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    E3 2016

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    The twenty-second annual Electronic Entertainment Expo took place June 14-16, 2016 at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California.

    Which games are you most excited, surprised, and worried about after this year's E3 showing?

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    I'm most excited about: We Happy Few

    This is the only game that made me giddy. I love the look and the idea of the game so I hope my PC will be able to run it fine.

    Runners up: Horizon: Zero Dawn & The Legend of Zelda

    I'm most surprised about: Resident Evil 7

    Looks like Capcom is taking a real chance and I'm very much looking forward to playing it. I hope they go all in.

    Runners up: God of War & Spider-Man

    I'm most worried about: Scalebound

    I pretty much wanna play every Kamiya game and I was into this game last time I saw it but it looked mad boring this year. Literally nothing about this title looked interesting at all so I really hope I'm wrong.

    Runners up: FF15 & Detroit: Become Human

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    #2  Edited By MisterBananaFoam

    Most excited about Zelda: Breath of the Wild - To me, the element of player choice and flexibility in approaching different goals was what Zelda was sorely missing all this time, so I'm glad that the open-ended nature of the game and the exploration elements are taking huge steps to rectify that.

    Most surprised about Quake: Champions - I wasn't a huge Quake fan back in the day, but if Doom and Wolfenstein are anything to go off of, I expect big things from this installment, even if it's multiplayer-only.

    Most worried about Recore - I just wasn't enthralled by the gameplay at all. I like the concept and the art style, but it looked very stiff, uninspired and... *shudder*... linear.

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    • Excited: Out of the new things that got announced: Prey, The Turing Test, Observer.
    • Surprised: That Nintendo actually just showed long stretches of Pokemon and Zelda :|
    • Worried: We Happy Few - maybe it will turn out great, but I'm a little concerned about it being procedurally generated.
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    #4  Edited By ivdamke
    • Excited: Quake Champions, even with the potential sketchy developer behind it I can't contain myself lets hope the revival of id properties goes 3 for 3.
    • Surprised: It was We Happy Few, but then I actually looked up gameplay and found out it's a Rogue-Like with procedurally generated levels so I was surprised but my interest dwindled
    • Worried: Horizon: Zero Dawn, engaging enemies looks fun but man if that game isn't something more than Farcry ass Farcry with robot animals I'll be real disappointed.


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    @ivdamke: @beachthunder: Whaaa, didn't know that about We Happy Few...looked super story driven...

    Can't remember who, but heard somebody that played it describe it as much closer to Sir, You Are Being Hunted than something narrative-driven like a Bioshock

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    Excited: Horizon: Zero Dawn

    This game still looks awesome; seems really fun and has a fairly unique premise behind it. The art direction is really good too. My personal favourite from what was shown at the conferences.

    Runner Up: Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Surprised: Death Stranding

    Kojima said KojiPro hasn't even chosen an engine yet, and they are only a half-year old studio at this point, so I wasn't expecting to see anything until next E3 at the soonest. I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far.

    Runner Up: REVII

    Worried: Playstation VR.

    Like the GB staff, I was expecting a bit more from VR; more than just a series of short clips. Before this E3 I thought that PSVR had the best chance to be that more-so consumer friendly headset compared to the other two units, but now I'm not so sure since so far is seems that is hasn't made that much of an impression on people who aren't keen on VR (or just anybody looking forward to the PSVR).

    Runners Up: PS4 Neo (or the future of the console gaming market), E3.

    Avatar image for dagas


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    Excited: So many great games for the current gen consoles now. Horizon Zero Dawn looks cool.

    Surprised: The FPS genre is changing things up by going into the past and the future. I'm surprised to want to play a FPS game again. Not done that since 2010's Halo Reach and BF Bad Company 2. God of War looking fresh and exciting as well.

    Worried: My back log of old gen games wont have been finished until 2025 or so. I want to finish all the games I have before I get a new system but there is still games coming to PS3 like Trails of Cold Steel 2 and I have about 50 JRPGs already.

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    Excited: Horizon: Zero Dawn. Game looks real damn pretty and seems to have a cool concept behind it. Don't quite know what to think of it yet. The map they showed makes me slightly worried that its going to be too much Far Cry "liberate all the zones" and not enough Skyrim/Zelda exploration. If it trends to the latter, I think it could be really, really cool.

    Surprised: Call of Duty. I was really surprised to hear Dan say he didn't like it and wanted more modern military stuff. I just don't understand how anyone can play those games and not be absolutely tired that by now. I was really into the first Modern Warfare, but after that the series just fell into an increasingly repetitive rut of increasingly loud and stupid modern military stuff. What got shown at E3 actually made it look like they're at least attempting something novel again.

