Those waiting for next gen consoles, have you given up and moved on?

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I was thinking back how I really really wanted a PS5 just a few months ago (or whenever it was about to come out) and would refresh like three different store websites over and over waiting stock. Then I'd wake up early to try to hit those sites up when their stock refreshed. I really wanted one.

And now, it's been so long I no longer care. If I see one at the store, I might think about picking up a new console, IF its on sale or comes in a bundle.

But essentially I've moved on. It was fun though for that brief window of time when I was all in.

What say you? Have you moved on? Are you still checking sites? Still tempted to overpay scalpers on ebay?

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#2  Edited By liquiddragon

I would guess a lot of ppl are somewhere in the middle. Maybe they’ve given up trying to get one ASAP but I wouldn’t assume they’ve given up ever getting one (or “IF its on sale or comes in a bundle.“) Why would ppl move on? It’s hard to get consoles or GPUs.

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#3  Edited By The_Nubster

Certainly not itching to anymore. I really wanted to grab a new RTX card to upgrade from my 1080 and a PS5, so I could sell my PS4 Pro. At this point I'm happy with my backlog of games and I'll probably hold out for the 40-series of cards next year when supply is unfuckered, and grab a PS5 late this year or early next.

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I'll probably end up buying a PS5 around the same time during a console generation when I got a PS4; basically near the end of it due to switching to PC in 2015. So, I'm more concerned about graphics cards, but my 2080 Ti is still giving me the frame count that I want with the graphics settings that I want at 1440p ultrawide, so I can wait to upgrade my tech.

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#5  Edited By Nodima

No, and I'm a bit bummed out I wasn't able to follow a similar timeline as purchasing a PS4 (the February after launch). At the same time, until Ratchet there's not a game I need a PS5 for, and with MLB The Show 21 being out I'm no longer itching to re-experience some of my favorite games with slight PS5-powered upgrades during a new game drought, so I'm not really checking for a PS5 either. I'll randomly pull up the Gamespot release watch page on my phone during downtime at work but I'm not following any Twitter bots or anything. I'm starting to presume I won't have one until 2022, but the moment I came across one at the standard MSRP I'd have the money locked and ready to go for it.

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@the_nubster: I wouldn't count on supply being "unfuckered" as early as next year, unfortunately. But let's hope.

Don't really care about "next-gen" as it is now.

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I’m happy with my Nintendo Switch.

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Yep. The FOMO is long gone and I don't care enough to jump through whatever discord/twitter stock monitoring hoops are required to get one at this point.

I'll get a PS5. Eventually.

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As a PS5 owner, your not really missing much, I was very lucky to get one but Demons Souls and Astro are the only good PS5 exclusive games that I've played. There both really good but they don't make the ps5 purchase nessisary.

Don't do what us idiots did, wait for the games to come out then buy one.

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I was going to give up but was in target a month ago and they had a series s in stock.

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I gave up, im not saying i wont get a PS5 at some point but i stopped actively looking. I remember second guessing buying a 2080ti at launch but with all the shit that has happened with chips i think it paid for itself. Who would have thought it be so hard to buy new electronics?

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I'll get one when I get one. I'm not in a hurry. There not being a ton of games out for either of them makes not caring about owning them easy.

Worst comes to worst, there's Series S Xboxes available here if I wanted one of those.

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I sold my PS4 Pro a few years ago thinking I'd just get a PS5 at launch. I had tried getting in on the 3080 launch when those GPUs came out and the rat race around that held me back from even bothering with the PS5 launch. At this point I'll buy whatever revision comes from the next version of the PS5 or I'll just rebuy a PS4 to play Bloodborne again. Not really in any rush though.

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I'm still rocking a launch Xbox One, so I'm definitely looking for a Series X to replace it. Not so badly that I'm waiting by my computer for stock drops, but I'm still looking now and then. PS5 I'm definitely waiting on games. Persona 5 was the game that made me buy a PS4, and while Horizon is almost there, I don't see anything that will make me buy a PS5 yet.

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I'll second other folks in this thread that I have certainly lost a bit of the spark or urge to get one right now, for a variety of reasons. One certainly being the obvious lack of available units. In fact, being in the middle of a move and packing up a bunch of stuff I have instead reignited my urge to play my old games instead. Not sure if it's the move itself making me look over old stuff or a lack of new console urge that has my brain looking for alternatives. Though in some way it might be that I just can't afford to splurge on a new console even if it was available and I have been away from a lot of the games I have long enough for them to be interesting again.

