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    Batman: Arkham Knight

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Jun 23, 2015

    Developer Rocksteady's return to the Batman series takes place one year after the events of Arkham City. It expands the open world from the previous game and allows players to finally drive the Batmobile throughout Gotham City's streets.

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    @mustainium: the true ending of the game ties up basically everything .

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    @mustainium: the true ending of the game ties up basically everything .

    Not really

    Jason completely vanishes from the game after saving Bruce and there's no resolution to Batman/Timm Robin's relationship. Wayne pulling a TDKR and faking his death didn't really close up those threads. The only plot that's wrapped up in a satisfying manner was the Joker mind-fuckery thing.

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    @alistercat: You pretty much hit it on the head.

    Pay no attention to the blind praise and the eye-roll inducing whining. This is a solid and enjoyable follow up to Rocksteady's previous Batman games.

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    The worst thing for me has been the pacing thus far. When they introduce the batmobile puzzles it's all you're doing for the next 20 minutes. When they introduced the decrypting tool you use it non-stop for the next section of the game. I guess it's good to get training but it feels like you're getting beat over the head with the mechanics.

    Overall I think it's an incredibly well made game. Looks really good and has had some solid story and action thus far. It's just the structure and some questionable design choices that kind of throw you off from time to time.

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    @bradbrains said:

    @mustainium: the true ending of the game ties up basically everything .

    Not really

    Jason completely vanishes from the game after saving Bruce and there's no resolution to Batman/Timm Robin's relationship. Wayne pulling a TDKR and faking his death didn't really close up those threads. The only plot that's wrapped up in a satisfying manner was the Joker mind-fuckery thing.

    I agree about the robin stuff. the stuff with Jason Todd is fine. it showed that there is still some good in them. I mean it would be silly for them to hug it out and it doenst make sense for the Todd character anyway. thats in line with the comics for bruce and jasons realtionshop. I mean the true ending involves them going into the future and seeing how everyone ended up. I say thats about as close to tying things up in a knot as your gonna get.

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    Couple hours in and guys I feel bad for saying it, but whenever I am in batmobile the game is just not fun at all. There's intense story moments and then 5 min. or less just strafing and blowing tanks. I can deal with just driving at high speed while destroying stuff accidentally it could be even fun if not so often. But I like doing batman shit, gliding while admiring the visuals and city scope. I am getting annoyed by this, that is really surprising considering I really liked previous batman games. The pacing feels just off.

    And then there is arkham knight. I was under impression that the villain was a real threat, when he shows up shits going down. Am I wrong? It feels like he is some random military guy, and just talks and talks and talks. And that voice is quite bad imho. Does it get better with him?

    The combat feels awesome tough, many new moves and the punches feels bone crushingly good. And the new batman suit, I think it is the best suit out of all arkham games, the cowl and shoulder armor stuff looks really good, it just feels right.

    So the overall game , does it get better? Please say yes guys. I am just started to see joker hallucinations

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    #107  Edited By OldGuy

    You know what's not fun? "Stealth" in a swarm of bees with reduced visibility and no situational awareness (other than "there's a clump of them over there somewhere") so that you get to play while staring at the bottom right corner of the screen (which doesn't help you navigate the little twisty passages, all alike)...

    If I scored games we'd have dropped from a 4 to a 2 right now.

    And, while I like the driving and don't mind the car puzzles, I still dislike the car combat and have come to despise the car "stealth" with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

    Riffing on A Chorus Line: Non car shit: 10, Car shit: 2.

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    For me the car stuff is not that bad.... I guess I'm just really good at it? I beat the last riddler race in one try and nearly beat the cloud burst tank in one try. Did anyone else get that upgrade where you can shoot off a round somewhere to distract the bigger tanks? That made things really easy for me. I've always wanted a batman game that invoked the feeling of the chase scene from Dark Knight and the apc missions definitely gave me that vibe. I didn't mind the puzzles that much either if you could call them that in this series. They're just different ways of figuring out how to get from point A to point B most of the time and having the batmobile in my opinion really opened this game up more rather than just giving batman new, but basically the same tools.

    Personally I think it's really dumb that you have to go and collect 100 or more trophys all over the map just to finish a side story and always really disliked that about these games... in fact when Riddler went down that hole and was saying how you had to go find out every riddle to fight him. I was 100% with catwoman. Why not just leave him there? fuck that... Plus a lot of the riddles this time really sucked. When I hear the riddle I feel like I already know what it is, but I have to find the stupid image or whatever that's the answer for it in this giant detailed city where everything looks different and unique. I'm just spamming the camera button until I get it.