    Worried: FFXV. Looks more and more and more like a trainwreck every time they show something on it. I've never been particularly enthused about what I've seen, but the fact that they still haven't buckled down and actually shown a large chunk of gameplay at this point really worries me. Between the last demo, the same two or three clips of chocobo riding and car driving getting shown repeatedly, and "VR Experience" stuff it looks like a set of really expensive tech demos as opposed to a game.

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    Excited: Every new horror showing. Resident Evil 7, Prey and Death Stranding (that's probably a horror game, right?). All so far look quite solid, though only 1 out of the 3 is coming out any time soon. Also excited for Dishonored 2 and Deus Ex, but both of those were pretty known to me before the show.

    Surprised: Death Stranding. When Kojima walked out on the stage, I was expecting a title card at best. Guy only reformed Kojima Productions 6 months ago. A trailer is kind of crazy at this stage. Surprised about RE7 as well, for obvious reasons.

    Worried: I really wanted Scalebound to be good, especially after we were told it's coming to PC now as well. It looked bad, and not even by Platinum Games' standards. I really have difficulty believing that Kamiya is heavily involved in it. Even though I'm not really excited for it, I'm worried about FFXV. Given how much money has been thrown at the project at this point, the combat, especially at the MS conference, does not look good.

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    Nothing really jumps out at me. It's kind of depressing.

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    @lawgamer said:

    Excited: Horizon: Zero Dawn. Game looks real damn pretty and seems to have a cool concept behind it. Don't quite know what to think of it yet. The map they showed makes me slightly worried that its going to be too much Far Cry "liberate all the zones" and not enough Skyrim/Zelda exploration. If it trends to the latter, I think it could be really, really cool.

    Surprised: Call of Duty. I was really surprised to hear Dan say he didn't like it and wanted more modern military stuff. I just don't understand how anyone can play those games and not be absolutely tired that by now. I was really into the first Modern Warfare, but after that the series just fell into an increasingly repetitive rut of increasingly loud and stupid modern military stuff. What got shown at E3 actually made it look like they're at least attempting something novel again.

    Worried: FFXV. Looks more and more and more like a trainwreck every time they show something on it. I've never been particularly enthused about what I've seen, but the fact that they still haven't buckled down and actually shown a large chunk of gameplay at this point really worries me. Between the last demo, the same two or three clips of chocobo riding and car driving getting shown repeatedly, and "VR Experience" stuff it looks like a set of really expensive tech demos as opposed to a game.

    There's plenty of lengthy gameplay out there, even from this very E3, though admittedly that MS showing wasn't the best.

    Surprised is God of War for me. Don't really need to say why.

    Worried isn't the word, but Zelda just left me super fucking bummed out. Not what I wanted from Zelda at all.

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    #13  Edited By gundogan

    Excited: Titanfall 2 looks supercool with some good additions and changes. Quake Champions can be really good.

    Surprised: Call of Duty singleplayer looks solid and the space fighting stuff looks like a nice new thing for the franchise. I didn't know I wanted a new God of War, but that new one looks interesting. And a new, NEW Prey?!

    Worried: Quake Champions. How much of a class based or arena shooter will it be? How competent is Saber Interactive these days? How expansive wil it be in terms of running your own server and mods? It might be a cheap cash in f2p shooter, but it can also be the real next Quake 3: Arena.

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    Excited: Persona 5, Steins;Gate 0

    Persona 5 looks better every time I see it, and Steins;Gate 0 getting localised is great news (the first game is incredible).

    Surprised: Steep (but only because it showed up on Ubi's press site out of nowhere, which is always fun), The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Never been a huge Zelda fan, but the gameplay they showed off looked potentially interesting and the art style is great.

    Worried: PlayStation VR, Scalebound

    The Gamescom demo of Scalebound had potential, but the latest demo at Microsoft was really disappointing. PlayStation VR is the bigger concern though - a lot of the stuff Sony are teasing seems to be small scale experiences more often than not, and the Day One lineup they've announced so far (six games; list on the Wiki page) is really underwhelming. If they don't pull it together quickly, the launch could go really poorly.

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    I'll just list a few, because nothing really stood out to me in a "I must have this right now" way.

    Excited: Dishonored 2 looks pretty good. I didn't love the first game, but it was still an enjoyable one and I really loved the art direction with it's HL2 vibes. More of that with bunch of neat looking tricks sounds a-okay to me.

    Surprised: I would've been down with just a better looking God of War 3.5, but I'm positively excited about the changes they've made. Suppose I'm also somewhat surprised that they gave The Last Guardian a release date that wasn't in December. Now just keep to it without any delays, alright?

    Worried/Disappointed: We Happy Few looked so cool, but upon watching some of the early gameplay stuff, my excitment just died almost completely. Days Gone didn't look terrible, but a whole new IP about the post-apocalypse with zombie-like monsters, eeeh...I mean, TLOU did turn out to be one of my favourite games ever so we'll see, maybe Sony Bend will surprise us.

