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Reviews: 39

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Mento  Moderator

I almost put KamiKatsu on my own list of watched anime highlights just because of how baffling it was, but I eventually decided to stick to shows I could actually recommend to others. I remember that one shot of the aforementioned pervert having his face superimposed onto altered film stock of a guy driving a combine harvester during an "isekai'd guy brings modern technology to the medieval serfs" montage. It even shows up multiple times, like it was a killer joke they just had to bring back. Just the wildest nonsense. And, yeah, deeply weirdly horny too. (At least the ED was cute?)

You sure played a lot of bad adventure games this year, huh? I'm shocked by how little I'm able to tolerate them these days, myself. Like, I can enjoy bad RPGs or platformers for what they are to some extent (I wouldn't be able to do 64 in 64 otherwise), but I sometimes find myself getting actively angry at a badly-designed adventure game puzzle that's based on the most obtuse thought processes. The FMV/CG era just made things so much worse in how they'd have multiple screens with absolutely nothing gameplay-related going on presumably just so they could show off the budget, which is why I've never been able to finish Grim Fandango. The Feeble Files was also one I bounced off of hard a few years back too, despite really enjoying the same studio's Simon the Sorcerer series. At any rate, you're doing God's work delving into that mid-to-late-'90s quagmire.

Here's to one more year at least for the modest Giant Bomb blogging community. I think we're in moderately good shape right now, but I still wouldn't blame anyone for bouncing if they're lacking good feedback. There's just very few places left on the internet that have the advantages this place does, so I just hope they can be appreciated by more writers (and, perhaps more importantly, the site's owners).

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Edited By Mento  Moderator

@arbitrarywater: I'm sure my next feature will actually be beneficial to my mental health instead. Maybe.

@ben_h: The gossip stones often tell you what you'll earn doing some of the more labor-intensive stuff, like collecting X skulltula tokens or completing either of the trading side-quests. Helps if you know there's just some rupees or a recovery heart waiting at the end. Water Temple still has its usual level of confusing bad but at least it's one of the kinder dungeons for this randomizer, since it requires very few keys and it doesn't have any silver rupee rooms to worry about.

Actually, now that notifications are working again, I might just tag @tolkoto and @jeffgrubb to check out this horrifying mess. Again, no specific reason relating to any specific features that might need ideas.

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Reviews: 39

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Mento  Moderator
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Reviews: 39

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Mento  Moderator

@borgmaster: It could've been better served in a whole lot of ways, but that's certainly a good start given the two-player aspect. I think if you made a Dirty Pair game today you'd probably go a classic 2D Contra route with modern QoL stuff in the manner of a Blazing Chrome: something that would fit the whole '80s vibe of the franchise.

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Reviews: 39

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Mento  Moderator

@cozmicaztaway: An XCOM type of SRPG would be cool with this license, maybe if they also made it more of a procedural SWAT sim in the style of those old Rainbow Six games (only with more mech suits).

Or they could just put Deunan and Briareos in Rainbow Six Siege instead. Why should Fortnite get all the anime cameos?

@chamurai: Full keyboard layout is keybordwamendohkusaina+toiwwakedattari if you want to take a crack at it.

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Mento  Moderator

Yeah, Japan really loves the Jinsei Game, it's weird. Tons of them for SFC too. There's even two for the N64 and I'm praying neither shows up as a random pick for that self-inflicted nightmare feature of mine.

At least I don't think there are any more for PCE. You will have to figure out Momotaro Dentetsu at some point though.

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Mento  Moderator

@borgmaster: Sometimes an hour is just right. Felt like the perfect length of time to spend with these two.

Then again, given the random pick for the next episode, there may be times when a hour is far too long...

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Mento  Moderator

Someday I'll make you play UnderRail. After Descent to Undermountain, of course.

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Mento  Moderator

We should just rename this feature SchaDanFreude. Everything after the "platforming plan" was golden.

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Reviews: 39

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Mento  Moderator

Thanks for this series. It's been fun revisiting this game through these updates, and I'm also a little relieved someone else has dedicated this much written attention to this game. Now, if only we could convince more people to throw away their sanity to explain what's going on here.

It's definitely underappreciated in the FF canon but given you gotta play the first two to get anywhere with its story I can understand why it hasn't found a huge audience. Maybe more folks will discover it via its rad soundtrack through the new Theatrhythm.