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    System Shock 2

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released Aug 11, 1999

    Developed by Looking Glass Studios and released in 1999, this cyberpunk first-person shooter with RPG elements established new standards for storytelling and gameplay.

    Who Here Finds System Shock 2 A Hard Game?

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    Edited By psykhophear


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    I just finished System Shock 2 for the PC today and it took me five consecutive days to complete it (Lost quite a lot of sleep). After defeating the final boss, I felt so exhausted and drained out because of the level of difficulty in this game. I never expected this game to be hard and long but it really is hard. Here are some of the things I find so frustrating in System Shock 2:
    1. The Enemies: It's so annoying when majority of them can kill you with a single hit and when they die, another one respawn right behind you and kill you before you could even react. I absolutely hate the cyborg ninjas and spiders because they take so many hits before they hit the ground.
    2. The Maps: I find the navigation in System Shock 2 to be so laborous and tiresome. Half the time I have no idea where to go and what to do. The mission objectives tell you to go somewhere but when you look at the map, you can't find it anywhere. For example, the objective tells me to head to the bridge but when I look at the map, I don't see any bridge. Then I wandered around aimlessly looking for this bridge but I still can't find it. About like an hour later, I finally found the bridge but it wasn't a London Bridge kinda bridge but a Command Center kinda bridge. That is so freakin' misleading!
    3. The Weapons: When it comes to an FPS game, your weapons are your friends and when you don't have them, you're screwed. In System Shock 2, you can find  weapons lying around everywhere but when actually want to use them, it's either broken or jammed so you have to fixed them. It's a cool mechanic but the problem is is that the weapons are so fragile it becomes busted very easily after only a few shots. It's especially stupid when your weapon goes kaput in the heat of a battle and when you wanna switch weapons, it might be too late.
    So yeah, basically I had a hard time beating this game. I've never said "O my God," "shit," and "fuck" so many times in my life before. Every thirty seconds it's cussing, load the game, cussing, load the game and it just goes on and on and on. It was that hard. Now I'm sure most of you would think that I hate this game. Well, the truth is I'm not sure. I had a good time playing the first few levels though but once I made it to the third deck in the ship, I was so stressed out. So stressed out that I had to use cheat codes. Technically, I don't like to use cheat codes but when a game gives you limited cash, ammos and med kits, you know you're in for a deep shiiit. And of course, whenever you're stuck, it's normal to refer to walkthroughs at or something but try looking at the ones for System Shock 2. All the walkthroughs are so flimsy, short, lack contents and they assume you know all about the game. It's useless! Normally you'll feel so rewarded, relieved and happy after beating a game but in System Shock 2 case, I felt so angry, tired and dissastified.
    It puzzles me that System Shock 2 gets positive reviews everywhere with perfect scores of 5/5 and 10/10 scores but I feel the urge to contradict them. I really want to love this game but somehow I just can't do it. What do these people see in the game that I don't? Is it the way I play? Is it because I didn't level up my character properly or is it something else? What do you guys think? I'm sure most of you have played it before so would you say it's a hard game? I'd love to know. Please comment in my blog and tell me your experience you had with the game. Was it hard? Was it a breeze? Tell me now!
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    #1  Edited By psykhophear


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    I just finished System Shock 2 for the PC today and it took me five consecutive days to complete it (Lost quite a lot of sleep). After defeating the final boss, I felt so exhausted and drained out because of the level of difficulty in this game. I never expected this game to be hard and long but it really is hard. Here are some of the things I find so frustrating in System Shock 2:
    1. The Enemies: It's so annoying when majority of them can kill you with a single hit and when they die, another one respawn right behind you and kill you before you could even react. I absolutely hate the cyborg ninjas and spiders because they take so many hits before they hit the ground.
    2. The Maps: I find the navigation in System Shock 2 to be so laborous and tiresome. Half the time I have no idea where to go and what to do. The mission objectives tell you to go somewhere but when you look at the map, you can't find it anywhere. For example, the objective tells me to head to the bridge but when I look at the map, I don't see any bridge. Then I wandered around aimlessly looking for this bridge but I still can't find it. About like an hour later, I finally found the bridge but it wasn't a London Bridge kinda bridge but a Command Center kinda bridge. That is so freakin' misleading!
    3. The Weapons: When it comes to an FPS game, your weapons are your friends and when you don't have them, you're screwed. In System Shock 2, you can find  weapons lying around everywhere but when actually want to use them, it's either broken or jammed so you have to fixed them. It's a cool mechanic but the problem is is that the weapons are so fragile it becomes busted very easily after only a few shots. It's especially stupid when your weapon goes kaput in the heat of a battle and when you wanna switch weapons, it might be too late.
    So yeah, basically I had a hard time beating this game. I've never said "O my God," "shit," and "fuck" so many times in my life before. Every thirty seconds it's cussing, load the game, cussing, load the game and it just goes on and on and on. It was that hard. Now I'm sure most of you would think that I hate this game. Well, the truth is I'm not sure. I had a good time playing the first few levels though but once I made it to the third deck in the ship, I was so stressed out. So stressed out that I had to use cheat codes. Technically, I don't like to use cheat codes but when a game gives you limited cash, ammos and med kits, you know you're in for a deep shiiit. And of course, whenever you're stuck, it's normal to refer to walkthroughs at or something but try looking at the ones for System Shock 2. All the walkthroughs are so flimsy, short, lack contents and they assume you know all about the game. It's useless! Normally you'll feel so rewarded, relieved and happy after beating a game but in System Shock 2 case, I felt so angry, tired and dissastified.
    It puzzles me that System Shock 2 gets positive reviews everywhere with perfect scores of 5/5 and 10/10 scores but I feel the urge to contradict them. I really want to love this game but somehow I just can't do it. What do these people see in the game that I don't? Is it the way I play? Is it because I didn't level up my character properly or is it something else? What do you guys think? I'm sure most of you have played it before so would you say it's a hard game? I'd love to know. Please comment in my blog and tell me your experience you had with the game. Was it hard? Was it a breeze? Tell me now!
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    #2  Edited By Adanux