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    @ivdamke said:
    • Excited: Quake Champions, even with the potential sketchy developer behind it I can't contain myself lets hope the revival of id properties goes 3 for 3.
    • Surprised: It was We Happy Few, but then I actually looked up gameplay and found out it's a Rogue-Like with procedurally generated levels so I was surprised but my interest dwindled
    • Worried: Horizon: Zero Dawn, engaging enemies looks fun but man if that game isn't something more than Farcry ass Farcry with robot animals I'll be real disappointed.

    EDIT: GWENT! kinda just bummed me out with that bit about We Happy Few. I'm not against that style of game or anything, but it's not what I thought it was.

    Excited: I really want to play that new Zelda game, but I probably never will. I don't see myself buying a Wii U or NX. Also, I want Mass Effect and Persona, right now. I love the crap out of those two series.

    Surprised: I was kinda surprised they showed something called "Resident Evil VII" that I actually kind of want to play.

    I can't really think of anything that I would say I'm worried about.

    Avatar image for babychoochoo


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    Excited: Do Gravity Rush 2 and World of Final Fantasy count? I've been excited for those games ever since they were announced and it's been quite some time since then. They both put out trailers a week or so before E3 even started. Nothing I saw at E3 has gotten me more excited.

    Surprised:Zelda. I honestly just expected "another Zelda" which would have been fine, but still somewhat disappointing. Seeing it in action though has made me go from not giving to fuck to dying to play this game. It looks absolutely great.

    Steep. I love me some gosh darn extreme sports games, but sadly, we don't get any big budget ones these days. Didn't expect Ubisoft to be the one with this up their sleeve, but either way, I'm in. The game looks rad and is thankfully coming out this year.

    Worried:Playstation VR. Oooooh boy, I know it's hard to demo that stuff on stage, but they still didn't show anything at all that makes me want to get into VR. I got excited for a sec when FFXV showed up, but that VR mode looks bad even for a silly little side-mode. Also that mode looks like it's designed to sneak in a way for the player to check out Cidney. Ain't nothing wrong with some T&A, but well...that alone won't make that thing good.

    Scalebound. Easily the most disappointing demo of the entire show. It just looked slow and janky and just not that interesting. I'm praying that it was a just a bad slice of the game and the rest is actually amazing, but I'm worried. Really worried.

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    Worried : SONY

    Such a lacklustre conference. I bought a PS4 after E3 2014 as Sony appeared the stronger manufacturer, better line up of games and an overall feeling that they were on the right path with the gaming community.

    After this year, jeez, I feel like I was hoodwinked.

    The conference felt very weak, very short and the line-up, a seemingly long list of remakes and reboots. Even the VR, the only chance they will have till launch to really push it, felt like they were talking about that estranged cousin who always talks about his dog's bowel movements.

    Microsoft, with the new consoles and reduced One S, just look so strong at the moment. It's tempting to defect I must admit.

    Avatar image for atastyslurpee


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    EXCITED: Sony

    Fantastic conference. Last years was great too. I feel like there is actually a reason to own a PS4. Great looking games that you can ONLY play on PS4.

    SURPRISED (albeit more disappointed): No Red Dead game

    Was really really really hoping for it. looked

    Runner Up: Sony VR

    All the other VR stuff being shown has looked boring or bad.. Not saying Sony's is going to be great either, but at least it all looked functional and interesting for the moment.

    WORRIED: Microsoft

    No real reason to own an Xbox One anymore since all their upcoming games are going to be on PC. 2 console announcements in one conference...

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    #20  Edited By Zevvion

    Excited: Horizon Zero Dawn; the artstyle of the robots just looks super cool and refreshing.
    Surprised: God of War; seems like a cool style they are heading in. Hopefully it pays off.
    Worried: Scalebound; this is not at all what I thought it would be. I thought it would be a DMC/Ninja Gaiden/Revengeance type game but instead it looks like Monster Hunter light. Action is very slow and staggering. The put-the-headphones-on-because-this-battle-just-got-real-bit was super cool, but feels completely out of place since it is not such a game.

    @atastyslurpee said:

    WORRIED: Microsoft

    No real reason to own an Xbox One anymore since all their upcoming games are going to be on PC. 2 console announcements in one conference...

    Eh? You just listed positive stuff, how can you be worried? Having to own a console to play games is not a good thing? Are you happy that you have to buy multiple consoles just to play all the games you want to play? Microsoft will make money on games, not so much on the consoles. The fact you won't have to buy their Xbox to play their games if you want, is absolutely a good thing. Also, some people will prefer a console over a PC always, so it's not like they won't sell any. In fact, they'll sell more of them. Because the types of people that are into consoles usually have price as a strong motivator for their choice. It will be the cheapest console and it will have its Play Anywhere feature which is another draw. And a far more serious one. I don't know if you can have the two copies on different accounts, but otherwise you could buy a game once with a friend who owns a good PC and actually play together. The fact you can play together at all, Xbox and PC is a huge draw.