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Yep, I was able to get a ps5 through luck but my friend wanted it more so I sold it to him for MSRP. Nothing I want to play right now, as my PC has a 2080 Ti. I'll eventually get one just not right now and I'm OK with that.

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I have a Series X and that's serving me really well, I think it's a fantastic console. Back when they both were released I was apart of the hype and wanted a PS5 as well, but after headache after headache trying to get one from an online marketplace, it dawned on me there isn't anything on the PS5 I would wanna play that I can't play on the Series X. Gamepass has been amazing and let me really enjoy a ton of games I wouldn't otherwise have played, to the point where I haven't checked for a PS5 in months now. I likely won't until something that I absolutely, 100% must play comes out, and nothing on Sony's immediate docket is that type of game for me.

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#18  Edited By AV_Gamer

I have a PS5 and I love it so far. Maybe because I upgraded from a original PS4 and not a PS4Pro like a lot of other people. So for me, the improved loading times and smoother frame rates on PS4 based games are great, as the original PS4 was really starting to not be able to handle currents games well. Fortunately, I was one of the lucky ones that was able to get one during the launch weekend. However, I'm also looking to get an RTX graphics card for my PC, and that is proving to be a pain. Not only are they rarely available, but when they are, they cost far more than the supposed retail price, often running into the $1000s of dollars. Even the Nvidia 16 Series, like the GTX 1660 Ti, which I actually own and paid over $230 dollars for at the time, now cost between $500-700 dollars depending on the vendor. Crazy.

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Given up bothering. Would love a Series X but here in Australia we only got some release date units and since then none. At least you guy's in the U.S. have had small releases along the way. We have just been forgotten. Same with PS5 none since initial release. I will get one when I can just walk in and buy one off the shelf. So I have resigned myself to waiting a long time maybe even 2022. I think both MS and Sony have screwed themselves releasing with no stock. As I will not buy any more games for the old console. So they are losing money I would have spent on new games. I'm just in a holding pattern playing Game Pass Games.

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My backlog on the PS4 and older consoles is massive. Maybe I'll be ready for the PS5 pro lol.

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My PS4 Pro just started making noises. Bad noises. Repair, replace, or upgrade time.

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@hizang: Totally agree with this. I got lucky on discord and was able to get an order through on a PS5 a couple months ago. I didn’t get a PS4 last time around and only had a base XBOX One and then moved on to upgrading my PC (prior to COVID). Anyway, I haven’t played a single PS5 game, just playing a bunch of PS4 games I missed on PS Plus. If you have a PS4 (especially a Pro), or an XBOX One (especially a One X) then you haven’t missed much new yet. I do enjoy the console and the PS4 was the first Sony generation I haven’t owned, so I’ve been enjoying that backlog. My guess is this generation gets stretched out longer as initial console sales take longer and studios delay their first next gen titles.

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With the bleakest library outlook in decades, can't say I have ever waited...

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I wouldn't mind getting a PS5 as an upgrade to games I play on my base PS4 but I'm starting to lose my fucking patience. At the risk of sounding entitled, I've had to be on the second-to-front lines of essential workers all throughout the pandemic so I'd appreciate it if I could at least spend the extra money I've made on something I want to buy. To add insult to injury just about all the podcasters I listen too talk about getting one and barely touching it. I'm like "Hell dude, I'd use it if I could get one".

As far as I can tell the supply chain is being clogged by scalpers, tech hipsters, and lucky bastards. Meanwhile us Joe-12-pack's are getting the royal screwjob. I don't desperately need one right away but if I could simply find one and buy it without a fuss I totally would. At this point I'm probably more likely to finally buy a Switch, because you can actually see them on store shelves on occasion. I couldn't tell you what's stopping me from doing that aside from the price gouging on software Nintendo is known for.

The real answer to everything might be that I should just finally start playing Final Fantasy 14, which will probably cost far less money for more game time in the long run than I'd spend on any new console.

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While it won't always be the "best version", it seems like both Sony and Microsoft(granted they already had systems in place for this) have accepted that the supply chains/component shortages are not going to improve any time soon and have made it clear to devs that they should keep supporting last gen if possible.

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I haven't seriously checked sites for stock since the launch window. CeX will always have them but I'm not paying £750 for a used PS5.

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Yeah, my excitement has waned.

I would love a PS5. I feel like Returnal, Demon's Souls, and Spider-man: Miles Morales are all up my alley. And I have this fancy 4k 120hz OLED TV I'd like to be able to use a console to its full capacity with (my only consoles in the house are a PS4 and Switch, ha).

