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    Thirty Flights of Loving

    Game » consists of 2 releases. Released Aug 21, 2012

    Thirty Flights of Loving is a game by Brendon Chung, maker of Flotilla and Atom Zombie Smasher. It is a sequel to Gravity Bone, a first-person spy game.

    yyninja's Thirty Flights of Loving (PC) review

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    Artsy, Experimental and an Interesting Curiosity

    Thirty Flights of Loving and its prequel Gravity Sock (packaged with the TFoL) are weird games. They both seem like student art projects or products concocted in a game jam. The graphics are very basic. There is no combat. And the levels are very very linear. They are walking simulators in the strictest sense and the story is fed to you through environmental details. They are not traditional video games and that's the point.

    Gravity Sock is a spy thriller, where you play a spy, completing objectives assigned to you in a briefcase.

    Thirty Flights of Loving is a crime story, where you and two close friends plan to commit a robbery.

    TFoL is an excellent showcase of maximizing every minute of the game time to serve a point. GS is not as successful as its' successor as it tries to weave in some platforming puzzles that didn't need to exist.

    Both games can easily be completed in under a half an hour. And they both tell two interesting stories in less time it takes for some games to even finish pouting their epic story filled with lavish, realistic cut scenes. Turns out it was pretty refreshing to play something that told a competent story and valued my time.

    Other reviews for Thirty Flights of Loving (PC)

      15 Minutes of Story 0

      So, I've been a fan of Blendo Game's stuff in the past. I have put an absurd amount of hours into Atom Zombie Smash, and enjoyed my time in Flotilla. I more recently discovered that another Blendo Game, Gravity Bone, was available on free from the studio's website, and after playing it, decided to throw down the $5 to play Thirty Flights of Loving.I'm not sure it was worth it.First thing's first: 30 Flights is really short. I played through the game once normally and again with "developer comme...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

      Cute and Nice 0

      After hearing an inordinate amount of gush for this game from many different sources; I picked this game up to see it for myself.First off, this "game" is extremely short, I played through it twice, played the develop commentary and played Gravity Bone which comes packed in with the game; all this took less than an hour, I knew coming in to expect a short experience, but I was still taken by surprise by just how incredibly short it is.Gameplay; none to speak of, this is pure story, again, most p...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

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