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    Assassin's Creed III

    Game » consists of 24 releases. Released Oct 30, 2012

    The fifth console entry in the Assassin's Creed franchise. It introduces the half-Native American, half-English Assassin Connor and is set in North America in the late eighteenth century amid the American Revolutionary War.

    Assassin Creed III Ending.... Spoilers.... Share your opinions...

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    #1  Edited By joeybagad0nutz

    Ummmm.... WHAT? Really? This game really lost me. That ending in my opinion was just bad. The whole Desmond just dying to save the world and the shit with Juno?? I feel like this is the worst game (Story-Wise) in the series. (Well, AC1 might have it beat there but still). Connor was just a bad protagonist. He didn't have much emotion except for Revenge and being Noble. I couldn't relate to him at all. Ezio (IMO) was just a well-rounded character and to go from a character I deeply enjoyed to this character where I couldn't care about really ruined my mood for this game. Not to mention the game had so many missed story opportunities. Why didn't we hang around famous characters more like George Washington? I wanted to see more of him but didn't. And don't get me started on the whole Haythem/Conner relationship. At first it started off good. I was looking forward to it. Connor appeared to start caring for his father and Haythem to Connor. And then because of one argument with Haythem and Washington, Connor was done with both them! Come on..... That scene was good at first but Connor reaction to it just killed it for me. The death Kanthoko (I can't spell his name, sorry) was so anti-climatic. That's another thing, deaths in this game I thought I would care about, would just become this whole anti-climatic scenario. I didn't feel any sadness come from Connor. And when Connor killed Haythem (Haythem reaction to dying was pretty cool) but I wanted them to build that relationship up so it would be heartbreaking to kill a character in this game, that I thought was a complete badass.

    The only good death in that game I can think of right now was Lee and that's not saying much. It was good, don't get me wrong, but it was just another moment in this game that I felt missed out on some opportunity to make it better. The setting, combat, and enviroment all felt superb. But, I really wish they had done the story a lot better. This is not the Assassin's Creed game, I grew to love thanks to the amazing story in 2. I have to say this again, this game just felt like, one missed opportunity after another.... With this and Mass Effect 3, this year is just killing my feelings for both these series that I cared and invested time into the story. If you look back at the main end game spoiler thread with Ass Creed 2, you'll see I was so passionate for that game. This one just let me down, in ways I'm still having trouble believing just happened. I'm sorry if this sound whiny, but I really wanted to say this. And I'm if I misspelled anything or my grammer is bad, it's late at night and I'm only typing with one arm (I broke my left).

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    #2  Edited By dietmango

    Yeah, that ending was terrible. I would've preferred the ending where

    Desmond actually lets the world burn and he becomes this Jesus figure in whatever the new world turns out to be. But I guess if your franchise is this popular, obviously you're not gonna just end it with ACIII. There'll probably be a new protagonist and that'll play into the "let's stop Juno from enslaving mankind yet again" type of overarching story.

    And I agree; quite a few missed opportunities in the narrative. The father/son thing wasn't well done, and George Washington? Yeah, he's like there for a couple missions. Ubisoft kept advertising that his and Connor's relationship was that of a close friendship. I saw nothing that resembled that. Misleading and incredibly disappointing. They really had a great start, but fell apart in the end. And gameplay and technical stuff is inconsistent. The combat is fun, the naval battles, but some minor things like the lockpicking and some of the parkour traversal stuff are occasionally annoying to deal with (but to be fair, that's pretty much been a problem for all AC games).

    IMO, ACII is still the best in the series, with Brotherhood being the second one and Ezio the best Master Assassin. Connor could've been a more fleshed out character, but eh. Not impressed. They could've really expanded on character development, but idk.

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    #3  Edited By joeybagad0nutz

    Oh yea, forgot to mention, this game retcon Brotherhood so hard. Who is "she"? Who was the one who was supposed to walk into the room with Desmond? Juno said in brotherhood only she will walk in the room with him. Her Eve to his Adam (That's how I saw it). But, guess what happens? Miles, Shaun, and Rebecca walked through the gate with desmond and there is no new character. God dammit. Here is the vid:

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    #4  Edited By dietmango

    Yeah I remember that part. It's like they introduced these new story bits to the series and decided to discard them shortly after. It's a goddamn mess.

