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Justin258  Online

I'm pretty sure that reflection in Metroid Prime is something added in by the Prime Hack or the HD texture pack they're using. I've played that game a zillion times, seen that disc on the wall, and never noticed a reflection. That doesn't mean it isn't there for sure and I haven't fact-checked myself, but I seriously doubt it's in the original Gamecube version and I don't think it's in the Wii version either.

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Justin258  Online

The thing about playing Metro 2033 on its higher difficulties is those higher difficulties make it more apparent that Metro 2033 is kind of a bad game. I mean, it's a great exercise in atmosphere and portraying humankind on the brink of complete self-annihilation and all that fun stuff, but... it plays poorly.

At least from what I remember, I played the Redux several years ago.

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Edited By Justin258  Online
@imunbeatable80 said:

You sold me on pathfinder.. this might be the perfect steam deck game for me.. assuming the font doesn't shrink to unreadable levels.

Good list

They have font size options! And Kingmaker has controller support (WOTR is coming to consoles so it should get that too)!

...screen resolution might a problem, though, those games have lots of text and I don't know how that will scale to 1280 x 800.

EDIT: So I went to mess around with the font size options and the change is depressingly little and I'd bet that playing it on a Steam Deck would be too tiny. Maybe scratch that idea.

...but still play the game, I've been playing WOTR and it really is the best RPG that has come out in a while.

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Justin258  Online

Count me in with the people who think Halo 4 is great. I've enjoyed it more every time I've played it. Sure, the Didact is underutilized and the entire hinges on understanding a rushed infodump from someone you know nothing about, but the set pieces are amazing and everything dealing with Cortana fighting AI dementia and Chief trying to figure out how to deal with it is really compelling.

5 really does suck, though. I mean, gameplay wise it's fine, I guess, but I don't find anything about that game worthwhile.

Still, I'm pretty excited about Infinite. I'd love to comment more... but I'm on a phone.

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Edited By Justin258  Online

Does anyone else hear an extremely high-pitched buzzing at 4:43? It doesn't last long but it sounded terrible.

Otherwise, this seems like a pretty cool feature and might be the first GB thing I've really watched in a while? I've been meaning to cancel Premium but this seems all right.

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Justin258  Online

You seem to have made a classy first choice.

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Edited By Justin258  Online

For me, it's less the time (I lead a boring life) and more the patience.

I like progress in my video games. And no, "you get to keep x amount of gold" or "you can keep these weapons from run to run" isn't progress. OK, I mean, technically it is, but it's not what I'm talking about. When I finish a level, I have finished a level. I am interested in exploring the next one, certainly not interested in having to do the first one again because I died in the second.

I have come to irrationally hate the trend. I see so many games that could do so many interesting things with their mechanics if they would utilize a static world or handcrafted levels, but instead we have an avalanche of games that look great and play well, but that have these garbage randomized levels and difficulty cranked up to the max. I just get tired of seeing a pixel-y, 2D game that I think looks like a good time only to hear "oh yeah, roguelite" and feel disappointment set in, to the point where for the past year or two I've just started ignoring them.

We've got plenty of Metroidvanias out there, too, I suppose, but that's not always what I'm looking for.

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Edited By Justin258  Online

Doom Eternal is barely mentioned on any of these.

I... kinda can't believe that. OK, I'm not mad or anything crazy like that, and I understand that the game's reception ranged from "hate" to "best shooter in a long time", but the discussion boards here and elsewhere seemed to indicate that quite a few people actually really did enjoy that game. I don't recall Doom 2016 missing from a lot of lists so I figured Eternal would make at least a few of them. It has shown up from time to time, but nowhere near as often as I figured it would.

Oh well.

Congratulations, Supergiant, on making a game that seemingly a whole lot of people enjoyed!

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Justin258  Online

These are always fun to watch. I don't always get to watch the whole thing but I usually watch at least some of them.

Fun fact: August Burns Red has done not one but two Christmas-themed albums, if you need your Christmas anthems to sound more metal-y. Rob Halford, of all people, also did a Christmas themed album, but I've never listened to that one so I don't know how metal it is.

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Justin258  Online

@frytup said:
@justin258 said:

Still, it seems like there's been at least some discussion over this change to a true turn-based system over the original game's hybrid stuff. Larian's turn-based battles can take a very long time to get through, and on average seem to take longer than any other RPG I've ever seen. Meanwhile, BG1 and 2's combat encounters don't really take long at all. I prefer the actual turn-based stuff and these long fights don't bother me, but there's a lot to be said for Baldur's Gate's quicker fights.

I think I said this in a forum thread somewhere already, but as a fan of the Infinity Engine games, I don't necessarily have a problem with the switch to turn based. However, if you're going to use the Larian system with a D&D 5e overlay, you obviously can't set up combat encounters the same way they were done in those RTwP games. Forcing players to wade through a bunch of random encounters with this combat system would be insane. Hopefully they're aware of this, and go with fewer but more meaningful fights.

They have a defined number of fights in this early access version, 80 to be exact, and my understanding is that there are no random encounters. They're all defined, specific, meaningful encounters, which is exactly how D:OS 2 did it. As evidenced by this thread, opinions on that approach vary, but as evidenced by Larian's sales numbers and praise, enough people enjoy it for this and D:OS to be very successful.