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    Crysis 2

    Game » consists of 37 releases. Released Mar 22, 2011

    Set three years after the original Crysis, an ambushed Marine named Alcatraz dons the famous Nanosuit and fights his way through an obliterated New York City to stop the alien invasion.

    Playing Crysis 2 campaign for the first time...

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    #1  Edited By bibamatt

    So I've put in a few hours playing Crysis 2 for the first time.  I jumped straight in on Veteran difficulty (third difficulty setting out of four) as I love me a nice, hard, shooter.  I played Reach through on Hard first time and really enjoy the challenge of Legendary/Extreme difficulties in Halo/CoD games etc. 
    It's really hard.  I'm finding myself dying A LOT and maybe getting a little frustrated as I'm struggling to pick up the flow of the game/the abilities etc as I'm constantly getting shot down and having to re-start checkpoints.  I'm having a blast though!  Just wanted some advice really before I went any further... To those that have finished the game on normal/veteran/etc.  Should I soldier on?  How is the game on normal difficulty?  If it's real easy I'll probably just stick to Veteran mode.  If it's still a challenge and good fun, maybe I'll start again and do Veteran for my second playthrough.  I know you keep your upgrades for the next playthrough, so wondered if Veteran was really aimed at people who've already got their upgrades from the previous time.  
    It's great.  Having fun and loving the challenge, but not entirely feeling like a super soldier.  More like a piece of meat that occasionally gets a few good shots in and progresses. ;) 

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    #2  Edited By Marz

    Stealth, Shoot, Stealth, Shoot,  i thought it was fairly easy on hard.

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    #3  Edited By alistercat

    Normal is kind of easy apart from a couple of certain situations. I had no trouble for most of the game. It can be frustrating when you die a lot as the checkpoints aren't great at times. I would say try and use stealth more, and when you are discovered just flee for cover. Dont risk anything.

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    #4  Edited By The_Laughing_Man
    @AlisterCat said:
    " Normal is kind of easy apart from a couple of certain situations. I had no trouble for most of the game. It can be frustrating when you die a lot as the checkpoints aren't great at times. I would say try and use stealth more, and when you are discovered just flee for cover. Dont risk anything. "
    Funny thing is. On my Super hard playthough. I used armor 60% of the time. 
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    #5  Edited By bibamatt
    @AlisterCat said:
    " Normal is kind of easy apart from a couple of certain situations. "
    That's what I was worried about.  I'll stick with hard then - thanks!  
    I did read that on extreme (or super soldier or whatever it's called) you tend to use armour more than stealth.  I've been stealthing my way through every level so far.  
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    #6  Edited By alistercat
    @The_Laughing_Man: You'd end up using armour that much because you're bound to be discovered in most situations anyway.
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    #7  Edited By FancySoapsMan

    A lot of the fun comes from experimenting with the suit on enemies.
    You probably can't do that as much on higher difficulties though.

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    #8  Edited By Rattle618

    If you are having fun with that difficulty stay with it, you will have to change your tactics a bit compared to the CoD experience, like Marz said, you need to move a lot, stealth, flank, take a few dudes out, flank again, snipe. 
    It's a lot of fun that way.

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    #9  Edited By The_Laughing_Man
    @AlisterCat said:
    " @The_Laughing_Man: You'd end up using armour that much because you're bound to be discovered in most situations anyway. "
    I did not have that issue. I COULD have snuck past them but i was getting bored. 
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    #10  Edited By InternetCrab

    It is really hard.

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    #11  Edited By Raineko

    Normal is not too easy I would say, I found myself dying more often than in other games which I usually all play on normal first. It's just that if you don't use your suit powers it is impossible because at some points you have to fight 10 or more soldiers at once who all shoot at you from many directions.