    I came in ACIII looking for closure...a lot of it (no thanks to Revelations). Like you said, a lot of the story felt anti-climactic and that really bugs me. I was hoping they would close the Desmond chapter on a way better note, but, we're stuck with this. It feels like everything that's happened all the way back to the first game was irrelevant.

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    #5  Edited By joeybagad0nutz

    @asian_pride: Hey say what you want about revelations, I know i've said it was the worst game in the series, but granted it was still a good game IMO. And the reason why was because the story did give me closure on Ezio (My favorite character of the series) and Altair. This game? No Closure. None. Like you said, it was a cheap goddamn ending. And the Desmond stuff? I wasn't expecting much from the desmond stuff in the game because it was always bad, but the ending is usually where the Desmond stuff shines. This ending though? OH MY GOD! It was such a cop-out.

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    #6  Edited By napalm

    So I should just buy Assassin's Creed II, then?

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    #7  Edited By dietmango

    @Joeybagad0nutz: Revelations was a good game, make no mistake. Just overall, a disappointing one. They did give Altair and Ezio some closure, so that was great to see. And yeah, ACIII had none of the closure that I'm sure everybody else wanted. It's basically a cop-out to say that "yo, we'll be making another Assassin's Creed saga with another modern-day main character. Look forward to it."

    @Napalm: Pretty much, and Brotherhood. But idk, ACIII is pretty great, just riddled with bugs and gameplay inconsistencies. Not saying it's not worth getting, just...tread lightly I guess.

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    @Napalm said:

    So I should just buy Assassin's Creed II, then?

    Yes. It's the best one.

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    #9  Edited By MarkWahlberg

    I started watching playthroughs on youtube just to see what it's like, and ended up going through most of the cutscenes (skipped a fair amount of the middle, because boring). And... I'm seriously dumbfounded by how horrible that ending was. The whole story seemed a bit shit, (which isn't too surprising considering the previous ones), although Connor's dad was kind of interesting. But WOW. Talk about failing on absolutely every conceivable level.

    Also, did anyone else think the Abstergo sequence was really off-putting? I know the whole game is about killing people, but Desmond just forces dozens of guys to commit suicide via mind control, without batting an eye. Not even a 'you want to drop your guns and rethink your life' type thing, just straight up 'eat a bullet, bitches'. Maybe it just stood out because they spend half the game debating Assassin v. Templar ethics, but that sequence seemed totally unnecessary in a really weird way.

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    #10  Edited By impartialgecko

    @Napalm said:

    So I should just buy Assassin's Creed II, then?

    I love AC2. But Brotherhood to me is the AC formula at its best, even if 2 had a superior story. 2 is worth getting but you should dive into Brotherhood too.

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    #11  Edited By Strike11249

    I was also curious as to what everyone thought about the ending with the animus synching. Do you think that will play a part in the next Assassins creed? I do have to agree with most that the games ending was just horrible. Seems like Ubisoft just ran out of ideas or something. Unlike most, I really look forward to the Desmond pieces of the game and was surprised as to how much you got to play as him. Him dying though? I didn't even really feel for him. The writing for the whole game really did not have me attached emotionally to Connor and I think the horrible Desmond ending really topped it off. Worst part is their cliff hanger ending was not even that good.

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    #12  Edited By JJOR64

    Yeah, the ending wasn't great at all.

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    Besides the fact that there wasn't actually an ending, but a brief series of incomprehensible bullshit loosely tied together (and in between credits, no less) I think the thing that gets me is that they make it out like you are about to get some type of choice event, and just throw it away immediately. Why are you showing me this long ass CG cutscene about my life post-2012, but not show me an equal length post-world saved cutscene? Why bother fucking showing me? Also, I get it - religious dogma sucks; what does this have to do with the events happening right now.

    Also, Juno's a villain now, and is somehow ... released? Okay, but what the fuck is she now? She still seemed like a hologram-ghost thing during the credits. The entire thing made no fucking sense and provided no closure. I feel like they completed wasted Desmond too.

    This actually beats Mass Effect 3 in the Most Disappointing/Dumbest Fucking Ending of the year. In fact, in may be up there with KOTOR 2.

