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PersonZ Returns with another Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run

Hello Everyone,

Who need's sleep? Certainly not me.......
Who need's sleep? Certainly not me.......

I am here to announce that I will once again be taking part in the Giant Bomb Community Endurance run this year. This will be my 9th year participating in the event which at first made me feel a little old but that’s okay because as it turns out I actually am old.

Last year with support from people like you I was able to raise $ 1,266.00 for Pencils of Promise, additionally because of that I also donated $ 1,266.00 of my own money to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.

This year we are raising money in benefit of Feed the Children. A non profit organization that has been fighting hunger in The United States, Central America, East Africa, and South East Asia since 1979. They also help provide access to clean water, education and livelihood programs.

Now it’s no secret that things have been harder on most people over the last few years so while I do hope we beat last years record I am tempering my expectations. That being said I am still hoping to raise $ 1,000.00 this year and, as a donation incentive I am continuing to match all donation made up to a total of $ 1,000.00 to a separate donation to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. Additionally I will be doing 1 push up for every dollar donated (up to a maximum of 1,000 push ups over the weekend).

So you not only get to donate to a good cause but you also get to force me to do the same, and also inflict punishment on my pectoral muscles! So if you ever wanted to live out your fantasy of being Sargent Hartman from Full Metal Jacket then now is your chance!

Maybe I will actually finish one of these this time.
Maybe I will actually finish one of these this time.

This year the theme I am going with is “finishing what we started”. So in the spirit of finishing things myself and my good Friends Mike and …. Mike will be playing through Trine 5 as best as we can. Will we actually be able to finish it in one night this time? Probably not….. I hear that game is like 15 hours long.

Once we are sick of that we plan on playing some random things like the newly released Content Warning, Overcooked 2, Just Act Natural and whatever else we can potentially think of while still conscious.

Once the Mike’s have passed out I will continue on by loading my Resident Evil 2 Remake save from last year and once that is finished I will be moving on to the Resident Evil 3 Remake. Additionally if the Mike’s ever wake up, we will continue our play-through of Either Trine 5 or It Takes Two (of which we started two years ago). Hopefully this year we can finish our plates and not leave anything unfinished.

So to Summarize to those of you that still follow the creed of “too long, did not read”

  • Friday April 12th Staring @ 7:00 PM EST and Ending on Saturday April 13th @ 6 AM EST – Trine 5 and other Competitive/Co-op games (also maybe Resident Evil if the Mikes Abandon me).
  • Saturday April 13th Staring @ 6:00 PM EST and Ending on Sunday April 14th @ 6 AM EST – Finishing my plate of Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 3 and It Takes Two if Mike ever wakes up.
  • Sunday April 14th at an undisclosed time I will return to finish any push ups I may owe and to finish whatever random game I can think of at the time. These times may vary but I will try to keep this blog post updated if anything changes.

So hopefully I will see you in roughly one week. As always you can watch me on explosive runs or directly on my twitch channel at

You can donate to my Stream here:

Also if you are interested in learning more about Feed the Children and the Center for Addiction and Mental Health you can do so here:

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Feed the Children:



PersonZ's Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run XIII Shenanigans

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Hi Everyone,

PersonZ here again (AKA Jatzu on the discord) providing some info on what I will be doing for the Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run this year. Last year with support from people like you I was able to raise $ 1,779.00 for Pencils of Promise, additionally because of that I also donated $ 1,500.00 of my own money to the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto.

This year I am hoping to raise $ 2,000.00 and as a donation incentive I am upping my donation match this year once more. That means for every 1 dollar donated to my page for pencils of promise, I will match that donation to CAMH with my own money up to a total of $ 2000.00. So you not only get to donate to a good cause but you also get to force me to do the same! It’s win win really. Additionally you can force me to do push ups for every dollar donated up to a cumulative total of 1,000 because any more than that and I am pretty sure I would be unable to move for a week.

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As far as plans go, on Friday April 28th myself and my good friends Mike and …… other Mike will once again be playing a Trine game, Thankfully it’s Trine 4 this year so we likely wont be as miserable as we were last year when playing Trine 3. Once Trine is beaten myself and one of the Mike’s will pick up where we left off in It Takes Two. On Saturday I will be joining the much more entertaining group of community members That Penguino, Zombie Pie and Arbitrary Water in the 4x4 Job fiesta.

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Finally on Sunday, I will be playing either Half minute Hero or the Resident Evil 2 remake. What decides this you may ask? Well really it’s going to depend on how much energy I have left. But who ever heard of not sleeping and doing pushups all weekend making you tired?

So to summarize this year….

  • Friday April 28th Starting at 7 PM EST: Trine 4 and other Co-op games with people named Mike
  • Saturday April 29th Starting at 12 PM EST: The 4x4 Job fiesta over at
  • Sunday April 30th Starting at 1 AM EST: Half Min Hero / Resident Evil 2 Remake

So come on by and yell at me to do push up’s. You can watch my stream on either explosive runs or on my twitch channel

You can donate to my Stream here:

You can look up info on Pencils of Promise Here & CAMH here.