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    #12  Edited By Contro
    @Marz said:

    " Stealth, Shoot, Stealth, Shoot,  i thought it was fairly easy on hard. "

    Do the above if you want to have a bland single-player experience.  
    Crysis is only bland if the players creativity is bland = the fun comes in utilizing the suits capabilities in imaginative ways. For me, Crysis is all about approaching a battle using stealth, scanning for all available targets so you have them locked on radar, then working out your approach to aims using environmental advantages (seeing what you can use). And then going in all guns blazing, like a souped up version of Rambo. 
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    #13  Edited By bibamatt
    @Marz said:

    " Stealth, Shoot, Stealth, Shoot,  i thought it was fairly easy on hard. "

    Do the above if you want to have a bland single-player experience.  
    Crysis is only bland if the players creativity is bland = the fun comes in utilizing the suits capabilities in imaginative ways. For me, Crysis is all about approaching a battle using stealth, scanning for all available targets so you have them locked on radar, then working out your approach to aims using environmental advantages (seeing what you can use). And then going in all guns blazing, like a souped up version of Rambo. 
    Yeah, this is more like it!
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    #14  Edited By HitmanAgent47
    I have a ton of tactics. I rarely die at veteran mode, I seem to have figured out the game. Crysis games aren't call of duty, you have to actually think and be creative. It's more narrow for the levels, so it's not as creative as crysis or crysis warhead.In no particular order.

    -playing like rambo only works on the normal difficulty setting, where you can survive most firefights without actually using your suit powers that much. You will never survive veteran mode or any engagements with a ton of enemies.

    -always use the heavy machine gun, always use stealth to approach it and take it off the rack, or else you get shot to death. It's powerful, even works against medium size enemies if you keep shooting them in the head with it.

    -the scar, XM8 is a good weapon due to it's acog scope, or assault scope. If you use automatic fire and burst, you find you can't kill any cell troops because the bullets aren't landing on them due to recoil and a few of them will kill you in seconds. Use single shot mode, no recoil, more important shots lands on them and you save bullets. All your bullets will land on target and easily their head, rather then only a few and not even shooting anywhere near their head far away.

    -always cloak, cloak before you even leave cover and go anywhere, if they see you, you get shot to pieces. So really that's not helpful and switching to armor mode there isn't ideal because you can die if there are alot of enemies.

    -always use cover, combined with cloak because when your shot at, you can run back to cover and recharge your energy. You can recloak and move to the next cover, or simply engage your enemy again since he can't see you, or even use armor mode if you want to. You can even escape back to the next
    cover, just as the loading screen told you, to use hit and run when you nearly run out of energy, basically guerilla warfare, you have options.

    -Like I said, always shoot that medium size creature in the head, you can use sniper rifles from a distant or use the machine gun. You can make this fight easier by using a rocket launcher or C4, grenade at first if you want to, not necessary if you want to save ammo.

    -don't use single shot only against the cepth creatures, most ppl don't, but it doesn't work when they are close because you need alot of shots to take them down. A machine gun will kill them with two shots. Use shotguns and even use the sniper rifle without looking down the scope, you can use it as a shot gun. Two shots, equals one kill. The assault rifles aren't that great against these creatures, compared to only using two bullets from other guns.

    -If your getting shot alot, use armor mode, then use it again when you can charge a bit of it while getting shot at. Or you can use cloak again and run to cover or escape. Use this over and over to escape to cover, like I mentioned earlier. Maybe it's smarter to just escape for a while and attack at a later time.

    -if you play stealthy, just grab the ceth creatures by the neck and throw them like sentry removal. You save bullets that way and you will be recloaked after killing them. A stealth kill takes more time and it's not recommended if there are other enemies nearby. You can only use a stealth kill behind them which is another disadvantage.

    -ignore the tactical options, it's more of a console thing. You never see these for earlier crysis games, they want to give you the illusion that you are going at a certain path, but the level isn't big enough unlike the first crysis game to have any sort of alternate paths. You might even go to every single one of those path along the way and one path isn't going to work. Adapt.
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    #15  Edited By Bloodgraiv3

    Stealth is usually the best way through things, if you have that upgrade.


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    #16  Edited By skavanker

    Is it just me I get stuck at every freaking level not in combat but after I have killed everyone...where the hell do I go next. Its a really pretty game but the game design isn't very good.

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    #17  Edited By bibamatt

    Well I seemed to have gotten into the grove of it and am flying through on veteran now.  Glad I stuck with this difficulty!  As soon as you start upgrading your skills it starts to click and get a lot easier, I feel.