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    #14  Edited By RedRoach

    The best phrase to sum up Desmonds whole story would be Wasted Potential. I would have much preferred them keeping it more grounded. The first civ stuff really should have been downplayed because I felt like it ruined the series. Sure it lead to some cool speculation and amazing endings but it got out of hand. In the end, the assassins vs templars didn't matter. Think about it, what purpose did the templars serve in the modern day part of the story? Absolutely none, except as a convenient resistance when trying to get power sources. Remember AC1 when the entire story was about the assassins and templars, and now that whole thing doesn't even come into play really. I mean, what was the point of reliving Ezio's memories? In AC2 they said it was to train Desmond, so that he could become a master assassin and turn the tide of the war, but the entire plot is non-existent in AC3. I really think the series as a whole would have been better off if the first civ had less to do with it, they should have just had them as an origin for the pieces of eden and that's it. In the end, the explanation of what happen was so fucking confusing it made no sense. How exactly did touching a glowing ball save the planet? This is up there with ME3 for most unexplained ending this year. The whole thing was ridiculously anti climactic. This whole series, living the lives of ancestors, training, all of it, built up to a climax in which Desmond touches a glowy ball and dies, which somehow saves the planet. awesome.

    As for the Connor side, it also wasn't great. I think Connor again had good potential as a character but was wasted. He's so static it's frustrating. A naive, young and optimistic character is a great jumping off point, it sets the stage for his philosophies to be challenged by both the templars and revolutionary figures. And while they do challenge it, he never sees the other side, he never evolves as a character. He has the exact same mindset at the end of his story as when it begins. I agree in that the story was at its best when him and his father were working together, it could have lead to some great dilemmas for Connor but they back away from it. I also wish that deaths had been played up. I still remember Ezio's first kill, it was a great moment. He was full of anger and emotion, he stabbed that dude a lot of times, and then he had his outburst. It showed his anger and emotion, his inexperience and rash nature. It was before he learned how to be an assassin, over the rest of AC2 he changed and developed, the Ezio in that scene is very different than the one at the end of that game. Here there's no real turning point in Connors life, he just starts killing people, he's what like 17 or 18 and he starts wasting guys without flinching or any kind of emotion. That's the kind of killing you would expect at the end of the game, after being trained and taught. I think I reacted more to Connor killing his childhood friend that he did. It was a climax that was never fully realized, and that had absolutely no repercussions. It was the same with his dad.

    At first I was excited to see that they were getting back into the Templars being in the moral grey area like they were in AC1, rather than the pure evil assholes they were in BH and Rev. I mean in AC 1 it was truly morally grey, you could have some great debates on what each of the 9 templars were doing. A slaver who saved people from their addictions and disease, a good thing, but did so by forcing them into indentured servitude, a clearly bad thing. But here it was executed much worse, instead of being morally grey it was more of a misunderstood type deal, in AC1 it was justifiable to kill each of your targets, here it was almost regret after each kill. They revealed that they truly were doing the noble things, we just didn't know it.

    Although, damn, that early game plot twist was pretty good. Overall, I was disappointed by the story, obviously, but I still really enjoyed the game, I'm just so bummed when I think of how awesome the Desmond stuff could have been if taken in a different direction.

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    #15  Edited By Zella

    Yeah the ending was disappointing, though I didn't find that terrible. Maybe it's because I went in knowing they are planning another AC game next year so a cliff hanger was expected. The Juno being released thing is pretty stupid though, the entire First Civilization stuff seemed to have been bullshitted throughout the series. I would have loved if the Desmond becomes new Jesus ending was the actual ending to the series, it would have been a great ending that encapsulated the main themes of the series. Also what was up with the Animus Hacking stuff coming out of nowhere after the end? I'm holding out hope though that with the DLC we might get some more story stuff.

    On the Connor story I found it pretty good, I actually found Connor far more likable then Ezio. Ezio's entire goal was avenge his Dad, then I hate templars and never strayed from it over the course of 3 games. While Connor goes through moments of doubts, seeing merit in the templar cause, and how there is still injustice under the American rule. It was a theme I really enjoyed throughout the game of no one being a villain, and it all being about perspective. I thought they were going to glorify the Founding Fathers and demonize the British, and instead they showed how both sides had their reasons for the war. Instead of making a game about the American Revolution they made a game set in the American Revolution. I'm also expecting ACIII spinoffs so the continuation of Connors story should continue hopefully giving the character more room to grow.

    So yeah pretty much I found the Connor story to be great while the Desmond story convoluted and lacking. Also I wouldn't for a moment believe Desmond is dead.

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    #16  Edited By NathanStack

    Has anyone figured out what that epilogue shit with the pillars is?

    All the gameplay I've seen has been from people who had the game early and were playing offline.

