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  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post Game of the Year 2020: Day Five.

    @unastrike, I appreciated your celery joke. haha.

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post 664: Kevlar Booty Shorts.

    I used to use inverted controls all the time. No idea why or when that started. I stopped after working as a game tester for a few years. The very first game I ever tested was a first person shooter w...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post The HotSpot - Episode 387.

    My favorite dumb coding fact: The P in PHP stands for PHP.

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post The Jackbox Party Pack 7.

    "Thank you for your time. Here is the thimble." got me pretty good.

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post 657: The Content.

    On the discussion of communities working together to figure something out... I think Jeff is even more right than he's arguing. I don't even think it's an issue of whether or not someone pops into the...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post 651: Luda Shoota.

    @meierthered said:@ohhi_itsjoe said: To me, when you stand it up like that, it looks like a tiny PC tower. That screams, "it's like your PC but weaker."One mans trash design is another's art piece. T...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post 651: Luda Shoota.

    Counter-point to the conversation about the look of consoles. I actually think the Series X is the worst looking one. To me, when you stand it up like that, it looks like a tiny PC tower. That screams...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post Episode 274.

    Haha. Internet. Man, I'm super excited for Rogue Legacy 2. I get the impression it's not right around the corner or anything.

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post Episode 10 [It's Jeff!].

    Ugh. Well, this ruined Minecraft for me. I've been playing it on PS4 and actually having a pretty good time. Can't go back to that after seeing what it looks like with these shader packs. This looks ...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post Episode 261.

    Super bummed out about Gen Con. I've gone for the 4 days for the past 5 years or so. Each year 3 - 5 people from my game group rent a house, go to the con during the days, and play games all night. A...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post 635: S-rank With Your Coffee Dad.

    I'm supremely disappointed that I can't listen to the hole discussion at 0.75 speed.

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post Episode 251.

    Oh man, I really liked the plunder mode in Warzone. But I say this as a person who hasn't been able to get into any battle royale modes in any games. I like the size and layout of the maps, but just ...

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post 620: Fortune Chalupa.

    I can confirm that if you cancel Stadia, it'll last until the subscription ends.... I was willing to take that risk.

  • ohhi_itsjoe posted a message on the post American Truck Simulator (04/26/2019).

    Yes, that was modern Alice in Chains. As a big fan of the band from grade and high school, back in the day when their original lineup was doing stuff, and as someone who doesn't listen to a ton of su...