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    Excited: Xbox exclusives coming to PC. I'm excited to play Forza Horizon 3 and Dead Rising 4.

    Surprised: Watch_Dogs 2. I played the first couple of hours of the first game and thought it was pretty dull. But the sequel looks way better, especially that parkour.

    Worried: The Last Guardian. I want that game to be good since Shadow of the Colossus was so amazing. I'm not digging the art style of the main character, and also, what do you do in that game? I remember vague moments of the demo last year, and it looked like a platformer where a big dog helps you.

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    @zevvion said:

    @atastyslurpee said:

    WORRIED: Microsoft

    No real reason to own an Xbox One anymore since all their upcoming games are going to be on PC. 2 console announcements in one conference...

    Eh? You just listed positive stuff, how can you be worried? Having to own a console to play games is not a good thing? Are you happy that you have to buy multiple consoles just to play all the games you want to play? Microsoft will make money on games, not so much on the consoles. The fact you won't have to buy their Xbox to play their games if you want, is absolutely a good thing. Also, some people will prefer a console over a PC always, so it's not like they won't sell any. In fact, they'll sell more of them. Because the types of people that are into consoles usually have price as a strong motivator for their choice. It will be the cheapest console and it will have its Play Anywhere feature which is another draw. And a far more serious one. I don't know if you can have the two copies on different accounts, but otherwise you could buy a game once with a friend who owns a good PC and actually play together. The fact you can play together at all, Xbox and PC is a huge draw.

    I mean you are correct in your assessment. Almost all my friends have a PC and/or PS4. I have an Xbox One with a pretty good PC rig. But for PC and XboxOne to pal together, its a 'big' deal I suppose, but not for me. So with that announcement, I'm probably getting rid of my XboxOne. But to be fair, outside of ReCore, nothing game wise screams MUST have to me. Gears is fun and cool and all, but after 3, I just 'grew' out of it. Halo Wars isn't my style of game. Scalebound looks awful to me. But there just wasn't any games that made me want to keep my system. Maybe I should've been more descriptive on my 'Worried' section.

    At least with Sony, whether you want to play them, there are legitimate games that can only be played on my PS4. Everything they showed looks like something I will at least play.

    Maybe I'm making a bigger deal out of 'exclusives' than most

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    @liquiddragon said:

    @ivdamke: @beachthunder: Whaaa, didn't know that about We Happy Few...looked super story driven...

    Can't remember who, but heard somebody that played it describe it as much closer to Sir, You Are Being Hunted than something narrative-driven like a Bioshock

    This is from their Kickstarter pitch

    It’s a first-person game, set in a procedurally generated, fully 3D city that you must escape before society collapses around you. But, like any good roguelike, you’re probably going to die a few times before you figure out how it all works.

    You will need to learn how to conform and avoid suspicion. You will need to hunt for supplies, and craft the devices and weapons that enable you to make it out of town alive. What do the Wellies approve of you doing? What makes them suspicious? What turns them into a homicidal mob? And is there anyone here who can help you?

    That's kind of a real shame. The game looked really set up to be a great narrative experience.

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    #24 Shindig  Online

    Excited about Horizon: Zero Dawn. It's occurred to me that everything they've shown of that is gameplay and its looked strong each time they've shown it.

    Surprised by God of War. Mainly because I couldn't see myself playing another one of those. Now they look to have changed tact and could wind up producing a solid action adventure.

    Worried by Scalebound and perhaps Platinum in general. They've got their fingers in a lot of pies at the moment and perhaps that lack of focus is hurting them. Scalebound didn't look like it demoed well but I also just wonder whether they've ran out of steam when it comes to character action.

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    Super Excited: Zelda, Spider-Man
    Pretty Excited: Titanfall 2, Death Stranding
    Suprised: God Of War (Didn't think I'd ever care about another GoW game again)
    Worried: FFXV, Last Guardian.

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    #26  Edited By ArtisanBreads

    I have been worried about Ghost Recon Wildlands because to me outside of it being co-op it looks like it has nothing going for it but boy that game looks like SHIT. I don't know if you guys have seen the footage going around but it not only looks like it has nothing but co-op but the whole thing looks so damn rough. There is like nothing to the game mechanically.

    God of War was a huge surprise. Was not ready to give a shit about that franchise again.

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    Excited about Horizon, Titanfall 2, and Dishonored 2.

    Surprised by God of War.

    Worried about Playstation VR.

