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    Location » linked to 153 games

    Brazil is a federal republic in South America, where it is the largest country, and the only one whose official language is Portuguese rather than Spanish. Its capital city is Brasília.

    Short summary describing this location.

    Brazil last edited by Swedenplayer on 03/31/24 02:35PM View full history

    Brazil is the largest and most prosperous country in South America. It appears in games mostly as an exotic place. Blanka and Eddy Gordo are some of the Brazilian characters in videogames. Brazil is famous for its ethnic diversity having many people of European, African and Japanese descent. It is considered the 7th biggest economy in the world, however, lots of social problems are present in the country. Its capital is Brasilia, and São Paulo is its most important city, being the richest in Latin America. Its national language is Portuguese, and its national sport is Football, with it recognised as the most successful team in world cup history, presently with 5 championships to date. It encompasses a large portion of the Amazon, the world's largest and second-longest river.


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