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    Wanted: Weapons of Fate

    Game » consists of 12 releases. Released Mar 24, 2009

    Wanted: Weapons of Fate is a follow-up to the 2008 film which was loosely based on a graphic novel.

    jedted's Wanted: Weapons of Fate (Xbox 360) review

    Avatar image for jedted

    A solid rental

    Story:  "Wanted: Weapons of Fate" takes place 5 hours after the movie "Wanted" according to the opening cutscene.  You play as both Wesley Gibson(the main character of the film) and as Wesley's father during flashbacks which fill in a little bit of the backstory.  If you enjoyed the story of the movie then you'll probebly find the game's equally compelling, inspite of the bad writting and average voice acting.  There's only two actors from the movie that return in the game which is disapointing but i geuss GRIN's budget wouldn't cover the cost of hiring James McAvory or Morgan Freeman. 


    The best part about "Weapons of Fate"(aside from the awsome ability to curve bullets around objects) is the seamless cover mechanic.  Similar to most 3rd-person-shooters, you take cover from enemy fire to regenerate health and pop up to fire at enemies.  Here though you have the ability to lunge over cover an automatically run to the next suitable cover point.  You can also blind fire over cover which can create surpressive fire allowing you to sneak around and take out a heavily defended enemy.  Another cool mechanic is the bullet-time manuvers where you can shoot at enemies while you are moving between cover points, this combined with curving bullets to hit enemies behind cover makes for some really fun combat scenarios.  There is a hard difficulty called "The Killer difficulty" whichs give you quite a challenge especially on the later levels, the enemies are smarter and you take more damage. 


      Nothing too spectaular but about what you'd expect from a licensed game based on a movie. 


      The sound effects all sound great and it's cool to hear curved bullets fly through the air as they hit your target.  The game includes the full movie soundtrack composed by Danny Elfman and helps convey a sense of suspense throughout the story. 
    Overall, if you enjoyed the movie and like 3rd-person-shooters then you should try this game out.  There are a few achievements which require you to kill a certain boss with an unlockable character so there is SOME incentive to playthrough multiple times. 

    Other reviews for Wanted: Weapons of Fate (Xbox 360)

      Over in a pull of the trigger... 0

      Much like the movie that its based off of, Wanted: Weapons of Fate can be flash without substance many times.  Though nothing really discernible truly occurs during the events of either, you walk away feeling satisfied simply because your sensory array has been so tickled by the experience.  While it doesn't have the legs to whole-heartedly recommend as a purchase, Wanted: Weapons of Fate offers satisfying shooting with unique mechanics which make it worth at least a playthrough.The story in Wea...

      5 out of 5 found this review helpful.

      A very brief encounter, but a pleasant one at that. 0

      From beginning to end, Wanted: Weapons of Fate is straight-up, meaningless fun. It’s a fleeting cheap thrill; a sweet, sugary high. Nevertheless, it’s also a game which fails to evolve past its primordial origins, and it never really goes that extra mile or promises a unique experience. It is what it is: a nicely crafted, slick, delightful morsel of hollow entertainment, which never surprises or astounds but very rarely frustrates, either. It’s a third-person cover-based shooter – a mash-up bet...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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