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    E3 2010

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    The 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) took place at the Los Angeles Convention Center in Los Angeles, California on June 15-17.

    Ryan's E3 2010 Top Five

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    Edited By Ryan  Staff

       Jack Tretton sez: CHOKE ON IT E3! I'M JACK TRETTON!
       Jack Tretton sez: CHOKE ON IT E3! I'M JACK TRETTON!
    Trying to wrap your mind about both the massiveness and the density of everything on display at E3 while you're actually at E3 is the kind of thinking that will drive you mad; like, crazy bug-eyed, Cthulhu mad. Better, then, to give yourself a little time to process what you saw and try to parse out the actual games from the whole spectacle. So, now that a good two weeks have passed, what are the games I saw at E3 that have stuck with me? Why, thank you for asking, rhetorical person!

    Kirby's Epic Yarn

     After the uncomfortable and underwhelming Zelda demo, and the Wii Party and Mario Sports Mix announcements that seemed designed to underline Nintendo's laziest tendencies, I was checking my phone and completely ready to bail early on Nintendo's press conference to beat traffic. But it bounced back big from a weak opening by announcing just a whole slew of new, interesting-looking games. Among them was Kirby's Epic Yarn, which piqued my interest the most with its homespun art style. Playing a few levels of Kirby on the show floor supported my suspicions: this isn't going to be a challenging or high-impact experience, but the very fabric of this subtly inventive platformer will charm your pants off.

    Face Ace

     Face Ace is basically This: The Game.      
    Face Ace is basically This: The Game.      
    Face Ace is less a game and more a proof-of-concept for all the fancy new gear Nintendo is packing into the 3DS. More-so than any of the other 3DS demos I saw, Face Ace was the one that needed to be seen to be fully understood, so bear with me here. Face Ace starts by taking a picture of your face, which it then maps onto a winged-helmet-wearing head. Face Ace knows, roughly, where your eyes and your mouth are, and can twist your puppet-face into some crude, yet still profoundly disturbing animations. These faces, your faces, then start flying at you in 3D. Oh, and Face Ace remembers some of the previous faces it saw, so I had the pleasure of Brad's face coming at me and trying to kiss me. It was… uncomfortable.

    So these faces are flying at you in the foreground, and the background is being generated by the two 3D cameras on the front of the 3DS, so you're seeing whatever is right in front of you, on the top screen, in 3D. I had the pleasure of watching these marauding little me-demons shoot out of the nearby crotch of Gunnar Johansson from Fatshark. Again, uncomfortable. Making the whole augmented reality angle that much more weirdly immersive is the fact that you're using the motion sensors to actually move the 3DS around in order to target incoming faces.

    If that all doesn't sound totally insane and at least a little bit clever in its use of the 3DS technology, then I have done a very poor job describing the actual experience to you, and for that I apologize. I don't know if this could ever survive as a standalone game, but it gave me a weird-ass sense of hope for the future of Nintendo's new handheld.

    Dance Central

     Centralized dancing is my favorite kind!
     Centralized dancing is my favorite kind!
    Harmonix'sKinect-powered dancing game was the first piece of Kinect software I experienced first-hand at E3 2010, though it remained the most impressive for the duration of the show. Part of this speaks to relatively weak competition--most of the other Kinect games I saw either felt like tech demos, or did an abnormally apt job highlighting Kinect's shortcomings. 

    The interface and presentation are what make Dance Central work. Smartly, it doesn't rely on your movement data to generate your on-screen avatar's animation. This avoids the whole marionette issue that plagues many of the Kinect games I saw, and makes it easy for the game to both show you how to do the dance move correctly and highlight the parts of your body that aren't in the correct position. I also found the cue cards that show you the name and the starting position for the next dance move helpful when transitioning, but it's all these factors, plus a very, very generous learning curve, that softens the inherently intimidating premise of getting up in front of your TV and trying to dance "correctly."

    I was a nervous wreck walking up to Dance Central for the first time, but I wasn't even through my first routine to Lady Gaga's "Pokerface," on easy, before I started feeling all cocky. Playing Dance Central at E3 was the first time since, let's say Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix, that I really enjoyed a dancing game. Even two weeks later, this is the game from E3 that I most wish I was playing right now.