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    #17  Edited By dietmango

    @MarkWahlberg said:

    Also, did anyone else think the Abstergo sequence was really off-putting? I know the whole game is about killing people, but Desmond just forces dozens of guys to commit suicide via mind control, without batting an eye. Not even a 'you want to drop your guns and rethink your life' type thing, just straight up 'eat a bullet, bitches'. Maybe it just stood out because they spend half the game debating Assassin v. Templar ethics, but that sequence seemed totally unnecessary in a really weird way.

    Yeah, I felt the same way. For all their talk about making both organizations in the grey area, it just felt that they flipped the switches and kind of made the Assassin's look like the bad guys this time. Granted, Brotherhood had a "use the Apple of Eden" part, but it wasn't extreme like that bit was.

    @Strike11249 said:

    I was also curious as to what everyone thought about the ending with the animus synching. Do you think that will play a part in the next Assassins creed? I do have to agree with most that the games ending was just horrible. Seems like Ubisoft just ran out of ideas or something. Unlike most, I really look forward to the Desmond pieces of the game and was surprised as to how much you got to play as him. Him dying though? I didn't even really feel for him. The writing for the whole game really did not have me attached emotionally to Connor and I think the horrible Desmond ending really topped it off. Worst part is their cliff hanger ending was not even that good.

    They'll probably use that to use another saga with a brand new character and new ancestors. But because of how bad this whole thing is story-wise, I'm done with AC games. Maybe forever. Like I said before, I was really hoping ACIII would provide a satisfying closure to the Desmond chapter, but it didn't do anything like that. Just left me feeling exhausted about the universe as a whole.

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    #18  Edited By dietmango

    @familyphotoshoot said:

    Has anyone figured out what that epilogue shit with the pillars is?

    All the gameplay I've seen has been from people who had the game early and were playing offline.

    As far as I know, I think they're for unlocking single player cheats.

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    #19  Edited By Vorbis

    I found Haytham to be a much better character than Connar. He had actual motivation and reasons behind what he was doing, he was not inherently evil and you could understand his decisions. He was fighting for Order while Connar was just killing people for revenge.

    Why was Connar even an Assassin? He had no real reason to be one, he just wanted to protect his people and kill anyone who would harm them. He whines at Haytham for killing an officer then goes on to slaughter 10 postman just to stop them delivering a message.

    Like Haytham said, the Assassins were never about freedom, they were about peace, yet Connar starts a war just to get closer to the man who killed his mother (who was on Washingtons orders yet he seems to let that go without issue).

    Maybe Connar will become an actual Assassin in the inevitable spinoffs much like Ezio did, but I had a hard time agreeing with anything Connar did in this game.

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    #20  Edited By IBurningStar

    The ending reminded me of Mass Effect 3. Some retarded stuff pops up in the last ten minutes and then the hero sacrifices himself to save everyone. Basically the same ending. I hated it the first time around, and guess what, I hated it this time too. Granted, I wasn't totally pissed off by this one because I at least had some emotional closure and didn't end up buried in a mound of plot holes. Connor's story felt wrapped up appropriately and didn't leave me with any questions. I really liked Lee's death a lot, but felt Haythem deserved better. Desmond's story has always been the least interesting part and that didn't change here. It served its purpose, it had an ending and wrapped Desmond and company up. It wasn't a very good ending and was a very open ending, yet still felt like an actual ending.

    Bring on Assassin's Creed IV.

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    #21  Edited By gaminghooligan

    Mass Effect at least let me chose my shit ending, this one was just a kick in the balls, since given the choice I would've sided with Minerva. Shame, seems like an odd choice for an ending if they want to make more seeing as how we are all slaves to these things.... again. I guess we'll fight them now, but it seems to me that for all the talk of freedom Desmond chose a very Templar way out. A damn shame.

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    #22  Edited By Wraxend

    Is Desmond dead? Pretty sure I heard him start breathing as the game blacked out to the credits... unless it was just another of the many bugs that game has.

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    #23  Edited By Sarge506

    The game just plane sucked. Every single aspect of it compared to the series was 1 step forward 2 steps backward.

    I am such a huge fan of Assassin's Creed and I can't quite believe 3 happened! Revelations wasn't great but it was still an AC. This was pretty much devoid of everything that makes an AC game great.

    The ending was essentially a massive middle finger to the fans IMO and this has cemented it for me that AC has now become another CoD.

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    #24  Edited By deskp

    Desmonds "death" doesent seem set in stone. They said he would die but we just saw him fall to the groud with a black hand.