    The combat is definitely much more involved I feel later on which is good for this series because I felt like in Arkham City they just started throwing more people at you rather than more unique enemies. Getting completely untouched during a fight is exhilarating. The predator parts are really good this time. Though there seems to be less of them which is a bit of a bummer.. since they basically went with the idea that every predator situation should be more fluid and having the AI actually react strategically rather than saying "OHH IM SO SCARED" or "IM GOING TO KILL YOU BATMAN" for the 50th time after finding out someone is down. It's really cool to see them start laying down mines and turrets later on or reacting to the gadgets that you are using. I just wish there were more moments like this.

    The story I felt was pretty good too. I thought they nailed it down well, my only gripe being with Arkham Knight's identity... like really? They bring this new character who obviously was going to be someone that batman knew, but instead of doing something original, rocksteady just did a retelling of the red hood story arc... that was pretty lame. I was kind of hoping for Damian Wayne or Death Stroke even. I guess i should have known it was going to be Jason Todd with the annoying whining antics even when his voice was all filtered.

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    @mustainium said:
    @bradbrains said:

    @mustainium: the true ending of the game ties up basically everything .

    Not really

    Jason completely vanishes from the game after saving Bruce and there's no resolution to Batman/Timm Robin's relationship. Wayne pulling a TDKR and faking his death didn't really close up those threads. The only plot that's wrapped up in a satisfying manner was the Joker mind-fuckery thing.

    I agree about the robin stuff. the stuff with Jason Todd is fine. it showed that there is still some good in them. I mean it would be silly for them to hug it out and it doenst make sense for the Todd character anyway. thats in line with the comics for bruce and jasons realtionshop. I mean the true ending involves them going into the future and seeing how everyone ended up. I say thats about as close to tying things up in a knot as your gonna get.

    Well expecting them to hug it out would have been a bit much, but them just dropping Jason out of the picture after all that marketing build-up was just a complete waste.

    Couple hours in and guys I feel bad for saying it, but whenever I am in batmobile the game is just not fun at all. There's intense story moments and then 5 min. or less just strafing and blowing tanks. I can deal with just driving at high speed while destroying stuff accidentally it could be even fun if not so often. But I like doing batman shit, gliding while admiring the visuals and city scope. I am getting annoyed by this, that is really surprising considering I really liked previous batman games. The pacing feels just off.

    And then there is arkham knight. I was under impression that the villain was a real threat, when he shows up shits going down. Am I wrong? It feels like he is some random military guy, and just talks and talks and talks. And that voice is quite bad imho. Does it get better with him?

    The combat feels awesome tough, many new moves and the punches feels bone crushingly good. And the new batman suit, I think it is the best suit out of all arkham games, the cowl and shoulder armor stuff looks really good, it just feels right.

    So the overall game , does it get better? Please say yes guys. I am just started to see joker hallucinations

    It actually gets a whole lot worse, especially near the end of the game when it turns into Twisted Metal: Bat

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    #110  Edited By LaudaSolem

    I loved Arkham Asylum. That was a ground-breaking title for me (on the 360).

    I'm playing Knight on the PS4, about 11% done. Rain, fog and wave effects are stunning. Draw range and depth of Gotham is four times more than the PS3/360 could handle, and it adds to the sense of immersion, that Gotham doesn't end 100 yds away because the processor can't compute that much data.

    Besides the presentation, I don't know. I like it, but it's not flooring me as I hoped it would. It's pretty much the same game with a cosmetic overhaul. Gadgets and moves are similar. Riddler pops in every so often (as usual) to annoy you. One thing I find kind of lame is the presence of Scarecrow. His voice sounds like a weaker version of Dr. Strange. And the fact that he overwatches Gotham w/ his malicious voice and video appearances is like Dr. Strange did ("Protocol 10 will commence in T-minus thirty minutes.")

    And then there's the Batmobile....I wish they'd left it out. I don't know what it is about Batman but some people (and game designers) have an obsession with driving the Bmobile in video games. I am not one of them. The controls take getting used to. I especially dislike how the brake button is Square instead of L2 and that the car doesn't brake to a standstill but overcompensates and goes backwards. Needless to say, I'm crashing the car all over the place like some drunk. I think the Gotham world is not large enough to hold the Batmobile. Too many tight turns, road signs and garbage on the streets to make driving enjoyable. I understand that the mobile is necessary for Batman to traverse long distances, but they could've handled that w/a fast-travel option. What I've read so far is the Bmobile is used heavily throughout the game. Ugh. I would've preferred they have the mobile as a limited use thing for maybe a couple sections of the game but apparently that's not happening.