However, it's been so long, and I have too much real life stuff like moving, transitioning, and a full-time job to hold down. So if one's in stock when I casually take a look in my local Best Buy or Sony's site, great. Until then, it can wait though. A fancy new toy isn't worth all the effort it'd take to get one.

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The FOMO really struck me hard early this year, especially with video cards. I just decided to take a step back and wait and see what happens though. I quickly realized there's no game that makes me want to sit there on a website for hours on end praying I get a chance to add a PS5 or new GPU to my cart.

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I think the FOMO really subsided because without a big enough userbase on next gen consoles the momentum of even announcements or anybody making real big efforts to sell the things has been massively underwhelming due to the chip shortage. Like what are these studios gonna be getting you amped up for? A bunch of games that nobody really can own a console for even if they wanted to?

Usually in this leg of a console cycle the early adopters are happy they beat everyone, and the next wave of purchasers create a large enough base for studios to be like "You should definitely be looking to buy it now, look everyone else has, and check out everything we've got going on!"

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I've already posted in this thread, but with the admission from Herman Hulst that not only will Forbidden West be on PS4, but that Gran Turismo 7 and The Next God of War will be PS4 releases as well (and pushed to 2022) I just don't see the point in a PS5 at all. It does make me worry a little bit about how the development of God of War is going considering you can imagine a world in which assuming an SSD is involved vs. designing around a HDD creates a very different scale of ambition for that title, but also that first game was pretty heckin' incredible so what do I really care?

At this point the only thing a PS5 really has to offer me that I can't experience (and want to experience) on a PS4 is tech stuff: my TV is 4K capable but I only own a base console, and the DualSense is obviously something to be very curious about. But I just pulled the trigger on a big trip to New Orleans for a friend's birthday under the assumption I really don't care about a PS5 at all anymore, at least until I see something that says Horizon or God of War will be a significantly different experience on the previous generation...which used to happen a lot in the PS1/PS2 era, but I think the industry and capability of the PS4 has me pretty safeguarded from that worry. We'll see, I guess!

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If and when they become widely available again I'll pick up a PS5. My non-pro PS4 is kinda long in the tooth. Until then, it's totally non-essential. You can count the interesting games for the new consoles on one hand.

Honestly, the fact that you can't find a PS5 for love or money anyway has probably saved me from my worst impulse-purchasing tendencies.

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#32 Efesell  Online

@nodima: I will be very curious how any of those games play on a base PS4 considering the last year or so of releases.

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@efesell: Outside of Cyberpunk, nothing significant comes to mind that would have me worried, especially considering they're first party products. Ghost of Tsushima and Last of Us Part II were both last year and ran great, as did Miles Morales and ostensible second party game Death Stranding. In the third party, I might've had my issues with DOOM Eternal and Sekiro recently but how they ran wasn't part of it.

Really the only game in recent memory that had trouble was Control, but even that took me back to the days of GTA 3 when I felt like I was earning some kind of reward for causing so much chaos on screen that the framerate died (and I'm a weird 30 > 60 guy to begin with most days).

Obviously in a perfect world I'd play those games on PS5 - I've heard enough about playing old PS4 games on PS5 that for months I've just been thirsting to own a PS5 and play God of War or even like Star Wars Fallen Order again - but am I convinced that's a $400 experience, or that the work done for HFW or GOW on PS5 would be a $500 experience? Games are still really damn good on PS4 so I can't help but be optimistic until given reason to believe otherwise.

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I have not moved on, I'm just being realistic about the market place we live in today.

  • If you want a gaming PC....haha good luck.
  • If you want and Xbox Series X...haha good luck.
  • If you want a PS5....haha good luck.
  • If you want a silly plastic part for a washing machine...haha good luck.

I'm just going to bide my time. If that means my ability to buy on in May of 2022, then that going to be what I will have to do. Maybe, this is best viewed as enforced backlog completion time. :-P

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I still want a new gaming GPU at a reasonable price, but I've found a decent holding pattern until then. If games start leaving me behind I've got a nice backlog to play that my current GPU can handle (like the second half of the Yakuza series).

Any hype for the new consoles I had has totally vanished. At one point I might have snagged a PS5 but my dumb lizard brain has gotten over that shiny new oooh fancy appeal.

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#36  Edited By ripelivejam

Pray for some fucking government oversight on bitcoin.

e:mah freedumz

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Decided to rewatch The Wire instead because that's more real than me getting a chance to snatch a PS5.

