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Pre-Release Killzone 2 Demo Only For Pre-Orders in US

Yeah, good. Restrict access to the thing that helps you sell games to people who have already purchased it. Great idea.

Is it weird that I still get excited about the release of hot new first-person shooters?
Is it weird that I still get excited about the release of hot new first-person shooters?
Last time I checked, demos were out there in order to get people so excited about a game that they can't help but buy it. They're like little interactive ads for upcoming products. But occasionally publishers seem to forget that this is the Way of Things, and they get a little extra on the side.

That's going to be the case with the upcoming demo for Killzone 2. As seen on Destructoid, it sounds like access to the game's demo will only be possible prior to the game's release if you pre-order the game from everyone's least favorite game retailer, GameStop. So in order to get the thing that's supposed to help you decide if the game is right for you or not... you need to swear your allegiance to a specific retailer and claim that you'll buy the game from them. How perfectly backwards. Apparently this is only applicable in the States, and Europe will get the demo properly as a regular PSN download. And it's been confirmed that the demo will become properly available down the road, after the game has been released.

So it's not a permanent screw job on the part of some wheeler/dealer looking to ensure Killzone gets a bit more face time at GameStop by giving them a primo exclusive item. But is taking that kind of risk with what's easily the company's biggest exclusive release since Metal Gear Solid 4 smart? I ain't no businessman, but if I were Sony, I'd be trying to get as many people as possible to play or see Killzone 2. I'd be practically forcing the demo to download onto consoles. I'd be including it with Blu-Ray movies. I'd be stuffing it into bags of cereal along with a note that says "WE THINK THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST GAME WE'VE RELEASED ON THE PS3 SO FAR AND HOPEFULLY YOU'LL AGREE AND IMMEDIATELY PRE-ORDER A COPY."

Maybe Sony just assumes that Killzone 2's success is pre-determined. Considering it's shipping into a largely empty release window, that's not too unbelievable. Of course, one could argue that the people who don't pre-order games might not be the type who rush out and buy a game on day one, so by the time word of the game's existence filters down to their casually gaming ears, said demo will already be widely available. For the rest of us, perhaps a European PSN account would come in handy next month.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+


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Edited By jeff
Is it weird that I still get excited about the release of hot new first-person shooters?
Is it weird that I still get excited about the release of hot new first-person shooters?
Last time I checked, demos were out there in order to get people so excited about a game that they can't help but buy it. They're like little interactive ads for upcoming products. But occasionally publishers seem to forget that this is the Way of Things, and they get a little extra on the side.

That's going to be the case with the upcoming demo for Killzone 2. As seen on Destructoid, it sounds like access to the game's demo will only be possible prior to the game's release if you pre-order the game from everyone's least favorite game retailer, GameStop. So in order to get the thing that's supposed to help you decide if the game is right for you or not... you need to swear your allegiance to a specific retailer and claim that you'll buy the game from them. How perfectly backwards. Apparently this is only applicable in the States, and Europe will get the demo properly as a regular PSN download. And it's been confirmed that the demo will become properly available down the road, after the game has been released.

So it's not a permanent screw job on the part of some wheeler/dealer looking to ensure Killzone gets a bit more face time at GameStop by giving them a primo exclusive item. But is taking that kind of risk with what's easily the company's biggest exclusive release since Metal Gear Solid 4 smart? I ain't no businessman, but if I were Sony, I'd be trying to get as many people as possible to play or see Killzone 2. I'd be practically forcing the demo to download onto consoles. I'd be including it with Blu-Ray movies. I'd be stuffing it into bags of cereal along with a note that says "WE THINK THIS MIGHT BE THE BEST GAME WE'VE RELEASED ON THE PS3 SO FAR AND HOPEFULLY YOU'LL AGREE AND IMMEDIATELY PRE-ORDER A COPY."

Maybe Sony just assumes that Killzone 2's success is pre-determined. Considering it's shipping into a largely empty release window, that's not too unbelievable. Of course, one could argue that the people who don't pre-order games might not be the type who rush out and buy a game on day one, so by the time word of the game's existence filters down to their casually gaming ears, said demo will already be widely available. For the rest of us, perhaps a European PSN account would come in handy next month.
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Edited By LordAndrew

Hmm. Only giving the demo to people who already bought your game is not a good sign. Afraid people might not buy it if they play it first?