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    I have to say that this E3 has been fantastic for me. Many games stood out to me as being really interesting looking to try out and play. I have to be honest that I'm most excited for a lot of games, including ReCore, Forza Horizon 3, and Gears of War 4. I was also excited to learn about a new God of War coming.

    I was surprised by For Honor. I want to play as a Samurai! The other surprise for me was Dishonored 2. I think that game looks fantastic. I was also impressed by what I saw from the new Zelda.

    I suppose not seeing a mention about Crackdown 3 at the Microsoft conference could get me to worry, but I try not to think about it that way.

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    #29  Edited By soiledsanchez

    I'm excited for Horizon Zero Dawn that was my most looked forward to game before E3 and still is, pumped for Dead Rising 4 I played the ever loving hell out of 3 and hopefully it sticks to the newer formula of 3 when it comes to the crafting of weapons etc

    was very surprised by God Of War, I loved 1-3 never played Ascension though and seeing a new gameplay style and a Norse setting is pretty exciting, I was also surprised by the Call Of Duty trailer might actually be tempted to buy a COD again

    I was and still am disappointed in the reaction to Scorpio, its doing exactly what people want from NEO yet since its microsoft its being attacked. If they left Scorpio out of the xbox showing and Sony did the exact same thing with the NEO instead everyone would be shouting " Xbone is dead!" " sony won E3" "sony is so smart!"

    PS. I want to stab myself in the head for typing Xbone

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    Excited: Titanfall 2. The first game was a breath of fresh COD air and I can't wait to see what Respawn does with the formula.

    Surprised: Watch_Dogs2. I'm still not back on board completely, but if they can pull off a low-violence open world game focused on actual hacker culture, then I'm definitely intrigued.

    Worried: Zelda: "Bigger" as a marketing line is starting to get old to me. I really have no desire for an 80 hour Zelda experience, as the last few 3D games in that series have had so much filler.

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    Excited: Mafia 3 and WatchDogs 2 can't wait to explore the cities.

    Surprised: Prey, so glad it's back but not the same Prey but it looks very interesting Bethesda has been on a row with FPS lately so I have high hopes for this game we need more unique FPS shooters.

    Worried: Resident evil 7 please have combat don't be a walking simulator.

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    Excited: Horizon Zero Dawn just looks amazing. It had one of the best showings in 2015, and it has once again had one of the best showings this year. After that, I'd have to say Zelda. If nothing else, I'm excited by how different it looks. Dishonored 2 also deserves a mention here. Finally, I am really looking forward to We Happy Few. That game looks like my kind of acid trip.

    Surprised: Hands down it'd have to be God of War. I was never the biggest fan of that series even when it was still relatively fresh, but that demo has me intrigued. The idea of Norse God of Soulsborne sounds pretty good to me.

    Worried:Final Fantasy XV was starting to win me over, but boy that demo was not good.

    Bonus Worried:Mass Effect: Andromeda. I say bonus for two reasons. The first is, given the production hell the game has gone through as well as where they last left the series, I already had rather low expectations for this game. The second is my worry is over what they aren't showing: gameplay. This game is due out around the same time as Persona 5, Horizon Zero Dawn, and a slew of other games that already have had at least one if not multiple lengthy gameplay demos. My low expectations for this game are now non-existent.

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    Quake for all three - while I expected that they would do a new one at some point, I was surprised it happened so soon after Doom. I'm excited about a new Quake, but simultaneously worried about what direction they're going with it, as Brad noted during the stream, I don't want the characters to play differently. The beauty of arena shooters was how everybody started on equal footing, and had to grab the guns and powerups on the map. Characters having specific special abilities and potentially weapons goes against that in my mind.

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    Excited For:

    Horizon: Zero Dawn : Long as they get the story/characters right. Exploration looks good, combat looks bang on, art direction and world design is intriguing, just give me story to care about.

    NieR Automata : first Nier had great characters, good story cool world and a fuking fantastic soundtrack....but it played meh. Take the good stuff of Nier, put it on the "good" Platinum and it could be quite special.

    Surprised by:

    Resident Evil 7 biohazard : Hoping the demo is not completely representative since it was slightly walking simulator-ish but they're finally doing something new with the formula.

    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild : living up to the promise of doing something different with this one. Just gotta show the Zelda design and I'm totally in.

    Worried for:

    Scalebound : I have faith, I mean it is Kamiya but that demo did not play well, the constant chatter was annoying and I'm worried the co-op will mean the game is less challenging to accommodate all the other players.

    Injustice 2 : Knowing what we know from IJ1 and Mortal Kombat XL, I'm just imagining overpriced DLC season pass, microtransactions, ugly character models and faces (which NRS always does) and that gear system sounds either gamebreaking or interesting but completely unnecessary.