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I'm out here chilling until the next PS5 revision comes out and Cyberpunk is patched and modded into being dope. I'm gonna PC, ps4, and maybe buy a switch pro until 2022-2023

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@nodima: I kind of disagree there, I think the tech stuff on the PS5 or any next gen console is more than enough to make me definitely still want it if it were available. Destiny 2 is a great example. I mean getting to the menu in under 15 seconds instead of a minute and a half on ps4 pro, native 4k, fewer glitches, better draw distance and all that....and for me most importantly the thing i think was glossed over too much on the next gen stuff, not having a jet taking off in my living room every time i load a game like God of War. yeah it looked (looks) great, but holy hell did my ps4 pro scream even just loading the start screen, and going from RDR2 load times to Ghost of Tsushima proved to me at least that faster load times do contribute to my enjoyment of a game. especially one where you quick travel a lot.

All that said, I agree, it looks like studios are pulling a lot of stuff back in order to get their games released to the biggest audience possible. Like I said, normally this is the part of the cycle where they do a couple of dual releases, but the shiniest games are next gen exclusive to entire people to upgrade. with no upgrade option i think those shiny things are gonna be either a much longer way off, or scaled back and delayed.

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The problem isn't just the lack of consoles, it's that it doesn't even really feel like we're in a new console generation. Sure the first year tends to be wonky, but I think its apparent even now considering the games that are coming out for the Ps4/Xbone are still looking good. I have no doubt the enhancements found in the new consoles are good, but worth hunting down a console? Not for me at least.

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So far there's nothing I want that is next gen exclusive, so I'm cool for Xbox one x is powerful enough to hold me another year at least.

Returnal looks good, and I didn't care for demon's souls back in the day soooo no need yet

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#42  Edited By NTM

I'm not going to act like the 60fps boosts and faster loading times aren't nice, I really do appreciate it, but I will say, especially if you have an Xbox One X and a PS4 Pro, and want a PS5 and/or XSX, perhaps try to dial down excitement for now because it really doesn't feel like you're getting a huge jump. Luckily, I (or, more accurately, my brother) was able to find both the PS5 and XSX on the same day a few months ago, and while I do enjoy them, they're not as exciting as one might hope just because, for right now, the most you'll get out of the console is playing older games that got patches rather than any newer titles. While I've really enjoyed that, would I say that it's something one should spend the money it takes to spend on these consoles to get that? No. If you're only gaming on base Xbox One and/or base PS4, and have the money to spend on either of the new consoles, then I say yes, it's a good time to be looking for and be excited for them, otherwise waiting until the start of next year is fine.

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Seems kind of silly - but yeah I totally have. Once I finish up Mass Effect and a few other stragglers from my backlog I don't really have any further ambition for the PS5.

Ive decided to buy a new snowmobile this year instead now. Take that tech shortage!

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I was excited and keen around launch, and I was agonising over whether to get an XBox or a PS5 but in the end I didn’t get either.

I’ve been getting by with my PS4 Pro and my aged PC that’s rocking a now 6 year old 980!

I’m thinking upgrading my PC and seeing what the Switch Pro looks like is probably the way I’ll go.

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I've definitely given up actively looking for one until the stock issues clear up. Who knows how long that will last, though.

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I'm definitely not looking as aggressively as I used to. If I see availability pop up in a Newegg Shuffle, a Playstation Direct queue, or some other way that doesn't involve smashing refresh/add to cart/check out buttons in hopes of beating out legions of bots, I'll try. I will never, ever, ever support scalpers though.

I'd like a new console, but I'm aware of all the supply issues literally every industry is going through right now, so I'm not exactly holding my breath.

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#47  Edited By spacemanspiff00

I've honestly been thinking about waiting for the mid gen refresh this time around. There's is nothing I am dying to play that won't come to PC. All the exclusives are things I'm happy to wait for and get cheaper and more complete. My only push was gonna be that I have a 6 year old PC running a gtx 970. And now it looks like I'm gonna wait another while to be able to build a new rig so the console might have been a nice interim.

Probably just stick to PC and Game Pass for the next few years while sifting through the ol' PS4 backlog.

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Yeh I was upset at first about not being able to get a ps5. But I own a pc considerably more powerful than than the new consoles, so I got over it. I’d still like to get a ps5 to play exclusives one day. But that will be when I can just walk into a store or put a normal online order in without any fuss.

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I do my best to be a patientgamer except for where I really am interested in something. This is especially the case for consoles expecting hardware hiccups and limited software. Life goes on. I realize listening to podcasts and watching Quick Looks makes me want a game, but if I wait, then I'm good. Finally, when the interest sparks again in the future as more games come out, it might be easier and more affordable to get one, maybe a pro version. Patience is ok.