    Maybe if Desmond did have his "Eve" with him Juno wouldn't have gone berserk.

    Also did the game try to make some point that basicaly Desmond chouse the templar option, Controle instead of free will?

    Are the templars still trying to launch their sattelite?

    The end to the modern day story was kinda lame, but it doesen't really matter since Connors story was pretty good imo

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    #25  Edited By Lord_Xp

    The ending was upsetting but I'm glad it's over finally and most loose ends are tied up, well dead really.


    I beat this game and started the pivots and actually got them all already and was super excited there would be something cool would happen but I still don't want to ruin the whole thing, all you get is a hidden trophy and that's it. I don't know what happened. Nothing affected the story. If anyone knows what I'm talking about I would much appreciate it

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    #26  Edited By mrfluke

    yep the ending of this game was straight up high class shit, and unlike most here, i enjoyed everything of the desmond sequences till the ending, it was good to see desmond actually kicking some ass for a change, and desmond is a decent character,

    the involvement of daniel cross was just laughable,with the way they have been building him up as the "anti-desmond" in the comics, and then having him be just a pure chump and fucking using a gun in this game

    god what a disappointment on the modern story end. they could have ended the whole first civilization bullshit here with this game and start a new set of games more grounded in reality with the assassins ideals vs abstergo's ideals. but no instead they play up space jesus bullshit, and then muck up a reason for juno being all evil but the one that could save it all.

    what a load of bullshit

    The stuff with connor was great though, this game had the best conflict imo, but i still like ezio over connor, but connor aint bad though, hes a good character. i like the naive perspective he has on things since he was sheltered living in the villiage and doesnt understand the modern world, loved the twist with haythan. he was a cool character. i wished the dynamic between him and connor should have been fleshed out more cause those scenes were some of the best in that story as it really highlighted the grey moral lines that they were trying to hit with the game..

    im glad that abstergo gave everyone animus devices and that liberations modern day story is apparently just someone using an animus that they bought from abstergo, cause fuck the modern day stuff now. im only buying these games now for the history assassins so im glad that they have carte blance now to make as much history games as possible.

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    #27  Edited By mrfluke

    @deskp: just finished it, i believe he chose that ending because it was the one while juno would be set loose, all of humanity was saved. he did that cause he figured the assassins or templars would eventually find a way to stop juno.

    the space jesus ending i believe the majority of humanity dies. so hence desmond made the templar move

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    #28  Edited By csl316

    Sifting through these topics, I'm wondering how does the ending work? There's a choice, but you don't get to make it? Do you just get previews or something?

    And what's the early game twist people keep mentioning?

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    #29  Edited By huntad

    I thought I'd edit this and sum up what I said in fewer words.

    Desmond's choice at the end doesn't make any sense. Apparently, Connor's story and how he fought for freedom had no impact on Desmond. That part just blows my mind. The similarities to the Mass Effect 3 ending are staggering and yet, like ME3, this is still one of my favorite games of the year.

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    #30  Edited By gaminghooligan

    @csl316: Early Game twist=Haytham (Conner's Dad) is a templar

    Ending: Yea it totally shows and explains both options like you'll have a choice, but then Desmond chooses Juno's option and it ends.

    @huntad: Yea totally agree from a fun standpoint the game (even with its many technical flaws) just offers so so much, but man that story and like you said the fact that all the time seeing Conner fight so hard for what he believed in and Desmond just sacrificing the beliefs he's built up through the entire series just felt like ME3 all over again. Except I will say being able to choose an ending softened the blow on ME3 for me a little more

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    #31  Edited By Ixaan

    To me, the whole game just felt off. Connor's story never really goes anywhere. They introduced the assassin followers like in brotherhood, I never used the one duder I had and never figured out how to get more (not for lack of trying) and I sent him on all of 3 missions because I accidentally hit the trigger and decided "eh, what the hell, go make some money." You dont make money from any story missions, so I ended up not buying much of anything. The waypoints are all basically already on the map, so I had no reason whatsoever to synchronize waypoints at all. Collecting the pages from Ben Franklin's almanac feels pointless and disconnected since you are told about them as Haytham before Connor was even a glimmer in his eye, but Connor just picks up where he left off and keeps trying to find the buggers. The naval combat is so seperated from everything else that I didnt bother touching it or upgrading the Aquila. There are almost no weapon upgrades worth buying. I havent seen any reason to go out of my way to upgrade the mansion. And the ending left a rediculous amount to be desired. They build up everything for 10 sequences of long, drawn out filler, then have you kill the main 2 villains within an hour of eachother.