    If you're talking about reviews from major publications then you have to remember that the game came out over 10 years ago and the gaming landscape has changed significantly since System Shock 2 was released.  As for for reviews that have been written more recently, only people who really liked the game are going to be reviewing it this long after it was released.  In regards to the difficulty, the game is really fucking hard, and the general trend of making games easier and more forgiving puts you in a far worse position then people playing it when it was released.

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    #3  Edited By psykhophear
    @Adanux:   Yes, I know most of these reviews are old but still, it makes me wonder why I don't hear any bad rep from it. I'm glad I'm not the only who thinks System Shock 2 is "fucking" hard (Feel a little relieved now).
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    #4  Edited By hiscores

    I honestly can't say I found this to be too hard. I bought this game in a triple pack years ago and I clearly remember getting in trouble off Mum when she busted me still playing at 4am the night after I first got it. 
    That's not to say I didn't die but certainly no more than any other lengthy RPG. 
    Eventually I played it through with a character from each speciality and as long as you play to the strengths of their background then you're avatar should be pretty beefy by the end. I recall the enemy I most feared were the Midwives with their nasty green lasers! 
    You say in your review though that you were annoyed upon finishing the game because you couldn't make it easier for yourself by using an FAQ. Perhaps I come from a different era of gaming but I'd feel horribly disappointed in myself if I needed to refer to a walkthrough unless I was so stuck that I'd just stop playing. For me the sense of satisfaction in completing a game by your own merit is much more rewarding and you're generally given step by step instructions by Shodan as you move through this game anyway. 
    The reason this often gets full scores in reviews though is because it was the precursor to so many things we now take for granted in video games and Shodan is an example of one of the greatest arch-nemesis ever. 
    System Shock 2 remains one of my go to games when discussing my favourite games ever and while the game is generally credited to Irrational, it was such a shame that Looking Glass didn't survive to make more games like this.

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    #5  Edited By spankingaddict

    its hard at first, but when you get used the the style of game it is then its not too bad. System Shock 2 is probably my favorite fps game....

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    #6  Edited By BunkerBuster

    With System Shock you have to realize that it's an traditional PC RPG that only looks like a first person shooter. You can't treat it like Call of Duty, everything you do has to be methodical. It also helps to pick a class and then only put modules into that class. So if you chose Navy, only put points in hacking and pistol. If you want to be easy you have to pick Marine and max out your strength and just one shot everyone with the wrench.

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    #7  Edited By pause422

    I thought system shock 2 was a rather easy game honestly.

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    #8  Edited By Flashduck

    I played through the game for the first time a few months ago, and on normal I'd say it's just the right difficulty. I played as Navy, mainly leveling up my tech skills, so I didn't have very heavy weaponry and never even touched a PSI Amp. I died a few times, I think, but that's about it. I didn't have many problems with guns either; I generally used them as a last resort when the enemy was too dangerous to kill with the wrench/crystal, such as the exploding robots or the spiders, because of their poison. I can't remember getting instakilled at all.
    I found it very easy to navigate the Von Braun, the devs did a great job with leading the player on a linear path while still letting him explore the ship rather freely. This might be the sci-fi fan inside me, but seriously, of course the bridge would be the command center, it's a starship!

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    #9  Edited By Karl_Boss

    It really isn't that hard of a game once you get the hang of does have a steep learning curve though,

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    #10  Edited By SerGregor

    WARNING: Wall of text imminent.

