouTube: FWIW when I heard Giant Bomb and Fanatical was gonna be under the same roof, I was anticipating this to happen.

I've been using Fanatical since they were Bundle Stars way back and always liked their site. I can't attest to what they've been doing the last few years, but I've used them quite a bit and rarely was displeased with it. Just saying, this seems pretty symbiotic as a merger and it would only seem problematic if they'd lean into pushing the links, even for games that are obviously not worth it. For now, it just seems like they're *there* and that's totally fine by me.

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Yeah the original crew would never use affiliate links

... oh wait...

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@murderdeathmill: Ignoring all context and throwing out weird buzzwords MIGHT NOT be the slam-dunk argument you imagine.'re still here.