    In the entire Ezio trilogy, I felt like I had a purpose to do all these things. Side missions felt important. I had reasons to sent my assassins on missions, they helped me in many battles. Buying upgrades to Monteriggioni and storefronts felt like it had purpose. Not to mention the story, which all felt like it had reason for everything with very little filler. AC3 just felt like they wrote the story, needed to pad it out, then tried to fit all these other things in that worked well in Brotherhood and didnt really give them any connection or meaning. At one point, I started a mail carrier mission as Haytham, then years later in game delivered all the letters as Connor and no one questioned why their package was so 'effing late. Everything in the game is just so disconnected if feels like they started with a great idea and then didnt have enough time to implement it before their deadline.

    Long story short, AC3 could have been worlds better if Ubisoft released it in February 2013 instead of forcing their "at least 1 game from every AAA franchise every year" policy. If they continue this route, they wont have any AAA franchises anymore. It will all be just "Hey, remember that one time we made that awesome game? Well check out this hot garbage. We promise its as good as that museum piece. And its out faster than ever before."

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    #32  Edited By billyhoush

    I'm pretty sure the ending implied that Juno entered Desmond's body. Also the pivot missions show that some hackers got Desmond's DNA and have access to his memories now which Desmond's dad alluded to happening after you rescue him from Asbergo.

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    #33  Edited By Oldirtybearon

    I loved Connor's story and his ending was fantastic. He really goes from optimistic and heartwarming to empty and bitter over the course of the game. It's sad to watch, but man is it satisfying.

    Desmond's ending I fucking loathed, though. I have to wonder if this is because new people are trying to make sense of Patrice Desilets' bullshit or if they just don't care. Desmond deserved a far better send off than that anti-climactic crap.

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    #34  Edited By dropabombonit

    I really enjoyed Conor's story and how the used actual history and had an alternative version of it. But yeah for a game that was meant to be the end of the Desmond's story, it falls flat and the stinger was just a kick in the balls. I know there will be more AC games but didn't think they would leave us with another cliffhanger.

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    #35  Edited By ethan_raiden

    I think overall the story was terrible, so many plot holes during the animus sequences, and it seems that they got an 8 year old to write the ending

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    #36  Edited By Lord_Xp

    @dropabombonit: I think the cliff hanger in this game was much more subtle when Juno says "Now it's my turn to play" during the credits. This could mean future games are going to be taking her down and putting freedom everywhere on earth. Far fetched idea, but just throwing something out there.

    I think what made me upset about this ending was the fact that neither ending was really a win. Either everyone dies and the civilization starts over. Or everyone lives and is in hell because Juno is running the earth. I would have chosen the first one personally.

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    #37  Edited By TheMasterDS

    If there's a "Worst Ending" GOTY category this year (which I don't think there usually is but hey, whole new slew of award categories this year probably, it could happen) I imagine it'd be very competitive.

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    #38  Edited By Terramagi

    @TheMasterDS said:

    If there's a "Worst Ending" GOTY category this year (which I don't think there usually is but hey, whole new slew of award categories this year probably, it could happen) I imagine it'd be very competitive.

    ME3 is still worse.

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    #39  Edited By TheMasterDS

    @Terramagi: It's a strong runner up. Darksiders II probably has the 3rd slot.

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    #40  Edited By DharmaBum

    So fucking dumb...

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    #41  Edited By MildMolasses

    @Lord_Xp said:

    The ending was upsetting but I'm glad it's over finally and most loose ends are tied up, well dead really.


    I beat this game and started the pivots and actually got them all already and was super excited there would be something cool would happen but I still don't want to ruin the whole thing, all you get is a hidden trophy and that's it. I don't know what happened. Nothing affected the story. If anyone knows what I'm talking about I would much appreciate it

    The pivots are just a way to unlock cheats while playing around in the world. There is no story implication.

    Personally, this was easily the worst installment as far as the Desmond story goes. It feels like they really got far away from what it intended to be, and didn't really know what to do with it. Connor was my favourite story of all of the games. I liked Altair's world a lot, and didn't care about anything that happened involving Ezio. This one was a nice blend of the familiar along with real story development.

