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    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint

    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Oct 04, 2019

    The next entry in the Ghost Recon franchise takes the players to the fictional Auroa archipelago, where a rogue Ghost has formed his own private army.

    sbc515's Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint (PlayStation 4) review

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    It is the breaking point of the franchise. Tom Clancy himself must be rolling in his grave right now.

    Ghost Recon Breakpoint takes place four years after Ghost Recon Wildlands. Skell Technology, a military contractor located on an island in the South Pacific called Auroa, is in hot water due to them being accused of numerous shady practices. The SOF (United States special operations forces) sends Lieutenant Colonel Anthony "Nomad" Perryman, the game's protagonist, to Auroa to investigate.

    Most of the issues were applied at launch as it's not fixed. The game has fully improved since its disastrous launch, so, now the game is not as bad as it used to be.

    With its graphics pretty good for the most part (but the lighting is poor as dimly lit areas are far too dark making it difficult to navigate through them), the entire game is nothing but a complete rehash of between Ghost Recon: Wildlands and The Division 2 in terms of gameplay. It actually doesn't feel like a Ghost Recon game because most of the elements from the previous games are missing here. Instead, the game contains elements from looter shooters (specifically from The Division 2), and other Ubisoft franchises, which doesn't make it stand out at all.

    The game is filled to the brim with microtransactions. There are so many in-game elements locked behind paywalls, that it feels like most of the game is locked behind these paywalls. Some of these paywalls were removed in later patches, with Ubisoft stating that some of the features being paywalled was an "accident", but they're still very prevalent. In addition to abysmal microtransactions, in December 2021, several cosmetics can be bought as NFTs which can harm the environment if they used Ethereum, however in this cases, they at least used Tezos, which are environmentally friendly, but NFTs still have many other issues that was yet to be solved (such as poor security/scams, and others).

    Not only that, but the game initially also required a constant online connection, even when playing alone. Players getting disconnected from servers is quite common. When this happens, players will lose their progress, forcing them to play through the missions they just completed again. Sometimes the servers are down for hours.

    Even worse, a large number of bugs and glitches can give Fallout 76 a run for its money. Some of these are quite funny to see, such as players floating next to a helicopter when using them. One of the most common bugs is enemies not being marked when you aim at them if you die. The physics are also wonky, especially when trying to walk down a slope, where the player constantly falls over. Crashing cars into objects often causes them to flip and spin out of control.

    The game itself, as with most generic Tom Clancy's games, is very boring, repetitive, and easy. Most of the missions have a very bland structure where you go to a location, kill the enemies and take something, and then go back to where you got the mission from. Getting to the locations is incredibly boring, especially when using a helicopter due to the severe lack of obstacles. There isn't even any dialogue or any radio stations to listen to while on the way to your destination, unlike its predecessor, Wildlands, which had AI companions that would gossip to you along the way, while in this game it's just dead silence. The story, if anything, is equally as boring. You have dialogue choices throughout the campaign, but they have no impact on how the story unfolds, making them completely pointless.

    The map is unnecessarily large, making it mostly empty and uninteresting. The map also gives no indications as to whether or not players have been to a certain location before.

    Although it is nothing special, the combat is decent. But most of the enemies are downright pathetic. Their AI is terrible, as they don't do anything when they see a dead ally of theirs, and they often get stuck at walls. It also takes only two or three bullets to kill them. Also, while most enemies are incredibly easy to kill, some enemies that aren't easy to kill are incredibly annoying. They can be bullet-sponges, they can kill players in one shot, or they can be difficult to shoot, such as drones. When you die, you respawn very far from where you died, making it time-consuming to get back to where you died.

    If you killed the main antagonist early, the story doesn't end there. Instead, his right hand man will take his place as the main antagonist. The final mission is a complete joke, as you can just shoot the cars chasing you with one bullet and that will make the enemies jump out the cars.

    The inventory system is terrible. When getting rid of items, you can only remove them one at a time rather than all at once. Since every gadget uses the same button, you will have to pull up a gadget wheel to select which item you want, which feels clunky. There is also a crafting system, but it's useless because the game constantly gives you gear that is better than yours. This makes it very likely that an item you crafted will get ditched quickly in favor of a better version of it.

    The multiplayer modes, while decent at first, get boring quickly because they don't have any features that make them stand out from multiplayer modes in other games.

    To make matters worse, it's extremely overpriced, which is not being helped by the infamous practice with "Ultimate Editions".

    For me, I am officially done with Ubisoft and Tom Clancy. Ubisoft is literally worse than Electronic Arts or Activision. I really want Ubisoft to leave Tom Clancy's name alone, because no matter what series they have been milking a lot lately adding his name, almost all of the games they make using his name have obviously nothing in common with his literature (Rainbow Six is the only exception I can think of).

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