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    Wanted: Weapons of Fate

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Mar 24, 2009

    Wanted: Weapons of Fate is a follow-up to the 2008 film which was loosely based on a graphic novel.

    somadude's Wanted: Weapons of Fate (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for somadude

    I never though bullet bending could be so, dull.

    At first glance Wanted: weapons of fate looks awesome. Cool ninja looking guy with gun? check, The ability to bend the path of bullets? check. An interesting story with twists and gameplay that stays fresh and cool for the entire campaign? Ugh.. no. There are a lot of problems that hold this game back from being worth more then a weekend playthrough. The first is the fact that the story in the game is.. well, very boring and the action behind it gets old about halfway through. Even though the game is only about 4-6 hours in length, you won't feel like it was over to soon because by the time you've finished it you'll be saying FINALLY!! Also the game has terrible value, lets see 6 hour campaign..... what nothing else? really? paying $60 for this game is a crime. But paying $5 for a rental is just right. I would say pass this one up, unless you really want to play it, in that case have fun! (while you can stand it) 
    Graphics  7/10 
    Gameplay 6/10 
    Sound  7/10 
    Value  2/10

    Other reviews for Wanted: Weapons of Fate (Xbox 360)

      Over in a pull of the trigger... 0

      Much like the movie that its based off of, Wanted: Weapons of Fate can be flash without substance many times.  Though nothing really discernible truly occurs during the events of either, you walk away feeling satisfied simply because your sensory array has been so tickled by the experience.  While it doesn't have the legs to whole-heartedly recommend as a purchase, Wanted: Weapons of Fate offers satisfying shooting with unique mechanics which make it worth at least a playthrough.The story in Wea...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      A very brief encounter, but a pleasant one at that. 0

      From beginning to end, Wanted: Weapons of Fate is straight-up, meaningless fun. It’s a fleeting cheap thrill; a sweet, sugary high. Nevertheless, it’s also a game which fails to evolve past its primordial origins, and it never really goes that extra mile or promises a unique experience. It is what it is: a nicely crafted, slick, delightful morsel of hollow entertainment, which never surprises or astounds but very rarely frustrates, either. It’s a third-person cover-based shooter – a mash-up bet...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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