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Games I beat for PS3

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  • Borrowed this from a friend when I first got my PS3. Enjoyed the game a lot. The graphics were clean(but in a dirty, gritty way) and the guns had a weird heavy feel to them all. The multi-player wasn't bad either.

  • Beat this a long time ago, not even on my own PS3. Decided half-way into the game that I would never throw grenades in the game again.

  • I didn't 100% it, but I did go through the main story stuff. Hated the stupid time trial drive your buggy from this place to that missions, but those big walkers and some of the weapons towards the end made this game worth playing.

  • One of my favorite games for my ps3. Controls were great, the atmosphere was creepy, and I actually jumped several times while I played. Cannot wait for the sequel.

  • Will probably download the epilogue at some point. Please let there be a sequel.

  • This game was GOOOOOD.

  • I had fun playing this game. After I beat it, I talked with others who beat it to see if we got similar endings. Really surprised at how differently the game can play out.

  • Probably one of my favorite PS3 games. The art style was gorgeous, and the unique battle system was solid. Sweet story too.

    Everybody in my squad survived! Yeah!

  • This game is long. Also the Chimera are a bunch of friggin bullet sponges.

  • Game is short, but I enjoyed the ride.

  • This game was awesome. Still gotta do some more playthroughs to plat.

  • Took a long time, but finally did it. Not the best last boss (far too easy) but I'm now pumped for the 3.