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    E3 2010

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    The 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) took place at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California on June 15-17.

    Top 5 MIAs From E3

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    Edited By BaneFireLord

    So, E3 is over, pretty much. It was a decent show, in my opinion. Not as mindblowingly awesome as last year, a billion times better than the year before. However, no matter how  enamored or bored you were by E3, there were a number of notable absences from the show. Here are my top five: 
    6.Elder Scrolls V  
    Okay, so I lied. Top 6.  Until I hear an announcement, or even a convincing rumor, I will bitch about this until the cows come home.  Bethesda's making Fallout: New Vegas, Interplay is making the Fallout MMO, they've already practically confirmed Fallout 4...where the hell is the next Elder Scrolls? I'm not one for the post-apocalyptic sterile wastes of Washington D.C. or gun based RPGs...give me a sword and sorcery yarn any day. 
    5. Beyond Good and Evil 2 
    Beyond Good and Evil was a critical darling, but a commercial fail, largely due to some major marketing mistakes. When a  trailer for BGE2 was leaked two years ago, fans had nerdgasms...and then it dropped off the face of the planet. Two years have come and gone and...nothing has shown up. What the hell, Ubisoft? 
    4. Max Payne 3  
    Last we heard from old Max was the delay announcement coupled together with Rockstar's earning reports for May. No demos or anything showed up at E3. Seems a little odd.  
     3.  Legitimate Red Dead DLC (None of this co-op stuff)
    I know, it's way too early for this. However, I was hoping for at least an official platform announcement for  Lost and Drunk: The Wacky Adventures of Irish. 
    2. Bungie's Mystery Activision Project 
    A name? A general concept? A tentative 2013 release date? Something? Oh, wait, Activision didn't really do much at E3, did they, aside from their damn party. FAIL! 
    1. Arkham Asylum 2 
    We've seen the awesome teaser trailer. I was completely convinced we were going to have a full trailer this time. But nope, not a word from Warner Bros. or Rocksteady. Damn. This really made me disappointed.

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    #1  Edited By BaneFireLord

    So, E3 is over, pretty much. It was a decent show, in my opinion. Not as mindblowingly awesome as last year, a billion times better than the year before. However, no matter how  enamored or bored you were by E3, there were a number of notable absences from the show. Here are my top five: 
    6.Elder Scrolls V  
    Okay, so I lied. Top 6.  Until I hear an announcement, or even a convincing rumor, I will bitch about this until the cows come home.  Bethesda's making Fallout: New Vegas, Interplay is making the Fallout MMO, they've already practically confirmed Fallout 4...where the hell is the next Elder Scrolls? I'm not one for the post-apocalyptic sterile wastes of Washington D.C. or gun based RPGs...give me a sword and sorcery yarn any day. 
    5. Beyond Good and Evil 2 
    Beyond Good and Evil was a critical darling, but a commercial fail, largely due to some major marketing mistakes. When a  trailer for BGE2 was leaked two years ago, fans had nerdgasms...and then it dropped off the face of the planet. Two years have come and gone and...nothing has shown up. What the hell, Ubisoft? 
    4. Max Payne 3  
    Last we heard from old Max was the delay announcement coupled together with Rockstar's earning reports for May. No demos or anything showed up at E3. Seems a little odd.  
     3.  Legitimate Red Dead DLC (None of this co-op stuff)
    I know, it's way too early for this. However, I was hoping for at least an official platform announcement for  Lost and Drunk: The Wacky Adventures of Irish. 
    2. Bungie's Mystery Activision Project 
    A name? A general concept? A tentative 2013 release date? Something? Oh, wait, Activision didn't really do much at E3, did they, aside from their damn party. FAIL! 
    1. Arkham Asylum 2 
    We've seen the awesome teaser trailer. I was completely convinced we were going to have a full trailer this time. But nope, not a word from Warner Bros. or Rocksteady. Damn. This really made me disappointed.

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    #2  Edited By The_Laughing_Man

    Thats 6

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    #3  Edited By niamahai
    They will probably be shown at the publishers own event to maximize press coverage.
    'cept for Beyond Good&Evil 2. That is a realllly hard game to make.
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    #4  Edited By Dude_What

    Hey, yeah, Max Payne 3 is a game.  Also, TES 6 might wean me off WoW, so yeah...that would have been nice to see.

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    #5  Edited By Bones8677

    You forgot Last Guardian, and Resistance 3.

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    #6  Edited By BaneFireLord

    Damn, that's right! Completely forgot Last Guardian!

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    #7  Edited By CountRockula

    I didn't really expect to see Last Guardian, as I figure that's gonna be more of a TGS thing, but I was actually kind of shocked that Sony didn't say anything about Resistance 3.  They could have used something like that to make their press conference seem less terrible.

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    #8  Edited By SolemnOaf

    I was really hoping to hear something about the next ES as well.  The non-presence of Bethesda, Bioware, Blizzard, and Valve combined to make this a pretty unexciting E3 for me personally.  I don't think I'll be following E3 anymore, as I was only able to sit through part of 2 conferences this year; Microsoft's (who I believed had it's worst E3 showing in history this year), and Nintendo's (who's obviously better show was equally dismaying but for different reasons). 
    It leads me to suspect that their is truth to the rumors speculating that the reason the next ES, HL3, etc., are absent is because of console hardware limitations which don't appear to be upgrading anytime soon.  Which is really a shame and pretty much cements my opinion that the Wii, while beloved by many, has actually been the worst thing to happen to the videogame industry since E.T. on the Atari 2600.  If it doesn't cater to my interests, it might as well not even exist.
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    #9  Edited By zero_
    1. The Last Guardian
    2. The Last Guardian
    3. The Last Guardian
    4. The Last Guardian
    5. The Last Guardian
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    #10  Edited By HoorayHippo

    OMG i agree with everyone, i could not have been more disappointed about the lack  of last guardian news :(... Concerning Max Payne 3, Rockstar announced beforehand that they would not be attending E3, so it wasn't that much of a disappointment. Hopefully a whole lot more news will be released soon about Max Payne 3 =/

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    #11  Edited By metalmoog

    Yeah Resistance 3 & Demon's Souls 2.  Sorely missed at E3.

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