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

    This so reminds me of growing up with MY brother!
    This so reminds me of growing up with MY brother!
    This left a lasting impression in part because I really thoroughly enjoyed Assassin's Creed II, but nothing about that experience suggested that it would be much fun in a multiplayer setting. Assassin's Creed is all about the cat-and-mouse dynamic, so where would the fun be in just adding more cats? I hadn't considered that the cats could also be mice, which seems to be the simple twist the concept needed to work. If you thought it was satisfying to calmly walk up to some nasty TemplarNPC and slip a hidden blade between his ribs, well, that's really kind of creepy, isn't it? Moral judgment notwithstanding, it's even better when it's a live target.

    Super Scribblenauts  

    Scribblenauts was a game I adored in concept, but could barely be bothered to play once it actually came out. This was due in part to a few design and control missteps, both of which appeared to be high on the to-do list of developer 5th Cell for its sequel, Super Scribbelnauts. Apparently also on that list was the decision to add adjectives to the game's dictionary, which exponentially increases the number of objects that you can conjure up to help solve the game's puzzles. Super Scribblenauts is a simply awful game to try and play in the middle of all the sound and fury of the E3 show floor, though I got just enough of a taste of its silly, puzzle offerings to know that I want more.

    Looking back on my list here, I'm personally kind of surprised at the complete absence of more traditional, core games. It's not that those games weren't being well represented, I guess it's just that they were known quantities. In a weird way, this was a hardware year for E3, just not in the same generational way it's been in years past, and the most exciting games for me were the ones that really showed off the potential of that new hardware.
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    #1  Edited By Ryan  Staff

       Jack Tretton sez: CHOKE ON IT E3! I'M JACK TRETTON!
       Jack Tretton sez: CHOKE ON IT E3! I'M JACK TRETTON!
    Trying to wrap your mind about both the massiveness and the density of everything on display at E3 while you're actually at E3 is the kind of thinking that will drive you mad; like, crazy bug-eyed, Cthulhu mad. Better, then, to give yourself a little time to process what you saw and try to parse out the actual games from the whole spectacle. So, now that a good two weeks have passed, what are the games I saw at E3 that have stuck with me? Why, thank you for asking, rhetorical person!

    Kirby's Epic Yarn

     After the uncomfortable and underwhelming Zelda demo, and the Wii Party and Mario Sports Mix announcements that seemed designed to underline Nintendo's laziest tendencies, I was checking my phone and completely ready to bail early on Nintendo's press conference to beat traffic. But it bounced back big from a weak opening by announcing just a whole slew of new, interesting-looking games. Among them was Kirby's Epic Yarn, which piqued my interest the most with its homespun art style. Playing a few levels of Kirby on the show floor supported my suspicions: this isn't going to be a challenging or high-impact experience, but the very fabric of this subtly inventive platformer will charm your pants off.

    Face Ace

     Face Ace is basically This: The Game.      
    Face Ace is basically This: The Game.      
    Face Ace is less a game and more a proof-of-concept for all the fancy new gear Nintendo is packing into the 3DS. More-so than any of the other 3DS demos I saw, Face Ace was the one that needed to be seen to be fully understood, so bear with me here. Face Ace starts by taking a picture of your face, which it then maps onto a winged-helmet-wearing head. Face Ace knows, roughly, where your eyes and your mouth are, and can twist your puppet-face into some crude, yet still profoundly disturbing animations. These faces, your faces, then start flying at you in 3D. Oh, and Face Ace remembers some of the previous faces it saw, so I had the pleasure of Brad's face coming at me and trying to kiss me. It was… uncomfortable.

    So these faces are flying at you in the foreground, and the background is being generated by the two 3D cameras on the front of the 3DS, so you're seeing whatever is right in front of you, on the top screen, in 3D. I had the pleasure of watching these marauding little me-demons shoot out of the nearby crotch of Gunnar Johansson from Fatshark. Again, uncomfortable. Making the whole augmented reality angle that much more weirdly immersive is the fact that you're using the motion sensors to actually move the 3DS around in order to target incoming faces.

    If that all doesn't sound totally insane and at least a little bit clever in its use of the 3DS technology, then I have done a very poor job describing the actual experience to you, and for that I apologize. I don't know if this could ever survive as a standalone game, but it gave me a weird-ass sense of hope for the future of Nintendo's new handheld.