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Edited By JoelTGM

That's taking it too far... if it was a beta, then ok I can see that, but a demo?  I'm sure a lot of people will have preordered it anyway, but for those unsure about the game, well then what is the freaking point of a demo?

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Edited By zkilla

it's understnadable why they would do it but if it were for everyone sales could be better.
what i dont understand is why this is only in america and in europe its a normal demo like any other i guess sony supposses that americans will buy it just because of pretty graphics

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Edited By Moon
LordAndrew said:
"Hmm. Only giving the demo to people who already bought your game is not a good sign. Afraid people might not buy it if they play it first?"
Just pay the minimum (5 bucks) and get the demo. Then never buy the full game if you dont like it.
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Edited By Pibo47

Moon is levio. Because they are both retarded.

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OMG! Sony being arrogant. Shocker!

Jeff's right, this demo needs to get in as many hands as possible as quickly as possible.

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Edited By Moon
Pibo47 said:
"Moon is levio. Because they are both retarded."
  We have proven I am not Levio in another thread... I DONT EVEN KNOW WHO LEVIO IS!
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Edited By Lunarbunny

How much money did GameStop pay for this privilege? I mean seriously, there is no way that they get all these "unique" pre-order bonuses without paying off publishers or devs.

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Edited By ProfessorEss

I'm in Canada.
I don't buy from Gamestop (EBGames).
I rarely pre-order.
I couldn't be more out of the demo group.

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Edited By daniel_beck_90
Gamestop for me personally is the best retailer since I got some connection with 2 of its DC branch staff  :P . I have already pre-ordered the game because I am sure Killzone 2 will be the best console FPS game ever .
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Edited By Relys

What a bunch of idiots... I'm not buying this without a demo anyways.

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Edited By darkjester74

Non-free demo = non-buy.  This isn't the first time somebody tried to pull this crap but you would think Sony would know better.  Guess not.

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Edited By EpicSteve

I'm not a 100% sure but, my manager at Gamestop just told me that some stores have them now, but they're only codes you can't even redeem until 2/02. Please don't support this damn company, I only work there for the benefits (borrowing games, and discounts) I also try my best to make my store not a horrible place that rapes the industry for what its worth.

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Edited By get2sammyb

I'm sorry but I have to post this here:

I'm out.

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Edited By Gizmo

I fucking hate how Gamestop is hogging every early demo, ala L4D. I can start to understand why Americans hate Gamestop now, and here's a suggestion. DON'T BUY FROM THERE. They will go out of business due to the credit crunch, and everyone is happy.

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Edited By Gizmo

I fucking hate how Gamestop is hogging every early demo, ala L4D. I can start to understand why Americans hate Gamestop now, and here's a suggestion. DON'T BUY FROM THERE. They will go out of business due to the credit crunch, and everyone is happy.

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get2sammyb said:
"I'm sorry but I have to post this here:

I'm out."
Wow, an explosion. Meh
Doesn't change the fact that this is a completely boneheaded move by Sony. Why are they torpedoing their own product!?
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Edited By TwoOneFive

eh whatever dude, we're buying the fucking game. games like MGS4 and GTA4 didn't need a demo at all. 

i'm buying this day one. the game looks amazing. who cares what silly demo theyre releasing. be happy you get something for pre-ordering it, as you normally never get anything extra. 
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Edited By Damonation
TeflonBilly said:
"Wow, an explosion. Meh
Doesn't change the fact that this is a completely boneheaded move by Sony. Why are they torpedoing their own product!?"
Probably because they were paid by GameStop to do so.
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Edited By RHCPfan24

Well, this is typical Gamestop crap, though I really hope this game is good, so I might preorder it anyway. Wait, I am part of the problem aren't I? Dammit, maybe I will get it at Best Buy or the barely existent Circuit City.

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Edited By TwoOneFive
TeflonBilly said:
"get2sammyb said:
"I'm sorry but I have to post this here:

I'm out."
Wow, an explosion. Meh
Doesn't change the fact that this is a completely boneheaded move by Sony. Why are they torpedoing their own product!?"
thats a fucking sweet ass gif. stop always hating man. i don't think he posted this to make up for this wierd demo situation. 
and they aren't torpedoing their own product, if i recall, games like MGS4 and GTA4 did fantastic without demos. 

i'm not defending them, but i think its silly to get mad over it, its not like they need to release any demo at all. and i think its nice to get a little something extra if you pre-order, a demo seems like the exact thing that someone who pre-orders a game would love more than anything. 
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Of course we'll buy it. But we're the retards who already own a PS3 and have been assaulted by KZ2 shit the last month.
All this hype/buzz machine you and GetSammy have been wet over the last couple of months was that this was gonna be a system seller and will steer the PS3 a little back from it's downward spiral.

