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#1  Edited By Obeast

I've been playing the GBA port/remake of Final Fantasy V, which is considered to be the best FF game that originally didn't leave Japan on initial release on the Super Famicom/SNES until the remakes/ports. I've been enjoying it a lot, and the job system is really fun to dick around with to make the most optimal crew to roll with (I never knew a Monk with Time Mage spells could be so useful for both support and physical offense).

Beyond that, I'm still checking on my Animal Crossing New Horizons town a couple/few times a day after having it since near launch, and I've recently gotten back into playing random Mario Maker 2 levels/worlds (which is still super hit and miss in terms of level/world qualities).

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#2  Edited By Obeast

Seriously though, this makes me excited for tomorrow's Bombcast even though it's gonna be super different from what we're used to now that we won't hear Brad's "Hey, it's Tuuuuuesday!". At least we'll have a familiar voice and face to make it feel more like home. :)

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I'm not able to listen to today's Beastcast today. For those who have listened to it, does it contain any info regarding the future of the site?

Not really. It was pretty much just the entire GBE crew reminiscing about their time with the site and each other, and how weird/not great but memorible their office situation was. We also get a couple Dan asking something stupid moments regarding home renovations now that he and his wife own a house.

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Just wanna say thanks to every GBE and exGBE member for that awesome podcast. I know a lot of folks are sad about the news, me included, but that felt good listening to y'all reminisce the past and express love to one another. It was a good ending to an amazing journey.

Yeah, today's Beastcast was a great way to end the greatest podcast in the history of the universe. Seeing Austin, Abby, and especially Dan back to send them off was extremely wholesome (and it's nice to see that Dan will never change since he was the main reason why I started following the site and listening to the Bomb/Beastcasts). <3

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I'm happy that Jeff doesn't see this as the end of the site (like a lot of people seem to feel between the live chat during the Bombcast and main thread about the Three Amigos leaving town), but as a possible rebirth of GB. I just hope whoever he hires in the future know what makes this site so great, and can improve on it. #GiantBombForever

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While I'm really sad about the news, I'm hoping this might be a way for Jeff, Jason, Jan, and Rorie (and Bakalar since he's kinda their boss now) to turn this into a new beginning for GB. Plus, it's not like Vinny, Alex, and Brad won't be around. I'm sure we'll see them come back as Bombcast/QL guests and we'll get to see their GOTY lists in December (or January if they do a repeat of last year's GOTY and wait until after new year's).

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#7  Edited By Obeast

Jan is one of the best additions to the team, especially since he had huge shoes to fill as video producer after Drew's departure into the meme business to go solo when he was hired on.

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@brendan said:

Did Dan also leave in 2020 or was that actually in 2019? Either way that's three exits and no additions; the team feels like it's shrinking! Still excited for the future of GB!

The final Mario Party Party was on Jan 3, 2020, and I think that was Dan's last day if I remember correctly. That one came way out of nowhere since he didn't announce him leaving until that day.

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@royalghost: I deleted it (or had it flagged to be deleted). Sorry, I didn't see the original post about that part.

@obeast said:
@royalghost said:

Oh... Fuck.. Everyone's leaving huh :/

and the software engineer they had on the Hotspot a while back.....sorry I forgot his name

His name is Will Carle and he is great. I miss him greatly.

I never knew him nor did I ever see him on any GB content, but he seemed super cool on that episode. I might have to listen to it to remember a lot of his advice on getting into programming since I feel like I've hit a writer's block of sorts on what to make.

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