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    #18  Edited By Jack268

    I'm playing on post-human warrior. The AI is fucking retarded. You can shoot them without them knowing where you are (they'll just stand in their idle animation and yell) and they'll run in loops at corners because they can't path correctly. They can also see you through walls.

    If you tag all your targets, and sit in cloak behind cover, you can also see them all turning towards your location on the map. They make it really fucking clear that the AI really knows you're there. I get pissed off just thinking about playing this game what the fuck
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    #19  Edited By PrivateIronTFU

    I played it through on Normal, upgraded my stealth, and found that Veteran was extremely easy. Stealth lasts long enough for you to sneak past most enemies. I only had difficulty in one specific part of the campaign.

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    #20  Edited By Vinny_Says

    it's pretty easy even on veteran with the maxed out suit. Otherwise, the enemies can spot you from 2 miles away on easy and ruin the whole thing.

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    #21  Edited By TheFreeMan

    The game was tough for me at first, since I was still in CoD mindset but by the end I had it pretty well figured out. Also, the AI was braindead for at least half the time, making unbelievably dumb decisions and getting stuck in loops so that helped. I only played on normal (soldier?) setting, so I dunno, maybe it gets more challenging and less baffling on higher difficulties.

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    #22  Edited By TheKeyboardDemon

    I had been getting a bit bored with Single player FPS games as I usually find that the games are too linear, each chapter leads on to the next chapter and puzzles (where there are puzzles) can only be solved in the prescribed order, sometimes the most creative options you have are to kill the guy on the left first instead of the one on the right or in the middle etc.. I thought that the single player mode in this game would be the same, and it is, but the Nano suit makes this more fun. I like the Stealth, Hit and Run gameplay style to this game, in some parts I use Stealth and travel around the out of the level picking off enemies 1 or sometimes 2 at a time. At other times I find suitable cover, break cover by killing an enemy or 2 and then let them come to me so I can pick them off as they approach or use strategically placed explosive barrels to kill a few at a time (it's quite satisfying when I can pull something like that off, rare, but worth the effort).

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    #23  Edited By JoyfullOFrockets

    Crysis 2 on the highest difficulty is comparable to something between Regular and Hardened in Call of Duty. Hence, rarely gets frustrating.

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    #24  Edited By VanderSEXXX

    go for Post-Human Warrior mode already. the other difficulties are fairly easy and that last difficulty is as close(if not really close) to the challenge of surviving through an apocalypse. Though in the end it still isn't "that" hard once you get the suit upgrades but the games feels satisfying all throughout.

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    #25  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    I finished the game on veteran mode with the tactics i've listed. But post human warrior is very difficult, getting from one checkpoint to the next. One mistake you have to start all over again.

    So far the game is very difficult and it seems cloaking, decloaking, shooting them in the head, cloaking again behind cover, or just walk past them like a stealth game is the best option. I saw this is the best option because if you cloaked, then shoot, you lose all your suit powers, with the exception that you only shoot like one or two bullets slowy aiming at their head. If you shoot them, decloak, then recloak, you will not lose your energy, also you when you are decloaked, you are in armor mode, then you go back to being cloaked. It's like combining powers and that's the best tactic so far.

     I doubt it's easy to only shoot them in the head with a gamepad, but that's what I find you have to do. Facing multiple opponents from different direction will make you start over again which is fustrating. It's like the nano suit has no advantages anymore. I might have to figure out a new set of refined tactics, but so far it's been really unfair and not fun on this difficulty.

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    #26  Edited By BadOrcLDR

    I'm playing through on Post Human Warrior (and recording it, but I wont link it unless asked) with only a pistol. I'm not trying to gloat or anything, but I found this game to be incredibly easy if you do not come at it as you would a game like Halo. Take a moment to look at the oncoming battle and plan out where you'll run in case you take too much damage and what is the best place to ambush people. 

    You can take out any enemy with either a single head shot or knife stab, making the pistol incredibly powerful. It's a lot hard to jump around like an ass and pump people full of bullets than just plugging them in the head from cover. 

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