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    Ryan Davis

    Person » credited in 9 games

    Ryan Davis was a GameSpot editor and co-founder of Giant Bomb. He was solely responsible for founding and, and went by the online nickname of "Taswell." Ryan passed away on July 3, 2013. He is gone but never forgotten. We love you, Ryan.

    A High School Student's Tribute To Ryan Davis.

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    #1  Edited By supermonkey122

    I always kept my age a secret on this website. Mainly because I felt that I would be shunned since I'm only 15 and most of the people on this site are in their 20s and 30s, and tend to think people my age are immature and, well, not very smart. After hearing today's tragic news, I felt that it would be a good time to share my thoughts, pay my respects, and explain why, like much of the Giant Bomb community, are so heartbroken. about Ryan's passing, and why we should remember him each and every day from now on. I first found out about Ryan, as well as the rest of the bomb crew back in their Gamespot days, but I kind of stopped paying attention for a few years after the whole Jeff getting fired thing. Discovering Giant Bomb had a very positive influence on my life, and inspired me to want to get in to gaming journalism when I get older. I always saw Ryan as the "head" of Giant Bomb, especially since he hosted the podcast. Sure Jeff handled the business side of things, but Ryan really felt like the "leader" so to speak. I never participated in any TNT, or play any games with him, (though I did play DOOM 2 with Brad the night he beat it), but any time him or the rest of the crew interacted with me in anyway, I got excited as a little school girl, more excited than I would get if any celebrity contacted me. Because of Ryan, Tuesdays became my favorite day of the week, even with teachers yelling at me to take off my headphones during class, haha. When I heard of his passing, I was over at a friend's house, and for most of the day, I was with my friends hanging out, which meant I had to hold myself back from bursting into tears right then and there. My friends are well aware of my interest and passion for games, and most of them are into them too, but not nearly as much as I am, and none of them are Giant Bomb fans. Now that I really have the chance to let it all out, I want to say not Fuck Ryan Davis, but Thanks Ryan Davis, for all the NARC'ing, baby shaking, face and neck stabbing, and twitter blocking he has given us over the past 5 years, and thanks for getting me through my first year of high school, and many years before that. Seeing that empty seat on Unprofessional Fridays will always be a reminder of that we lost one of the greatest men I've ever seen, and Tuesdays will never be the same again. Duder, it's over, but it was a damn good ride. RIP.

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    #2  Edited By Blu3V3nom07

    Uhm. I mean, I could tell you were fifteen by your wall of text. 'Jus saying..

    Well its good to hear some young perspective here. I could relate how none of my friends could give a fuck about Giant Bomb or such, but all of a sudden, this one thing is the most devastating thing in the world. That type of thing can be hard to talk about, sure. Good post, though. RIP, Ryan.

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    #3  Edited By supermonkey122
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    #4  Edited By dawnclover

    Great words man, glad he influenced such young people as well. Like you, I had to keep my man tears from flowing in front of people who would not understand why I am so shocked and saddened by the passing of a person I didn't even know personally. Thanks Ryan.

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    Fellow 15 year old duder here. Sitting in class during Wednesday mornings hearing Ryan tell me it was Tuesday really helped me get through the day sometimes. Things'll never be the same without him.

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    #6  Edited By supermonkey122 Ryan's dad read this and gave me a great piece of advice. I was honored to have him read it, even though I sent it to him myself.

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    #7  Edited By ArbitraryWater

    Shit, I was 15 when I first started using this site, and I feel like most of what I wrote back then probably makes me come off as an idiot. Now I feel old, so thanks. Also good write up. Hopefully you won't feel like an idiot in 5 years when you go through your old blogs like I have.

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