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    Assassin's Creed Unity

    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Nov 11, 2014

    The Assassin's Creed series heads to Paris, France, amid the French Revolution. The player controls Arno Dorian, an Assassin, as he attempts to disrupt and destroy the true powers behind the Revolution.

    Assasin's Creed Unity free on Uplay thanks Notre Dame fire?

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    #1  Edited By soulcake
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    #2  Edited By mikemcn

    Going to Rome for the first time after playing AC2 and Brotherhood was incredible, i felt a little dejavu at some of the sights I saw.

    The AC games really capture something about these locations and it's a great way to explore them before you have a chance to see them yourself, or when they are not going to be viewable in their original glory anytime soon a la notre dame. Really cool that they're doing this.

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    Thanks for the link...I know I'll never play it(Or download it), but its a nice gesture.

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    Neat - but seems kind of weird how many hundreds of millions of dollars this wealthy, landmark building has received while other impoverished centres of faith are struggling around the world.

    Never did play Unity though!

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    I was watching CNN (or maybe MSNBC) and while the fire was on the news, they mentioned and showed Assassin's Creed Unity, saying that it could help in rebuilding it by looking at the research Ubisoft went into when creating it in the game. Also... While I know Notre Dame from history and other things, Assassin's Creed Unity did pop into my head, and one of my first thoughts was 'oh yeah, I assassinated a dude in that building in Assassin's Creed'.

    I didn't care for Odyssey to play far into it, but I will say that my appreciation for the series has changed. It went from mainly caring about where Desmond's story was heading (although I did and do like exploring all those settings), to really, just how well Ubisoft can transport us into the past. I wish Ubisoft did even more with teaching players about the history and historical people in the places you visit in the games. To me at least, their fictional stories about Assassin's vs Templars is pretty boring now.

    I don't know if I want to play more Assassin's Creed, but I for some reason do want to play Unity again considering what had happened, even though it doesn't affect me personally all that much.

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    People are going to give/spend a billion to restore an old castle when religion is really about helping your fellow man, not worshiping buildings or items, SMH.

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    People are going to give/spend a billion to restore an old castle when religion is really about helping your fellow man, not worshiping buildings or items, SMH.

    I mean.. it's only ever been the worship of buildings and items and people. That's not even a judgment or a Take That it's just easily observable History.

    There's still value in the gesture, in helping to rebuild something that for a variety of reasons holds a very special place in peoples hearts.

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    @efesell: Religion is supposed to be about way more than worshipping buildings and items. If they want to collect money that's fine, but should only spend millions, if that, on a new building. Countless lives could be saved with a billion dollars, which is far more important and Christian than spending it on construction.

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    #9  Edited By Humanity

    Not only is this a cool move on Ubisofts part it’s great PR and it almost costs them nothing to allow a game that has long since stopped selling a window of free availability.

    Also for all the dumb internet dogpilling this game received, Unity is actually pretty decent and with a solid framerate which was one of the biggest issues it suffered from apart from bugs it should actually be a really neat experience. They introduced a lot of cool elements in Unity that never made it into future AC games when they decided to just make it another bland open world series - or I guess I should say, when they decided to move away from what I enjoyed about Assassins Creed in pursuit of a wider audience.

    The story is mostly trash even by AC standards but the gameplay was good, the added systems fun and Paris was really spectacular as a playground. You could tell they put a lot of work into recreating that city - and from the moment they announced I thought “man Paris who cares” but it completely won me over.

    If you haven’t tried it and like AC I would definitely give it a shot. This isn’t an AC3 situation where it was a pretty bad game with some redeeming elements. Unity is overall a good game if you like AC albeit with a few blemishes here and there.

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