    Dance Central

     Centralized dancing is my favorite kind!
     Centralized dancing is my favorite kind!
    Harmonix'sKinect-powered dancing game was the first piece of Kinect software I experienced first-hand at E3 2010, though it remained the most impressive for the duration of the show. Part of this speaks to relatively weak competition--most of the other Kinect games I saw either felt like tech demos, or did an abnormally apt job highlighting Kinect's shortcomings. 

    The interface and presentation are what make Dance Central work. Smartly, it doesn't rely on your movement data to generate your on-screen avatar's animation. This avoids the whole marionette issue that plagues many of the Kinect games I saw, and makes it easy for the game to both show you how to do the dance move correctly and highlight the parts of your body that aren't in the correct position. I also found the cue cards that show you the name and the starting position for the next dance move helpful when transitioning, but it's all these factors, plus a very, very generous learning curve, that softens the inherently intimidating premise of getting up in front of your TV and trying to dance "correctly."

    I was a nervous wreck walking up to Dance Central for the first time, but I wasn't even through my first routine to Lady Gaga's "Pokerface," on easy, before I started feeling all cocky. Playing Dance Central at E3 was the first time since, let's say Dance Dance Revolution 2nd Mix, that I really enjoyed a dancing game. Even two weeks later, this is the game from E3 that I most wish I was playing right now.

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

    This so reminds me of growing up with MY brother!
    This so reminds me of growing up with MY brother!
    This left a lasting impression in part because I really thoroughly enjoyed Assassin's Creed II, but nothing about that experience suggested that it would be much fun in a multiplayer setting. Assassin's Creed is all about the cat-and-mouse dynamic, so where would the fun be in just adding more cats? I hadn't considered that the cats could also be mice, which seems to be the simple twist the concept needed to work. If you thought it was satisfying to calmly walk up to some nasty TemplarNPC and slip a hidden blade between his ribs, well, that's really kind of creepy, isn't it? Moral judgment notwithstanding, it's even better when it's a live target.

    Super Scribblenauts  

    Scribblenauts was a game I adored in concept, but could barely be bothered to play once it actually came out. This was due in part to a few design and control missteps, both of which appeared to be high on the to-do list of developer 5th Cell for its sequel, Super Scribbelnauts. Apparently also on that list was the decision to add adjectives to the game's dictionary, which exponentially increases the number of objects that you can conjure up to help solve the game's puzzles. Super Scribblenauts is a simply awful game to try and play in the middle of all the sound and fury of the E3 show floor, though I got just enough of a taste of its silly, puzzle offerings to know that I want more.

    Looking back on my list here, I'm personally kind of surprised at the complete absence of more traditional, core games. It's not that those games weren't being well represented, I guess it's just that they were known quantities. In a weird way, this was a hardware year for E3, just not in the same generational way it's been in years past, and the most exciting games for me were the ones that really showed off the potential of that new hardware.
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    #2  Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

    Nice!  I liked what I heard of Face Ace, and am hoping to see it in action at some point.
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    #3  Edited By Rhaknar

    Dance Centrail is getting a lot of love all over the gaming press, it might be a "system seller" for Kinect

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    #4  Edited By AhmadMetallic


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    #5  Edited By ImperiousRix

    Good picks all.  Personally I'm really really looking forward to Kirby: Epic Yarn.

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    #6  Edited By TheSmie

    agreed, completely

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    #7  Edited By blaze503

    when did brad get a mustache?

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    #8  Edited By mrariscottle

    Brad with a moustache. Perfect!

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    #9  Edited By luce
    Super Scribblenauts is a simply awful game - Ryan Davis
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    #10  Edited By misterpope

    Face Ace. Best name ever.

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    #11  Edited By microshock

    What the hell is the big deal for Dance Central? It's basically a music video where you follow along. 
     I'm sure theres plenty of 10 dollar DVD's that do it instead of 150 dollars for Kinect and then 60 for Dance Central

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    #12  Edited By cap123

    So I guess all those Brad Nicholson haters who hate news that isn't news are really going to get at ryan here?
    Nice list Ryan, a more in-depth look at what seemed to be your picks of the show. Although i don't know why you think Epic Yarn will lack challenge, it can still be cute and hard!