PersonZ's Push-Up Club Returns with the Community Endurance Run XII

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Hi Everyone,

PersonZ here, otherwise known and Jatzu, or that one Canadian dude you never heard about because he mostly only lurks here. It’s that time of year again, The time of year when I forgo large amounts of sleep to help raise money for Pencils of Promise. Last year with the support of people like you my shenanigans raised just over $ 1,500 USD. Additionally as per my donation incentives last year I did 1,000 push-ups on stream and put up an additional $ 1,000 of my own money to help support CAMH which is an organization dedicated to helping people with addiction and mental health problems.

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This year my goal will be raising $ 2,000 for Pencils of Promise and in doing so I will be putting my own money on the table as well. For Every one dollar USD raised for pencils of promise I will donate an additional one Dollar USD to the Center for Addiction & Mental Health up to $ 1,500 USD total. So not only will donating help kids in developing nations but you will also be helping people in need to combat mental health and addiction problems as well. That's win win if you ask me. I will also still be doing push-ups. For every dollar donated I will do one push-up until 1,000 push-ups are done. Additional push-ups may happen, but I am not sure I can promise more than 1K over three days.

I will match all POP donations with a CAMH donation up to $ 1,500.00 USD
I will match all POP donations with a CAMH donation up to $ 1,500.00 USD

What I can promise though is some video games, streamed by myself while getting the minimum amount of rest when needed. This year the box wizard returns as well as my pals Orsi & Ligori will be returning once again to help beat Trine 3 on Thursday April 8th. I have heard this is the bad Trine, but how can a game with a Box wizard be bad? Following Trine 3, Myself & Ligori will be doing a full run of It Takes Two. Come watch us enjoy a co-operative game about…. Divorce? We may be doing other random co-op stuff as well depending on how much Ligori can stay awake but most of that will be a surprise.

Saturday Morning the single player games will begin with myself going through Resident Evil VIII for the first time. Following RE8 I will be going through Spider-Man: Miles Morales. If for some reason I beat those two quickly I will dip into my random PS Plus Library which I have ignored for the past several years.

So to summarize...

Donation Incentives:

  • I will do 1 pushup for every dollar raised (up to 1K pushups).
  • For every 1 USD donated to Pencils of Promise I will donate 1 USD to CAMH (up to 1.5K total)

Schedule & Donation Links

  • Friday April 8th - Starting at 7 PM EST Co-Op Games with Orsi & Ligori: Trine 3, It Takes Two, and Maybe More?
  • Saturday April 9th to Sunday April 10th at 3PM EST - Staring as Soon as the Co-Op partners pass out: Resident Evil 8, Spider Man: Miles Morales and More (Depending on how long it takes me to finish / do pushups)

You can watch my stream on either explosive runs or on my twitch channel

You can donate to my Stream here:

You can look up info on Pencils of Promise Here & CAMH here.


PersonZ's Potentially Swole Inducing and Wallet Emptying Endurance Run

Hello Everyone

It's time once again for the Giant Bomb Community Endurance Run and once again I shall be doing my best to entertain you all with my sleep deprived insanity and poor push up form but before I get to what all I have planned I want to talk about something real quick.

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This year we have shifted back to Pencils of Promise as our charity which is cause I truly believe in. A good education is a priceless gift that everyone deserves and this year we are hoping to raise $ 15,000 as a team. My own personal goal this year is to reach $ 1,000 Raised for Pencils of Promise.

That being said I feel that there is another cause I wish to help out this year as well. Mental Health is something that we can sometimes forget about but it's something I feel is incredibly important. Late last year I lost a friend to suicide. It came as a shock to say the least. I kept going over and over in my head trying to figure out why. Asking myself if there was anything I could have done, anything I should have done. The only thing I kept coming to was I really wish they had reached out for help. A lot of people out there struggle with mental health and the most tragic part about it is a lot of them just keep it to themselves. Struggling in silence is never the answer so if you are reading this and you feel you are in a dark place, please reach out to someone.

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So this year my main incentive to donate to my stream (aside from watching me suffer doing push-ups of course) is my planned donation match. This year for every $1 dollar raised to Pencils of Promise I will match that donation ( up to $1,000 USD ) to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in my hometown of Toronto, Canada.

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So with all that said let's get into the meat and potatoes of what I have planned this year:

  • This coming Friday April 9th at 6 PM EST: Myself and some friends will be doing a full co-op playthrough of Trine 2. Afterwards we shall move on to completing a few of the scenarios of Resident Evil 6. If we have enough time we will also try to beat We were here together.
  • On Saturday April 10th starting at 10 AM EST to Sunday April 11th at 6 PM EST: I will be doing a full playthrough of Resident Evil 7. I don't usually do to well with first person horror games so.... that should be interesting to say the least. Once Resident Evil 7 is done I will move on to either Sword of Mana or Muramasa: The Demon Blade.

You can watch my stream on either explosive runs or on my twitch channel

You can donate to my Stream here:

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