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    EXCITED - Injustice 2, Horizon, Detroit

    Surprised - At how little Mass Effect they showed. Almost put it in the worried category but I have faith in Bioware

    Worried - Zelda and FFXIV: the more I see of either of them the less interested I become.

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    Excited - Zelda

    Surprised - God of War

    Worried - Final Fantasy XV

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    #39  Edited By Seikenfreak

    This is all I'm aware of at the moment

    Excited (I'm ready to buy)

    Horizon: Zero Dawn - Looks awesome and different enough from the usual open world stuff that I'm excited.

    Zelda - Seems very obvious they were going for some "survival" elements or whatever. A bit of Minecraft inspiration. Looks promising so far. As usual, the only disappointment is that it could've been (and maybe with NX) on proper modern hardware that makes it look even better.

    Last Guardian - Looks impressive. We'll see how it actually turns out.

    Sea of Thieves - Awesome? But I also don't really play multiplayer games sooo.. I want there to be a good single player experience? I'm hoping it isn't all just about combat and naval warefare? I hope there is exploration or maybe some building/survival aspects to it.

    Forza Horizon 3 - Big racing game fan. Really enjoyed the original Horizon. Horizon 2 didn't really look that fresh or interesting to me and I didn't have an Xbox One at the time. Now I do and I think I might jump back in on 3.

    Abzu - Never heard of this. Looks great. Coming soon. Type of game that will look amazing on an OLED TV. I'm in.

    Gran Turismo Sport - It's not a proper full title but we've known that for awhile. Something is better than nothing though and I'll take what I can get.

    Surprised (Stuff I might buy)

    Resident Evil 7 - I'm impressed by how freaked out I was by the press conference reveal. I'm too much of a sissy to play scary games, especially VR stuff, but I love that I'm curious/interested in a Resident Evil game again and I can't wait to hear to reception and watch someone else play it. Also excited to see a big name/title coming to VR.

    God of War - Not what I was expecting. I've played two of the God of War games and they were alright. Flashy and good looking but never fell in love with them. This new one has peaked my interest a little.

    Days Gone - Eh it did look like a generic zombie thing but I hardly have played any of them. The actual seemingly endless waves of them spilling through the environment though did look awesome and made them appear actually threatening, unlike pretty much every other zombie game. I'm curious.

    World of Final Fantasy - Seems almost too kiddie. Too much like a Kingdom Hearts title maybe? But I'm very curious. They really need a japanese voice over option though because good god the english localization/voice acting sounds horrible.

    Recore - Don't really know much about it. But it's an exclusive and my Xbox shelf is looking mighty empty.

    Steep - Flying/sliding down the side of a mountain in a real relaxed free form sort of way has me curious. Never really played something like this before.

    Interested (Stuff that I had zero interest in before but now I have a little)

    Titanfall 2 - Just peaked my interest a little. Didn't play the first one. Didn't seem that special to me. I don't really do multiplayer stuff. Introduction of a single player campaign and maybe more fleshed features has me interested.

    Call of Duty - Eh? I haven't played a CoD game since World at War really (actually I did play a little of the Modern Warfare campaign via a friend I think). They just didn't interest me. This being in space makes a look a little more interesting? Maybe not? I don't know. I probably still won't play it as there is just too much other stuff this fall.


    Final Fantasy XV - I don't know if "Worried" is the word I'd use. More like "Disappointed". I've said it from the very first reveal but this is nothing like the type of Final Fantasy games I want. Except for the nice graphics and epic looking summons.

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    @zirilius said:

    Surprised - At how little Mass Effect they showed. Almost put it in the worried category but I have faith in Bioware

    I'm hoping they are just focusing on making the game as its not even that far off. I was bummed too but I'm excited it will be a big open game. That will take time to make at high quality.

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    #41  Edited By ll_Exile_ll


    • Horizon: Zero Dawn - This game continues to look fantastic. The gameplay looks great and the world is utterly fascinating. The dialogue we've heard so far has left me feeling a little cold, but it is being written by the lead writer of Fallout: New Vegas, so the narrative stuff can't be that bad, right?
    • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Looking to be exactly what I wanted out a new Zelda game. Moving away from the hand holdy nature of recent games, offering much deeper and more complex mechanics, and expanding the overall scope of the game and world while still retaining the elements at the heart of the series (puzzles solving and dungeons).
    • Gwent - If it were just a multiplayer version of Gwent I'd still be pretty hyped about it, but knowing the they're adding a bunch of storytelling, dialogue, and decision making into a 4 different single player stories is icing on the cake.
    • Persona 5 - Nothing at E3 really got me more excited about Persona 5, but it's been a guaranteed day 1 purchase since it was announced.