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    #13  Edited By Ryan  Staff
    @Microshock said:
    " What the hell is the big deal for Dance Central? It's basically a music video where you follow along.   I'm sure theres plenty of 10 dollar DVD's that do it instead of 150 dollars for Kinect and then 60 for Dance Central "
    Maybe, but it was still super-fun.
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    #14  Edited By demontium
    I gotta say you were the man at E3. 
    Those videos were all awesome and the whole cast was great, but in every video there was always some hilarious gesture to be laughed at or a serious comment to be thought about- most of them by you. 
    You deserve some special award and giantbomb definately defeated the electronic three.
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    #15  Edited By microshock
    @Ryan said:
    " @Microshock said:
    " What the hell is the big deal for Dance Central? It's basically a music video where you follow along.   I'm sure theres plenty of 10 dollar DVD's that do it instead of 150 dollars for Kinect and then 60 for Dance Central "
    Maybe, but it was still super-fun. "
    Do you think it's going to have the staying power that games like Rock Band do? Cause I don't think it'll be played after a week or two. 
    And they're wanting to charge upwards of 3 dollars per DLC song for the game.. 
    I don't know. Doesn't sound like a killer app to me, but you never claimed it either, which is good
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    #16  Edited By august

    Wait... Ryan, did you actually see any gameplay that suggested that Brotherhood would have stealth kills in a multiplayer environment and also be awesome? I thought it was all single being showed or something.

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    #17  Edited By Jimbo

    It's almost like the hunter has become the hunted!  The assassin has become the assassinee!

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    #18  Edited By Ryan  Staff
    @august said:
    " Wait... Ryan, did you actually see any gameplay that suggested that Brotherhood would have stealth kills in a multiplayer environment and also be awesome? I thought it was all single being showed or something. "
    I played multiplayer. It was awesome. Looking forward to playing more.
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    #19  Edited By Mijati
    @cap123:  There's a huge difference between posting badly written news that I could find on any other gaming site and someone posting their top 5 games at E3.
    What I like most about this site is the laid back style of it, I want people's opinions on things etc. That's what made this site good, a few people who enjoy games writing about things they care about, not posting news which is on hundreds of other sites.
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    #20  Edited By august
    @Ryan said:
    " @august said:
    " Wait... Ryan, did you actually see any gameplay that suggested that Brotherhood would have stealth kills in a multiplayer environment and also be awesome? I thought it was all single being showed or something. "
    I played multiplayer. It was awesome. Looking forward to playing more. "
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    #21  Edited By bjorno

    brad stache is amaZing

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    #22  Edited By thisironlung

    Ryan nobody fat dances like you fat-dance.

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    #23  Edited By Willy105

    All this talk about Face Ace make me wonder what exactly was the thing.

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    #24  Edited By Jimbo
    @august said:
    " @Ryan said:
    " @august said:
    " Wait... Ryan, did you actually see any gameplay that suggested that Brotherhood would have stealth kills in a multiplayer environment and also be awesome? I thought it was all single being showed or something. "
    I played multiplayer. It was awesome. Looking forward to playing more. "
    Sweet. "
    Video here, duder.
    Hey Ryan, do you know if you can get into duels with other players in AC multiplayer?  I haven't heard it mentioned one way or the other.
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    #25  Edited By august
    @Willy105 said:
    " All this talk about Face Ace make me wonder what exactly was the thing. "
    It's like Ace of Bass except with your face.
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    #26  Edited By Damian
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    #27  Edited By ToadRunner
    @luce said:
    " Super Scribblenauts is a simply awful game - Ryan Davis "
    put that on the back of the box!
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    #28  Edited By Video_Game_King
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    #29  Edited By dougmansion

    Glad to hear the good news about Super Scribblenauts; it still frustrates me that its predecessor was largely ruined by its controls. 
    Kirby's Epic Yarn looks great. I'm glad they brought multiplayer back into it. I wonder what player 2's abilities will be, though. Will he have Kirby's copy ability, or just a base set of moves? Will they be able to play off each other's powers for greater effect, besides the Kirbot shown in the video? Kirby's generally been a  (great) single player experience, but it'd be cool to see multiplayer fleshed out a bit more.  

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    #30  Edited By ShaunassNZ
    @blaze503 said:
    " when did brad get a mustache? "
    Yea, also it doesn't suit him sadly.
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    #31  Edited By august

    So basically Brotherhood is kinda like The Ship. Except more badass. And you don't have to poop.

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    #32  Edited By BrandNameC

    So I'm reading this entertaining piece by the wonderful Ryan Davis when all of the sudden... is that what I think it is... do I see a... 

