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  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 841: Fair Use Brad Garrett.

    Animal Well’s game speed is tied to its frame rate, so you’ll want to just leave the cap at 60, otherwise it will be playing too fast or too slow.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 01.

    Have you guys lowered the bitrate recently? I can barely see what’s going on here at times due to the blockiness.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Voicemail Dump Truck 031.

    @locclo: I could barely hear them. Also Lucy and Tam kept going back and forth between super muffled and ear splittingly loud.Something definitely wrong with the audio this week.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Hypercharge: Unboxed.

    I too have been noticing the delay between voice and video for the past month or two.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post UPF 12/10/21.

    What kind of cold brew have y'all been having? Cold brew is supposed to be more mellow than brewed, less bitter.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 716: Homeopathic Indiana Jones.

    The point Jess makes about Psychonauts 2 and how its art and gameplay are intertwined is so on point. She put my thoughts about the game into words in a way that I couldn’t manage. Truly excellent gam...

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Giant Bombathon 2021 [Part 3].

    @janman Northwest Airlines is what Delta used to be.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Giant Bombathon 2021 [Part 3].

    This whole pro-hacker thing didn't age well.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 712: Endless Forgiveness.

    Oh and also, if anyone has the ability to make an LG WebOS Giant Bomb app we really need a new one and I’m sure many people would forever love you for building one. The current one hasn’t been updated...

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 712: Endless Forgiveness.

    That new 20th anniversary XSX controller has that see-through look to it. It looks great.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 711: OH EGG.

    Taco Bell never makes my food ahead of time. I get there and they act confused and surprised that there’s an online order and then I have to wait for them to make it.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 710: PP Cost.

    Is Bakalar under the impression that vegetables are salty? That’s some Dan Ryckert level shit.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post 708: wallbabies.

    Did Todd Clorox somehow make it into this episode?

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Deathloop (08/27/2021).

    @venatio: @venatio: Jeff said in the video that the game was at 1080p so I didn’t find that to be so obvious. He didn’t say “we’re capturing it at 1080p.”

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Deathloop (08/27/2021).

    Only 1080p on PS5? Yikes.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post Bak 2 Skool 01: Electricity.

    Only about 10% of people that are struck by lightning die.

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 04: OnlyFans Sexodus.

    What’s up with the random dial-up sounds throughout?

  • haneybd87 posted a message on the post The Very Online Show 01: The old beach meme and the M. Night Shyamalan paradox.

    No podcast version of this?