    In sum I just touched the surface of Knight. I'm sure the game will be fun and interesting to play but not the grand slam I wanted it to be.

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    @laudasolem: You can toggle the batmobile controls. It changes Battle mode to toggle and puts the brakes on L2.

    I liked it. 'Twas a good Video Game.

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    I loved Arkham Asylum. That was a ground-breaking title for me (on the 360).

    I'm playing Knight on the PS4, about 11% done. Rain, fog and wave effects are stunning. Draw range and depth of Gotham is four times more than the PS3/360 could handle, and it adds to the sense of immersion, that Gotham doesn't end 100 yds away because the processor can't compute that much data.

    I'm sure that you're right about that, but for me I can't shake the feeling that this doesn't look like a drastically better game that a generational leap in hardware should theoretically provide. It still looks totally fine, but the facial animations and the stiffness of the characters hasn't gotten any better. Maybe when I get deeper into the game and there's all kinds of crazy destruction caused by the batmobile happening with no slowdown I'll be more impressed, but right now I feel like I'm playing the exact same game. Well not exact...actually kind of a worse game.

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    I have to ask since I've been trying to play this game for over three days now, but does anyone else think that 'press x to incinerate' is a dumb way to open a game? It's so weird, I've never ever had this with a videogame but I just cant seem to get past 'press x to incinerate'. I've tried three times but everytime I see that prompt on screen I just quit out of the game.

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    @revan_nl: The first half of the game was pretty good. The second half, however, is where things really go downhill, and it's not just because of the Shatmobile. Arkham Knight turns out being a whiny little bitch like Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episode III. The boss fights aren't really fights at all. They're just Twisted Metal matches with your Shatmobile tank and the final "fight" against Arkham Knight is a glorified predator challenge.

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    @revan_nl said:

    I have to ask since I've been trying to play this game for over three days now, but does anyone else think that 'press x to incinerate' is a dumb way to open a game? It's so weird, I've never ever had this with a videogame but I just cant seem to get past 'press x to incinerate'. I've tried three times but everytime I see that prompt on screen I just quit out of the game.

    I didn't get a prompt (PC) and waited there for a minute for him to wake up or something.

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    Same ol' Batman game with new paint and more vehicle sections. I didn't mind the vehicle sections as much as some people, but it didn't make for super compelling gameplay either. Passable, but can be fun.

    Oh, story is totally predictable if you have intermediate knowledge about Batman.

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    So ... I'm saying it ... the people that complain about the Batmobile being the worst thing since Hitler are crazy. It's fine. The hate for it is blown way out of proportion. You still can get around by gliding for 80% of the game if you choose to, there just is some mandatory car-sections where you blow up some tanks. Geeze.

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    @revan_nl said:

    I have to ask since I've been trying to play this game for over three days now, but does anyone else think that 'press x to incinerate' is a dumb way to open a game? It's so weird, I've never ever had this with a videogame but I just cant seem to get past 'press x to incinerate'. I've tried three times but everytime I see that prompt on screen I just quit out of the game.

    I always wonder about stuff like this. Like - are you serious? Did you actually not just press a button and get on with the game? You honestly quit out several times and did something else because of a prompt?

    When I played there was no prompt so I was actually kind of confused and sat there looking at the joker for a good minute before I started fiddling around with the pad. The flames started spurting it when I rotated my thumbsticks so go figure. In a way I would have appreciated a prompt.

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    So ... I'm saying it ... the people that complain about the Batmobile being the worst thing since Hitler are crazy. It's fine. The hate for it is blown way out of proportion. You still can get around by gliding for 80% of the game if you choose to, there just is some mandatory car-sections where you blow up some tanks. Geeze.

    I love the batmobile! Without it, it would be just another Arkham City with better graphics. Every time I had an indoor section I couldn't wait to get back out there and jump into the car again!

    Once I got my ass kicked by a large group of thugs and I grappled out of there, sitting on top of a building. They laughed and yelled at me that I was a coward, so I remotely called the batmobile and got my revenge. : )

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    @humanity: I am serious. For some reason I just didn't feel like playing this game the moment I saw that prompt. It really breaks immersion because the song in the background keeps playing while the game waits until you press x, at first I thought the game crashed or something like that. I usually don't mind QTE's, I thought the 'press square/x to pay respects' was dumb in Advanced Warfare but it didn't kept me from playing the game. I didn't even mind 'press x to Jason' in Heavy Rain. Believe me I'm still confused as to why it bothers me so much here.

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    I finished the game at the weekend and i thoroughly enjoyed it. The batmobile sequences were ok but for there were a fair number of them. If you still enjoy the combat and want a good story you should play this game.

