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Average score of 13 user reviews

The Greatest Movie That Happens to Have a Game Inside 0

Uncharted 1 was a pretty game undone by its combat and flabbergastingly awful final chapters. Uncharted 2 was not a game undone, but it was certainly a game held back by increasingly cheap armored and one-hit kill enemies as the game went along.Uncharted 3, for whatever reason, chose not to improve anything about the fundamental combat: the aiming is still tiresomely sluggish, enemies don't react at all to being shot unless it's in the head which leaves bullets feeling impactless, and most impor...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Now I understand why some people HATE Shutter Island 0

Spec Ops: The Line is a game that I've been waffling over whether to buy for what feels like a year now. Every few months, usually because of someone in the press or a forum bringing it up, I get really curious about why the story is so talked about. But I've tried the demo and wasn't ever too intrigued with the actual game so it was really cool to find the game available for free this month on Playstation Plus. Let me just say that I'm really glad I wasn't asked for any money in exchange for th...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Hits nostalgia for a moment, fails to stick 0

It's all new rosters, so you'll find your new cheese there. But the unfortunate part of this NBA Jam remake is that three pointers are emphasized (like real life) and the jokey iconoclast teams quickly become the go-to quads. It's fun enough when you're destroying opponents, but the destruction never seems to come right. Pushing folks down isn't as satisfying as a Jam should be, blocks are really oddly timed (somewhere between sim and regular) and it's just not clear when or why your A.I. teamma...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

In which everyone gets punked 0

Batman: Arkham City is not a game without its flaws. Many of them, though, depend on the sort of gamer you are, and therein lies the catch. Despite on its surface being little more than brawler with one of the biggest and best comic book licenses to back it up, Arkham City is that rare game that could probably scratch all itches for all gamers. Want to track down ringing telephone booths? Use a multitude of gadgets in one close quarters free-for-fall? Knock out every enemy without ever being see...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Cool Weapons, Awkward Stories 0

I won't be long; after all, I may have replayed GTAIV this past spring but its story nuances are already mostly lost to me, especially when it comes to some of the minor characters that make a return here. I can't speak to how cool it is to see the other side of these various missions, other than it being fun to take on the museum again from Johnny's end and interesting to take in how intimidating Niko Bellic's presence can be when you're on the other end of the dock standoff as Luis. Most of th...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Almost Impossible to Rate, or Stop Talking About 0

The Walking Dead is one of those games that you can't really talk about in the immediate, much in the same way you feel guilt over talking about what happened in the Sixth Sense, Chinatown or Casablanca around a person still eager to have that experience. Which also no doubt makes it a hard game to write about in broad strokes, given that it's structure creates such a personal experience and all of the most memorable bits are things that are only memorable because of how they were presented in t...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Scratches old Strike series itch, months of replay value 0

Renegade Ops is the sort of game that's so obsessively simple, it's a wonder that more games aren't able to achieve this sort of focus. The achievement is made even more notable for being from Avalanche Studios, the team behind the hilariously ADHD-riddled Just Cause 2. Despite being on its face a very brief game, Renegade Ops has also proved to be the game from Playstation Plus' Instant Game Collection that's spent the most time on my hard drive alongside Just Cause 2. Part of this is, if I'm b...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Fantastic storytelling, (mostly) amazing design propels Portal 2 0

I make it a point quite often in my (so far rare) game reviews that I'm what's often referred to as a "Jaded Gamer". I don't often get the same joy out of titles, that others do, and along with a redistributed budget as I've grown into my mid-20s that informs a lot of how I react to games in general. There was a time in my life where I couldn't wait to play the newest, hottest thing, but that time is not now. None of this is particularly relevant to the words I'm about to type, but I felt it poi...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Seems like a great demo for a better game down the road 0

I've noticed the intimidatingly titled Warhammer 40,000 franchise here and there through most of my gaming life, but never was I really tempted to see what it was about until the Quick Look for Space Marine. Vinny and Ryan seemed like they were having the wildest time with it, and what I was seeing on screen looked like it could genuinely supply that entertainment for a more jaded gamer like myself. Luckily, around the time I came across that Quick Look was when the game became available for fre...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Madden 13 presents all that went wrong/right with PS3 football 0

I used to be extremely invested in sports games. I certainly found plenty of time for regular old games, especially in the SNES and PSOne days, but with PS2 came a substantial shift in sports gaming. Graphical realism became an expectation more than a false hope and the depth of various systems steadily increased throughout the years. In Madden alone we saw a franchise that continuously iterated on itself without taking options away. It's hard to remember that Madden 2002's soundtrack consisted ...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

It's worth noting I was drunk 0

Drunk as hell, to be precise. But even the usual feelings of drowsiness that come after a long day of NBA playoffs and hard liquor couldn't stop me from impulse downloading and playing Journey into the sunrise hours of the morning that night in April. Journey isn't a game that really demands you experience it over and over, and true to form I still haven't beaten it a second time (my second save file rests somewhere in the underground seaweed portion of the game) but I have pitched the game on s...

0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

Pretty graphics, tough choices can't save awful story 0

It's been nearly three years since I played the game, but the disappointment of the Heavy Rain experience was so extreme at the time it's hard to forget all the biggest details. It should be made clear that one of my favorite games as a kid was 1997's Blade Runner, the "real-time" detective game on PC that made a real effort to present a world that reacted to your actions, and gave you plenty of options to progress through an otherwise linear story and tailor the game to your own personal intuit...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

Awkwardly Gripping, or, How I Learned to Love the Demo 0

I've owned a PS3 since the year it was released, yet for a variety of reasons I'd never played Uncharted until the original and its sequel were released on the Playstation Network. I've constantly been curious with myself as to why that is, especially since the demos for both Drake's Fortune and Among Thieves were some of the more entertaining, intriguing demos I've come across in my five-plus years with the system.But now that I've beaten Drake's Fortune and am coming perilously close to the en...

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