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    Steam Play

    Concept »

    A series of Steam features related to cross-platform play, including cross-buy, cross-play, and Linux compatibility layers.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    199675 franzlska Concept 03/15/22 11:52AM 4 done
    198674 franzlska Concept 03/05/22 11:41AM 344 done
    171868 franzlska Concept 08/03/21 09:32AM 81 done
    166642 franzlska Game TF2 page - Corrected incorrect F2P date, added dates to updates section, added details for recent updates, updated system requirements, cleaned up small details on page. Reconnected object associations for as many TF2 weapons, hats, and misc. cosmetics as I could find. While I don't know that 80% of these justify their own page, if they're going to exist they may as well be tied to the page they're intended for. 06/27/21 01:00PM 808 done
    163865 franzlska Concept 06/12/21 03:37PM 17 done

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