    Let me start off by saying that I've been playing this game for more than 10 years now. I remember being 11 years old and getting the demo disc in PC Gamer, and I was caught between pants-wetting terror and pants-crapping wonder at what would soon become my favourite PC game of all time. I've beaten this game as a melee-only character, as a pure Psi user and other types of "challenge runs" as well. As a result, I'm very familiar with the enemies and areas and it's difficult to "put myself in your shoes", so to speak. All the same I'll try to address your criticisms.

    1. The Enemies
    As one of the above commenters pointed out, this is an RPG. This is not Call of Duty. You don't just run around with an assault rifle and "push the button and the mans fall down" (thanks Yahtzee). Different enemies require different strategies. I'm bored, so I'll tell you how to every one I can think of.

    The pipe hybrids are nearly defenseless with their slow attack animations and can be melee'd to save ammo. If you have trouble with these guys, go play My Little Pony.
    The shotgun hybrids are a little tougher and have a ranged attack, so it's best to hide behind a corner and let them run to you, then dash out and melee them.
    Monkeys should be dealt with in the same way. Avoid engaging them at a distance due to their powerful psionic attacks. Let them come to you, crouch down and one-shot them with the wrench and enjoy your bag of chips.
     The protocol bots are really best avoided, though when you have a higher agility stat it's not hard to dodge the explosions. Don't waste resources fighting them since they don't drop loot.  On Engineering, in the cargo bays, you can lure them under the cargo lifts and then crush them. Not really worth the effort, but pretty funny. If you ever are forced to shoot one, a single armor-piercing round with a high Standard Weapons skill will kill them.
    The giant robots LOOK murderous, but surprisingly they have no close-range attack so you can simply run up against their faces and melee them over and over. When they're almost dead you can choose to either finish them with the wrench and take some damage from the explosion (viable on easy or normal) or run away and finish them with a bullet (hard/impossible). You can crush these guys under the cargo lifts too.
    Cyborg midwives can basically be considered shotgun hybrids with boobs. They deal considerably more damage, but you shouldn't take any hits if you deal with them properly. Hide, wait, smash.
    The spiders are some of the most annoying enemies in the game. Surprisingly durable, they can take several rounds to kill and never drop anything useful which makes them an irritating resource-sink. I usually just kill them with the shotgun as that's the type of ammo I least care about wasting. On Ops, when you're ambushed by 4 of them after inserting the sim chip, just run away. They can't climb ladders.
    Cyborg assassins are annoying. Their ranged attack is powerful and spammable, and they try to kite you by running away instead of just charging at you. Like anything else, you can stun-lock it if you bash it with the wrench over and over and usually should, but there are a few places in the game where it's better to just pop a few armour-piercing rounds into them.
    Rumblers are big, slow and dumb. You can usually defeat them in melee without even taking damage just by circle strafing, but later on when you're fighting several at once it's best to use your incendiary grenades or anti-personnel assault rifle rounds.
    Psi-reavers can just be avoided until you find the brain stem.
    Eggs and worms are a HUGE pain in the ass. I hate them more than any actual "enemy" in the game. The worms should be wrenched, but you have to have good aim and timing. The eggs? Check them carefully for annelid glanks, then just shoot the ones that are immediately in your way. ALWAYS have a few anti-toxin hypos on-hand in case you fuck up. You can buy them from the replicators on Deck 3, IIRC.
    Cameras: shoot them.
    Turrets: either hack the security system, or if you don't take hack, lean out for a moment and make them fire a volley at you, then lean out and shoot them with armour piercing ammo.

    That just about covers it, I think. There's a way to deal with every enemy efficiently and safely.

    2. The Maps
    This is part of the immersion of the game. The level design is intentionally claustrophobic and disorienting, and the cold, mechanical environment goes perfectly with the incredibly hostile inhabitants. Indeed, the environment is as hostile as the enemies. I admit it is sometimes easy to get lost, but there is a minimap, a nav. marker system, a compass, audio logs and emails to point you in the right direction. As for the bridge confusion... which type of bridge do you think you're more likely to find on a spaceship? I think the most confusing part is when Delacroix tells you to find her in the "cargo bay". Many players, including me, went back to Engineering and tried to find her there when she actually means the ones on Command.

    3. The Weapons
    Actually, I agree about the weapon degradation. It was a great idea but they break down too damn fast!  What's nice, though, is you can edit user.cfg and add the line
    gun_degrade_rate x.xx  where x.xx is anything between 0 and 1.00. Some people like to tone it down about half-way, others just set it to 0, and still others think it's fine the way it is and leave it at 1.

    Once you get the hang of the game you'll realize it's not that hard to be very efficient with your resources. I'm surprised you say the game is stingy with hypos of all things. They give them out like candy. I've gotten to the point where I don't use a single med hypo until the Body of the Many, and I usually end the game with thousands of nanites to spare. Just play carefully and methodically and rely on snacks and surgical units for the early game, and annelid healing glands once you find them for the mid game.

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