I don't want it to fail, but Sony needs to be called on bullshit decisions like this and not coddled by the SDF. It just seems really short sighted.
Can you honestly sit there and say that this is smart move? Besides, pre-ordering is the fucking bane of us game shoppers, fuck that shit.

And why the fuck else did he post it if not to not-so subliminally say "BUT IT WILL LOOK LIKE THIS YOU GUYS! LOOK!"

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Edited By get2sammyb
TeflonBilly said:
"get2sammyb said:
"I'm sorry but I have to post this here:

I'm out."
Wow, an explosion. Meh
Doesn't change the fact that this is a completely boneheaded move by Sony. Why are they torpedoing their own product!?"
Because Sony can't fucking market for shit. We all know the game will probably sell about 300k copies; not due to it being a bad game. Just shit marketing.

Watch them show pictures of crying babies to advertise it. ;)
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Edited By KamasamaK
LordAndrew said:
"Hmm. Only giving the demo to people who already bought your game is not a good sign. Afraid people might not buy it if they play it first?"
No, not really. You can cancel your pre-order at any time. If someone wanted to pre-order just to play the demo they could, and then if they disliked it they could cancel. I'm betting they're counting on people liking it, though.
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Edited By ep_driver

I have an amazing idea. Wait until the game comes out, play the demo for a day or two, THEN decide whether to buy the game or not. I agree with Jeff that it's stupid what Sony is doing, but if people really let this upset them past the principle of the matter, then I think they have other issues to work out. Wait two days past the release date of a game to decide whether or not to purchase, what a crazy idea.

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Edited By get2sammyb
TeflonBilly said:
"Of course we'll buy it. But we're the retards who already own a PS3 and have been assaulted by KZ2 shit the last month.
All this hype/buzz machine you and GetSammy have been wet over the last couple of months was that this was gonna be a system seller and will steer the PS3 a little back from it's downward spiral.

I don't want it to fail, but Sony needs to be called on bullshit decisions like this and not coddled by the SDF. It just seems really short sighted.
Can you honestly sit there and say that this is smart move? Besides, pre-ordering is the fucking bane of us game shoppers, fuck that shit.

And why the fuck else did he post it if not to not-so subliminally say "BUT IT WILL LOOK LIKE THIS YOU GUYS! LOOK!""
I agree with you, I only posted the gif because it's like... crazy cool. But I do agree, I think Sony should have put this demo out a week or so before launch and said to everyone "look, you're not convinced, fucking play it then".

The key thing is that the demo will be coming to the PSN shortly after release. I think people should look at this as an incentive for ordering - essentially those who are going to preorder are the type of people that would buy the game with or without a demo and they're just being offered the incentive of getting to play a bit of it early if they preorder.

I do agree though that Sony should be shoving this game up peoples noses: whacking it on the PSN as soon as possible, putting the demo in shops, etc. etc. but at the end of the day it doesn't seem like they're going to do that so there's no point getting irritated. It's Sony's marketing, they are all over the shop in terms of making the right decisions.

If you're on the fence about the game though, just don't order it and wait for that 15 minute demo. Which you'll probably hate because the controls apparently need a "settling in" period which the demo won't allow.

Either way I don't give a crap because: a) I'm in the UK [we don't get a demo] and; b) if the demo was on the PSN right now I wouldn't play it because I want to be surprised when I sit down with the full package.

I do agree with the sentiments yourself and Jeff are giving but this demo is for the "definitely-buying" brigade. It's not meant to convince fence sitters. Should they put the demo on PSN before release? Probably but then, how many games do that?

The fact is Sony have confirmed it will come to the PSN and I'd assume they'd get it there the week after launch.
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Edited By dtran1212

screw pre-ordering, the only game i pre-ordered was GTA4. Im gonna wait it out and see what the results are for KZ2 before i buy it, but so far, the game looks sweet.

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Edited By KamasamaK
get2sammyb said:
"I do agree with the sentiments yourself and Jeff are giving but this demo is for the "definitely-buying" brigade. It's not meant to convince fence sitters. Should they put the demo on PSN before release? Probably but then, how many games do that?