    The way they added the side quests was pretty interesting and got better when the main story finishes (additional dialogue). For me this was the second best Batman game with Arkham Asylum being the first.

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    Not quite finished with it. No idea how far I am through the main story. Barbara Gordon has just "committed suicide" (in quotes, because the narrative at this point has assumed Scarecrow's identity to the point that, while it's entirely likely she's as dead as dead can be, there's also a serious chance it's a bait-and-switch).

    I loved Arkham Asylum. And Arkham City. And I really wanted to love Origins, despite its problems. Knight is basically tailor-made for someone like me, who is looking very specifically for a bigger, louder, more dangerous, more high-stakes Arkham experience. The combat is still of an extremely high quality. Piloting the Batmobile like a torpedo through the streets of Gotham is a childhood dream made real. And I find myself consistently entertained by the direction the narrative has gone, even if some of it is dumb-as-a-board obvious. (There's no way the Knight isn't Jason Todd, what with all of the allusions and thematic nods to "Batman can't protect the family.")

    I get the complaints. For people looking for the tightest video game experience possible this probably isn't the be-all, end-all. Not everyone is going to engage with all of the mechanics, not everyone will bite on the game's reliance on Batman mythology.

    But no other game has ever made me feel like the Batman like this. It's a riot. And I'm loving every second.

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    I have it on PS4, so I can confidently say, without any of the problems PC players might be currently facing, this is my favorite Arkham game and tied so far for GOTY with The Witcher 3, in my opinion. If you like any of the past ones, or action/open-world in general, please try it. Also, I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually like the Batmobile. Zooming through the city and jumping off seamlessly into glide mode never gets old.

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    @trigno said:

    I have it on PS4, so I can confidently say, without any of the problems PC players might be currently facing, this is my favorite Arkham game and tied so far for GOTY with The Witcher 3, in my opinion. If you like any of the past ones, or action/open-world in general, please try it. Also, I feel like I'm one of the few people who actually like the Batmobile. Zooming through the city and jumping off seamlessly into glide mode never gets old.

    all of this except replace witcher with bloodborne for me

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    #125  Edited By handlas

    Super fun... the riddler trophies seem almost impossible. I'm not sure why I shall torture myself to get them all. I'll probably just look up a guide and get em.

    Holding off on finishing the game until I do it. But, if I did, can you continue to play the same game (without going into NG+) to finish getting the trophies? I'm at 90% completion so I'm guessing I'm right at the end.

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    #126  Edited By MormonWarrior

    I think it's great. Don't get it on PC. It is playable for me, but certain textures on doors, walls and characters often just don't ever load and it looks weird, plus it stutters from time to time. I got through it just fine (crashed maybe three times throughout) but I hear the PS4 and Xbox One versions run perfectly.

    I'd put it as second best in the series. Satisfying ending (though oddly enough, not a terribly satisfying "true" ending after 100%) and good action throughout.

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    Had a blast with it. I still think Asylum is my favorite, just because it was more condensed and didn't have so much open world traveling.

    That being said, I just finished up all of Arkham Knight, (minus collecting all of the Riddler trophies - because screw that) and had a great time with it the entire way through.

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    I'm not that far into the game (14%) but so far I find the Batmobile sections to be terrible, so forcefully implemented. Also I have to agree with Jeff, those Joker hallucinations are terrible. Everytime he starts one of those monologues I want to punch him to death, but sadly I can't. So now every time he appears I just mute the TV for a while.

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    #129  Edited By mrcraggle

    I've still yet to pick up the game (PC user), but how much stealth is actually in this game? I played 1 and 2 and love how you'd go into a room and it was essentially a puzzle and you had to use stealth otherwise you'd be picked off by enemies with guns. I felt like there was a good mix between this and combat sections. So far all I've seen is a lot of combat sections and the Batmobile stuff with very little stealth gameplay. I just haven't really seen this covered in reviews which is strange to me because it's what made the first game so unique and interesting in a lot of ways apart from the combat.

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    @mrcraggle: There are still plenty of stealth sections. I think it's really the best done part of the game too, as the new enemy types and moves really spice those things up nicely.

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    @mrcraggle: The main game is an even three-way split of Batmobile / Predator / Combat. The predator portions in my opinion are both better and worse. It's better that they're not as trivial as guards are a little more intelligent about reaction to what you're doing. They're worse in that there are so many new types of bad guys, some of which can't be taken down through pure stealth, and so many gadgets for the enemies to employ against you that your approach can often seem extremely limited. This complaint extends towards brawling as well. There is an overwhelming amount of variables constantly hurled at you and in my opinion it's taken that single step too far where the challenge can often cross over into frustration.

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