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    #33  Edited By b33
    @luce said:
    " Super Scribblenauts is a simply awful game - Ryan Davis "
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    #34  Edited By sirpenguin

    Good list, though Brotherhood still needs to earn my money. 
    Also, very much agreed in regards to Super Scribblenauts. I wanted to love that game so badly, but it fell right on its face. Improved controls, physics, level design, less annoying camera, and more interactions all seem to be perfectly scratching that itch

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    #35  Edited By godzilla_sushi

    I'll give ya Kirby, but I'll raise you more then what game play they did show. ;)

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    #36  Edited By EgoCheck616

    Surprise! No Sony mentions. /sigh

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    #37  Edited By august
    @EgoCheck616 said:
    " Surprise! No Sony mentions. /sigh "
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    #38  Edited By Death_Burnout
    @blaze503 said:
    " when did brad get a mustache? "
    Quite a long while ago! all via twitter
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    #39  Edited By mazik765
    @Microshock said:
    " What the hell is the big deal for Dance Central? It's basically a music video where you follow along.   I'm sure theres plenty of 10 dollar DVD's that do it instead of 150 dollars for Kinect and then 60 for Dance Central "
    And I've had an air guitar since the day I was 4 that cost me why would I bother buying Rock Band? I don't see your point.
    Harmonix makes great music games and there is no reason to think that this will be any different. Looks like Dance Central might actually overshadow Rock Band 3 this year.
    Dance Central will probably be a system seller for me on Kinect since I made the mistake of showing it to my girlfriend and now she insists we get it, haha.
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    #40  Edited By alwaysbeclothing

    Does Dance Central justify the purchase of the Kinect when it may possibly be the only worthwhile game at the device launch?  If so, I may have to pony up the dough, in addition to the Rock Band 3 monies.  CURSE YOU HARMONIX!

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    #41  Edited By TadThuggish

    I completely understand that Dance Central is surprisingly good, but I do not understand how it can be someone's top 5 games.  Or top 10.  Everything about Kinect just screams the second Eyetoy, and even if DC is fun, how long will that fun last?  I'm not shitting all over the product because enough people have said good things for me to believe it, but at the same time passing up The Legend of Zelda, or Gears of War, or Halo, or Final Fantasy, or any actual product you will play for extended periods of time and will look back on and fondly remember the experience in favor of flailing in front of the TV for five minutes seems incredibly short-sighted.
    Wii Sports is the same way.  That game is great fun, but you play it for (maybe) a month, go "Well that was neat!", put it on your shelf, and go back to experiencing something meaningful.

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    #42  Edited By MeatSim

    E3 feels so long ago for some reason.

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    #43  Edited By RobotHamster

    Dance central... really Ryan?  Shame on you, shame shame shame.

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    #44  Edited By jacksukeru

    I went back and played some of the original Scribblenauts and realized that Super Scribblenauts will suck unless there's some way to give orders to make NPC's do stuff, like "attack this" or "go here" or "interact with that object". 
    All it would take to fix this, would be to add an extra option when clicking on a NPC, as well as create a system that decides which kinds of NPC's would let themselves be ordered around.
    It actually really bums me out that the sequel probably won't have any of that.

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    #45  Edited By Cold_Wolven

    When Ryan says that Dance Central was the best Kinect game thus far then I know that Kinect isn't the hardware for me. As for Brad, don't ever grow a moustache as it looks too 70's cop drama like. Scorcery would have to be my choice of a game that makes good use of new hardware, that presentation was fun to watch and really shows the cool ways in which the Move can be used.
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    #46  Edited By TomA

    Isn't this like two weeks late?

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    #47  Edited By remaininlight

    over under on jeffs top 5 being MK, MK, MK, MK, MK?

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    #48  Edited By I_smell

    The only thing I took away from this entire article was Brad's moustache.

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    #49  Edited By I_smell

    It makes him look like that gay cop in Reno 911

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    #50  Edited By ptys

    I'm surprised how many people are welcoming the next Assassin's Creed with open arms! It seems too soon for the next release of a game which was very well received, so shouldn't they have alot of work ahead of them if they want to improve again on the last installment? Well that to me is what a sequel should be as each year so many new mechanics are added, if you don't try to adopt these improvements to your game, it can become dated and then people get sick of the franchise.

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