    What this game really showed me though was that an AC game set in the present would be fucking terrible

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    #42  Edited By Clonedzero

    i dont think its all that bad. its a hell of a lot better than AC2's ending for example (that disgusting big reveal cliffhanger sequel bait ending ugh it was awful).

    they killed desmond off, which is a good idea. limiting it to his ancestry is a bit lame, now theres opportunities for more stories.

    theres the parallel between minerva and juno. minerva wanting the solar flare to kill most people, but allowing everyone to be free and to have desmond lead them to a peaceful process of rebuilding. and juno who would use absolute power and control to save the world. notice how its pretty much the assassin (minerva) vs. the templar (juno) ?

    desmonds story came to a close, and his death was the only real way to end his story without ending the series. but now that the world is saved and juno is free, obviously people are going to have to fight her, right? well now we'll have a new cast who will jump into the animus to track down pieces of eden to fight her.

    seriously though, AC2's ending was one of the worst things ive ever seen. thats including ME3's. all AC2's ending is, is a huge reveal talking to minerva and all that nonsense, then it just ends. gross sequel bait.

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    #43  Edited By mrfluke

    one of the things that bothers me is that they ignored the whole "eve" concept, could they not have teased "eve" or something?, like have a separate team with Eve or something

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    #44  Edited By Blackout62

    Soooo... Hands up, who's up for a game where you play as Haythem?

    *Raises hand*

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    #45  Edited By Oldirtybearon

    @mrfluke said:

    one of the things that bothers me is that they ignored the whole "eve" concept, could they not have teased "eve" or something?, like have a separate team with Eve or something

    See here's the thing - probably not. Why? Because Petrice Desilets left the team shortly after completing Brotherhood. He wasn't sticking around for that one a year business and with him went a lot of the narrative juice that came with Assassin's Creed. They've always been personal games for the guy. With Revelations it was clear that they had no idea what to do or where to go, but AC3, you see the new creative leads stretching their legs a bit and figuring things out. Chances are we'll never see or hear what the real conclusion for Assassin's Creed was supposed to be, so it's not really worth dwelling on the loose ends.

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    #46  Edited By murisan

    Fuck Ubisoft. That's my take.

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    #47  Edited By Zella

    If you play AC for the Desmond story you are in it for the wrong reason, I've found Desmond to only be a vehicle to @Clonedzero said:

    i dont think its all that bad. its a hell of a lot better than AC2's ending for example (that disgusting big reveal cliffhanger sequel bait ending ugh it was awful).

    they killed desmond off, which is a good idea. limiting it to his ancestry is a bit lame, now theres opportunities for more stories.

    theres the parallel between minerva and juno. minerva wanting the solar flare to kill most people, but allowing everyone to be free and to have desmond lead them to a peaceful process of rebuilding. and juno who would use absolute power and control to save the world. notice how its pretty much the assassin (minerva) vs. the templar (juno) ?

    desmonds story came to a close, and his death was the only real way to end his story without ending the series. but now that the world is saved and juno is free, obviously people are going to have to fight her, right? well now we'll have a new cast who will jump into the animus to track down pieces of eden to fight her.

    seriously though, AC2's ending was one of the worst things ive ever seen. thats including ME3's. all AC2's ending is, is a huge reveal talking to minerva and all that nonsense, then it just ends. gross sequel bait.

    I completely agree, AC2's ending came out of fucking nowhere and just left me confused. While I would have preferred Minerva's prediction of the future to be the ending of the series but I am cool with the one they used, it provides room for a sequel which if it's anything like Brotherhood I am totally down for.

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    #48  Edited By Berserker976

    I guess I'm in the minority here but I really liked both stories and their conclusions.

    I thought it was pretty cool how Desmond's choice was pretty much the same choice Connor had to make.

    But whereas Connor chose the "assassin" route to save his people (pure freedom and no tolerance for those who wish to control), Desmond, having seen what that led to (Connor getting fucked over by everyone and the cycle continuing) chose the Templar route.

    Anyway, just finished it and I think the story is ripe for discussion if nothing else. To me that puts it ahead of most.

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    #49  Edited By gaminghooligan

    @Blackout62 said:

    Soooo... Hands up, who's up for a game where you play as Haythem?

    *Raises hand*

    *raises hand*

    give me a prequel, that would be awesome...

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    #50  Edited By Strife777

    I didn't think it was terrible, but I would agree that they seem to have a hard time making us attached to some of the characters, like Desmond.

    I personally loved Connor both in design and writing. He's maybe not up there with Ezio, but he's very different.

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