    • God of War - Not surprised that it got announced, that was pretty expcected, but surprised I'm even remotely interested. I have been thoroughly done with the series since playing and enjoying the trilogy. But this looked intriguing. Seeing the rumors beforehand about it still starring Kratos but in Norse mythology, I thought that sounded like the lamest thing ever. However, they seem to actually be doing something with Kratos' character, and the gamepaly appears to be quite different. I'm cautiously optimistic.


    • Mass Effect: Andromeda - I'm not worried about any games, since everything I think looks bad I wasn't really interested in to begin with. I am, however, disappointed that they didn't really properly show Mass Effect. I thought the little they did show looked great and it's still my most anticipated upcoming game (probably tied with Zelda), but it's a shame they didn't really do the full gameplay reveal.
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    incredibly excited about Forza horizon 3

    excited and also a little worried about nier. i love the first game even with all of its faults, but I'm not the biggest fan of the standard platinum combat. I know it's good, it's just not for me, so I'm concerned that it'll be more bayonetta than nier

    surprised by God of war. that game looks awesome in a way I never thought I'd care about God of war.

    also incredibly surprised by the variety in the zelda footage. when they said it was open world i guess i just thought it would be a larger world with less structure than previous games, but the sheer numbers of new mechanics is really impressive. that game also looks and sounds beautiful

    I'm surprised and cautious about the quake reveal. if it were id developing i would give them the full benefit of the doubt. hoping it will be great

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    Excited - Scalebound, everyone hates on it, but I have loved every Kamiya game and have complete faith.

    Surprised - We Happy Few, had seen some of it earlier, but that demo really sold me.

    Worried - God of War, it just looked very clunky to me, and I don't like it if they try to characterize Kratos more, in that way, because he is just a shit character.

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    There's many games I'm excited about, but I'm only going to pick one game for each category that I feel strongly about in this moment right now.

    Excited - Horizon: Zero Dawn. The fact that it now looks like The Witcher 3 except with badass gameplay mechanics and concept. Super pumped for this game.

    Surprised - We Happy Few. I was going to say God of War, but no, definitely the weird joy drug game. That was a fantastic trailer.

    Worried - Resident EVII_: biohazard. I love the new direction and the announcement and rebranding the franchise. But. I just have a bad feeling about this one. Capcom handling the workload of making the game compatible and interchangeable in VR and what is the structure of this game going to be even? I dunno, too many questions about this game.

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    #45  Edited By Lost_Remnant


    Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - I haven't played a Zelda game since Twilight Princess and I parted ways with the Wii half way into it's cycle, so it's been almost a decade since I've played one. Breath of the Wild proves to me that when Nintendo really goes for it, the art style and look of everything is on point. It looks like a lot of fun and the ability to climb on stuff at will gives me a Dragon's Dogma vibe (please let me climb enemies and shank them). Now I'm just waiting on what exactly an NX is gonna be and if it will be backwards compatible with Wii U games. I hope all that lines up for me, cause this game got me really excited about the prospect of owning a Nintendo console again.

    Steep - I love extreme sports games, with SSX in particular. The snowboarding doesn't have to necessarily be as good as the snowboarding in SSX but if all the sports types are reasonably fun to play and move around in the environment in, then I'm in. It's like Ubisoft is trying to make a "The Crew" type game in something I actually care about. Horizon is the only racing series I give a shit about, so if Steep makes it easy to do events and challenges with friends, that will be really great for me.

    Dishonored 2 - I really loved that first game, and the sequel seems to be giving me more of what I love. Emily and Corvo being playable with different abilities and powers will most likely get a couple of extra playthroughs from me.

    Then there's other stuff that I think looks pretty good like Dead Rising 4, Gears of War 4, ReCore, We Happy Few, Inside, Death Stranding, (whatever the hell it ends up being), etc.


    God of War - They managed to make me give a shit about God of War. I checked out around the second game because the overall story line and general gameplay was not matching up with what I was wanting with an character action game. It also doesn't help that I couldn't get over how lame I thought Kratos was. I always try not to be dismissive of games and characters, but God of War always struck me in such a way that I couldn't help but just feel "fuck everything about this.". That said, I was really impressed with the demo and while Kratos still seems to kind of be an irritable dude, it doesn't seem ridiculously over the top and I hope his interactions with his son really goes somewhere as we saw hinted at after he killed the deer.

    Watch Dogs 2 - I actually liked the first game, it had a lot of problems but I still ended up having fun with it. So I would of course be interested with a sequel but I was still surprised with how well it seems to flow from a gameplay perspective. The hacking seems improved, Marcus seems to have the right amount of parkour abilities without cutting into full AC territory, and I like the addition of the taser.

    I'm with Alex on saying they aren't going far enough with the dumbness, from what I saw they got it right in spots, but faltered in others. I'm also expecting to hate just about everyone on my hacker crew and not in a "I enjoy how shitty these people are" kind of way. I'm half expecting a dark middle chapter of DeadSec turning on you and ultimately becoming the big bad! Or something like that. Still, it looks like a fun game to do dumb open world stuff in, especially if the co-op pans out.

