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This is too much the best time to be playing video games! Too many games!

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If you want to read some fun sci-fi, the Bobiverse books are great. The first one is "We are Legion (We are Bob)".
It's about a guy who sells his software company for a lot of money, retires and pays for one of those "put me in cryo-sleep when I die so you can revive me in the future" type deals. When the future arrives they do revive him. Kind of. How does being the controlling AI for a Von Neumann probe sound like?
I love these books because they are "crunchy" the same way The Martian is. And just the idea of being a self-replicating probe tasked with exploring the universe is compelling to me.

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@undeadpool: I had to take a peek at the content warnings because this got me curious, and reading those makes it seem a lot worse than it really is. Like, way worse. Sure, those things are correct, but it's like putting the content warnings "mass death and torture" for Star Wars: A New Hope. It's correct, and you should know it is there, but it makes it sound a lot worse than it actually is on paper.

Anyway, it's a great series of books that I happened to just finish reading the week before the podcast started. I lucked into knowing about it because I wanted to learn more about it. It's kinda dense, but they do a great job guiding the listener/reader through it.

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Patrick is doing a lot of fun stuff with Cado and Rob over at Remap, I don't have time to watch all of it, but what I have seen has been great.

Austin might be one of the most productive people I follow. His day job is as IP Director at Possibility Space. Still no news I have heard what they are working on, but looking forward to find out. Then there are the things you can actually follow:

Friends at the Table - The best actual play podcast out there. They are usually doing one main season (the current one is sci-fi) with several one shots and shorter series interspersed throughout the year. Austin is usually the GM. All of the people on it are rad.

A More Civilized Age - A Star Wars podcast, primarily going through the animated series, but has more or less evolved into becoming a "let's watch all the Star Wars there is" show. Because of the strike they are currently playing through KotoR instead. This is the only video-game related content he does except his day job. The other people on it are Rob (Remap), Natalie (formerly Waypoint) and Ali (who is also at Friends at the Table).

Shelved by Genre - He is also on this podcast about genre literature, currently on their first "season" which is about "The Book of the New Sun".

And I am sure he is guesting on various other podcasts here and there that I don't listen to.

Fell off what Jeff is doing now kinda hard, so no idea about any of that. Mainly wanted to write out all this to bring more people into FatT and AMCA.

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@zombiepie: The first Supraland surprised the hell out of me when I played it. I got it in a Humble Bundle, and had no idea what it was when I went into it. The people inhabiting the world are like Play-Doh people looking like your stereotypical "bathroom-sign" person. You play one from the red faction, the blue faction are the bad ones. You live in a sandbox, which is huge because you are tiny.

Will spoiler the rest as it is more about the mechanics, which largely translates over to the second game.

The gameplay is what surprised me. It's like a mix between Zelda, Portal and it's an open world Metroidvania. It's really fun to explore, and every new power or item you get changes how you play. You start off just jumping around, but at the end you can basically break the game (which is intentional) by using your new powers.

The quests are fun, I liked the humor and the sense of exploration is really great.

All that said, I liked the first one way better than the second and I am not sure why. Also, there is a third on the way that I did not know about, so thanks a lot having to put another game on my wishlist!

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#6  Edited By jaqen_hghar

@remotesilver: That was what I was wondering. The one comment on another website I found was very like these comments here. Fascinating.

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Just because I am curious, where do you see that people are complaining about digital keys being out on digital platforms? From what I can tell there is one other person complaining about not being able to buy it anywhere, digital or physical, who also says people all over the internet is complaining about it.
When googling I find this thread, and that one other comment.

From what I can see all digital storefronts that sell it has keys, and I can comfortably buy it from the few places that sell physical media here in Norway.

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I am absolutely loving it so far. And one of the many reasons is the shift in atmosphere.

In Breath of the Wild Link woke up in a post-apocalypse where the crisis that ended civilization just got muted, not defeated, and has lasted for the past 1000 years or so. There were people and towns, but few and far between. The world was beautiful and often serene, but also very dangerous for ordinary folk, meaning it felt empty of life in a way. And I loved that, it fit and made sense.

Now Link woke up in a post-post-apocalypse, where until recently everything was going well. The land was safe-ish again, and people had finally been able to breathe and spread around. And because the current calamity is fresh, those vibes are still in effect. The world is hostile and dangerous, full of monsters again and falling pieces of an ancient civilization, but people are optimistic. They are doing stuff, moving around the world, living in a way they just didn't in the last game.

Just masterfully done.

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@atheistpreacher: Thanks a lot! Feels a lot better knowing I can experiment a bit with both armor, stat points and spells.

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@atheistpreacher: Yeah, it was the extra flasks. Didn't even say that it was sent to the inventory as I thought, just that I was full and all that. Realized it once I actually got one of the "Dragon Vein" things. Reading comprehension isn't always as high as I would like.
Gotten to the second real mission, and the ground and character flashes light blue sometimes. I also got the full screen white flash bug, but turning off AO fixed that. Debating with myself if I should wait on patches, but I am having a lot of fun with the game so now sure if I want to.

I'm guessing I will be able to do a lot of stuff once I get to the village I hear you unlock, but what can you do there? I bet that is where you can change your characters look, which I hope is as flexible as it was in Nioh 2. But can you also respec? I am putting in points in what I think I need so far, but that always changes down the line as you learn more about the game. And haven't dared put much into the Wizardry tree, in case I cannot respec that.