The fact is Sony have confirmed it will come to the PSN and I'd assume they'd get it there the week after launch."
It's technically already on PSN since that's where you redeem your code. They'll probably make it public eventually, but I guess they couldn't pass up the deal GameStop made them.
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Edited By get2sammyb
Kamasama said:
"get2sammyb said:
"I do agree with the sentiments yourself and Jeff are giving but this demo is for the "definitely-buying" brigade. It's not meant to convince fence sitters. Should they put the demo on PSN before release? Probably but then, how many games do that?

The fact is Sony have confirmed it will come to the PSN and I'd assume they'd get it there the week after launch."
It's technically already on PSN since that's where you redeem your code. They'll probably make it public eventually, but I guess they couldn't pass up the deal GameStop made them."
Yeah you'd assume they'd have to wait until launch day at the least.

Goodness me I hope they have a big promotion lined up for this game outside of demos. I was thinking... like a silent advert with just the gameplay running. Then a mega explosion.

That would be fucking awesome. Perhaps?
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Edited By Soulglove

I thought the whole idea of a demo was "try-before-you-buy" not "try-after-buying." Then again, didn't a bunch of other games do this last year? There were a bunch of multiplatform games that only released a demo on one platform as well. I don't think we should blame the entire Sony, it seems all those calls are up to SCEA. Yeah, I said it, some Americans get paid to do jobs that they don't even do.

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Edited By Kazona

All I'll say is that I wish I had a PS3

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Edited By get2sammyb
Kazona said:
"All I'll say is that I wish I had a PS3"
Never too late to start saving, good sir.
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Edited By giyanks22

This is why Microsoft is beating Sony lol...they don't pull this Bull Shit about having to pre order the game to get the demo. Sony's retarded...

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Edited By bicycleham

Can't you just make an European Account and download it there?

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Edited By makari

Or maybe they think KZ2's success ISN'T predetermined and they believe they can cut some of the losses from people being turned off by the demo by making GameStop pay them to distribute it to people who are already going to buy the game anyway ::tinfoilhat::

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Edited By MadExponent

I will go as far as to say that the only way I will get Killzone 2 is if I can play before I buy.  So...Sony loses on this one.  Not a smart move.  Maybe a game like Halo 3, Gears 2, or MGS4 would be a good idea to force people to pre-order to play a bit early.  Killzone doesn't have the greatest track record, lets be honest.  I think the game looks great, but thats not gonna make me shell out 60 for it.  Gotta play it, be a smart consumer.  I tend to think that we should punish companies that assume hype will sell the game and not release a demo.

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Edited By Globox82

Wow it is so hard to create European PSN account and get demo, man it takes you so much time, some 5 or so minutes, dude that is so hard, let me bitch instead how i hate Sony and hope it fails.

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Edited By dezvous
"Hmm. Only giving the demo to people who already bought your game is not a good sign. Afraid people might not buy it if they play it first?"

That's not the mentality behind this kind of move at all dude... I'm not defending this move, to me it tends to do the opposite of what they intend to happen, which is to make people preorder a game and "guarantee" a purchase because they're dying to play a particularly hyped game just for an early taste. I think you would get more purchases by making a demo available for free right now for everyone because then you could possibly net some people that aren't even interested. People that have no interest aren't going to pay 5 dollars for a demo just to see if they might like it.

I'll be pre-ordering this game just for the demo because I want more. I was appart of the MP beta and it was so fucking incredible. I have never sunk that much time over the course of a couple weeks into a FPS since Counter-Strike. Any worries about this game controlling poorly and being clunky like the original were laid to rest. The controls in Killzone 2 were the tightest I've ever experienced on a console and I'm not very fond of competitive console FPS gaming to begin with. I want to say Killzone 2 will be huge for the PS3 but I can't be certain, it certainly should be but there have been a lot of exclusives that have failed to meet expectations. I just hope all those PS3 owners out there that are yearning for an incredible PS3 exclusive actually pick this title up. It is without a doubt the best looking console game I've ever played. Sure the texture quality isn't that of any PC game or some other console titles but those other titles don't have the same level of incredible post-processing effects going on that make this game look so uniquely gorgeous. I actually think this game looks better than Crysis in terms of total visual splendor, this coming from a person who can play Crysis at max with ease. From a technical standpoint Crysis will win just because of it's higher shadow and texture resolutions but I think Killzone 2 still looks better just because of all the crazy and unrealistic effects like the purple and yellow coronas and such. Killzone 2 a sight to behold and play.
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Edited By TheGTAvaccine

European PSN account HOOOOOOOO!