    Prey - We're finally getting another Prey in some form! That initial look of Prey 2 looked real neat, but with Arkane heading this one up, I'm really interested in seeing some actual gameplay. I liked what the trailer was going for too.


    Resident Evil 7 - I want to preface this by saying I like all the horror and inventory management that it's going for. I know in the demo you can get an axe that hints at combat, but I hope it doesn't swing hard in the direction of Amnesia or Outlast and all the other current cropping of horror games. I want me skipping on combat to be a choice I make due to ammo concerns. I don't want them making combat utterly ineffective that it's better to just avoid everything anyway.

    Then the creepy ghost lady with the knife and the "Welcome to the Family" guy seemingly appearing out of nowhere has me worried that they might be leaning too hard on the supernatural. But I've read that it's still going to make "sense" from a Resident Evil perspective. It will still most likely be insane, but maybe not in a "GHOSTS!" kind of way. So I'm still super interested, I just wander how much it's going to lean into what is currently "hot" for horror games to do. Still, good on them for making a change. I may not ultimately end up liking it, but I would of disliked a continuation of RE6's sensibilities more.

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    #46  Edited By Zirilius

    @artisanbreads@ll_exile_ll: I think they did the same thing with Dragon Age: Inquisition if I recall correctly. Seemed like they showed very little at E3 the year it released and then had a huge reveal at Gamescom later that year. That or they're holding off until N7 day.

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    #47  Edited By MezZa

    Excited: Persona 5. That counts right?

    Runners up: Pokemon Sun/Moon, Zelda, Horizon Zero Dawn

    Surprised: God of War. Not surprised that it exists, but I'm surprised that it actually looks like it might be interesting.

    Runner up: Prey.

    Worried: Mass Effect. The game was scheduled to be out before next year's e3 and they hardly focused on it this year. I was expecting a demo of a level and some character introductions. This reeks of a delay to me.

    Runner up: FFXV. I want to love Final Fantasy again, but man...

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    #48  Edited By yyninja

    Excited: Horizon: Zero Dawn - The game looks better and better each time it's shown. I'm tempted to get a PS4 Neo so that I can play this game in the highest possible fidelity.

    Runner Up: Persona 5 - I was already excited about this game before E3, but the release of the new gameplay footage has me thoroughly convinced that this game is everything I want in a new Persona game.

    Surprised: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Leave it to Nintendo to pull something out of left field. I was expecting yet another "traditional" Zelda like The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Sure the crafting and open world elements look like they're trying to appeal to the streaming crowd but god damn does Nintendo have balls taking huge risks on one of their most beloved franchises.

    Runner Up: Sea of Thieves - The gameplay demo was absolutely spot on. Rare was able to perfectly showcase what makes their game fun. Last year, Sea of Thieves was pitched as a pirate MMO and I could hardly care. But after watching their gameplay demo, I'm on board and willing to give this game a shot.

    Worried: Final Fantasy XV - Oh man, talk about a terrible showing. The demo during the Microsoft conference did not look fun with Noctus getting slammed over and over again. I know we can't expect all game demos to be perfect, but they're supposed to make you want to buy the game and not the opposite. If that didn't add insult to injury on the Sony conference we get this dubstep trailer that's completely out of touch with the FF audience (it reminded me of that recent trailer for Mighty No. 9). Then we get this PS VR experience trailer that looks like they cobbled together assets from the game and packaged it as a light gun shooter + Cidney model viewing game. As weird as it sounds, Square Enix would have fared better not showing FFXV at E3.

    Runner Up: Detroit: Become Human - I know it's cliche to bash this game because it's a David Cage game, but it's exactly this game's problem. The writing is completely inconsistent. We have these realistic looking androids, yet at the same time current age SWAT and firearms. Okay even if we suspend our disbelief that we were able to suddenly advance towards android technology without innovation in other areas, I'm still worried about how this game would turn out. Will different decisions really matter or will we always get the same eventual conclusion? (From the looks of the trailer, it looks like Connor must be alive at the end of the scenario). Until Dawn has raised the bar on these types of narrative branching games and I'll be absolutely disappointed if Detroit doesn't match that level of quality.

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    Excited:Horizon Zero Dawn- Was already sold on the game, but happy to see more and my excitement hasn't diminished.

    Surprised: God of War- I was so done with Kratos, but if they are practically rebooting him and the structure I'm quite intrigued.

    Worried: Final Fantasy XV- I'm not super interested to begin with, but there's been a good amount of demos and coverage at this point and most of them have fallen flat.

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    Excited: Zelda Breath of the Wild

    Surprised: God of War, Prey

    Worried: Horizon: Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy XV

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