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Edited By Coleslaw893

Meh, I'm not interested in it anyway.

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Edited By Destroyeron

Sony continues to prove their stupidity.

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Edited By thiago
"i'm not defending them, but i think its silly to get mad over it, its not like they need to release any demo at all. and i think its nice to get a little something extra if you pre-order, a demo seems like the exact thing that someone who pre-orders a game would love more than anything. "

Well, the xbots need little reason to bash Sony. "The sky is falling!!!11 PS3 is failing!!!11 bad sales!! bad sales!!!"

This must be the manufactured bad news number 5 of the week so far. Nobody talks about how the PS3 did better in the first 2 years than the X360. Nobody talks about the great game lineup already there and more coming. Nobody talks about good sales of games comparatively with other systems.

Since when a demo is a criteria for buying a game!? I didn't play a demo for GTAIV nor for MGS4 and bought them. This is probably a deal between Sony and that store, so probably Sony is getting some money for it or being compensated in some other manner. Business as usual.

EDIT: Some people must be really worried about this one. If such a non-issue is reason enough to get mad at Sony then it means that something Sony is doing right. This will be probably GOTY and I will be getting it when it comes out. :) The best looking game of the gen.
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Edited By piecat

If you aren't sure you want the game but want to play the demo early, just pre-order it. If you don't like what you've played of the demo, just cancel your pre-order and get your money back. If you do like what you've played, cancel your pre-order anyway, and buy the game somewhere else, since Gamestop is a terrible corporation.

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Edited By SubTact

I think MadExponent has it right, GTA4, MGS4, etc didn't need demos, as they were sequels to proven and successful franchise with huge fanbases, but Killzone if anything was a disappointing and a critically average game.  Saying this is the next Killzone game is probably digging it a bit of a hole from the start. 

This is an extremely dumb move from a strictly business perspective by Sony.  Demos for good games, sell copies of that game.

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Edited By Snail

Facepalm much?

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Edited By thiago
"I think MadExponent has it right, GTA4, MGS4, etc didn't need demos, as they were sequels to proven and successful franchise with huge fanbases, but Killzone if anything was a disappointing and a critically average game.  Saying this is the next Killzone game is probably digging it a bit of a hole from the start.  "

If you are unsure and don't want to buy a game from an "unproven or unsuccessful franchise"  then you can wait for the reviews in specialized sites. Many sites allow users to add content or comments, so you can see the reviewer's opinion and the opinion of other players who have bought it.

Simple. Nobody is obligated to release demos.

This game is being hyped up for months. Gameplay videos released often. Those who liked what they saw will buy it, those who don't won't. What possible change would there be with a f**cking demo? I bet all of those saying it is "stupid" don't even own a PS3.
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Edited By BawlZINmotion

I very much doubt SCEA offered an exclusive pre-release demo to GameStop for free. Despite how stupid this type of tactic actually is, this definitely wouldn't be the first time it has been used. Most recently GameStop had an early demo deal with Valve/EA for Left for Dead prior to its release. Even then the general public demo was live for only about a week, promptly removed at 12am on November 18, never to be seen again. Those who want the game will likely buy it, demo or not. Those that need convincing will eventually have a chance to check it out when the free demo hits PSN. However, what Sony should have done is put up a single player demo on PSN, for free, and offered a multi-player demo through GameStop. Then again both LittleBigPlanet and Resistance 2 were not given any public demos (both relied on closed "betas") and the one issued for Motorstorm was taken from a build old enough to inaccurately represent the retail product. Fail on all three. Besides, why give out a demo when people will pay for it?

This all connects to a larger issue though, which has been terrible marketing for the PS3. It seems that mentality of brand loyalty will sell the platform and its games is still lingering. Which is unfortunate for Sony and people who play video games in general. Not offering up a demo is one thing, offering a demo if you preorder a game is another. As Jeff wrote in the article to which I'm commenting, demos are "little interactive ads for upcoming products." The point of a demo is to demonstrate what you'll potentially be purchasing, not a means to gain early access for people lacking patience. Though quite honestly I think we are all fairly fortunate in this day and age, even if publishers want us to pay for a demonstration. Ten years ago it was a lot more difficult to avoid getting burned by the purchasing of crappy product. Then again, ten years ago there were more products that didn't break 2 months after their purchase, so maybe my point is moot.