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    PlayStation Portable

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    PlayStation Portable (PSP) is Sony's first entry into the handheld gaming market. The PSP also sports multimedia features including music and video playback, a photo viewer, and an online store. Several model revisions have been released: the PSP-2000, 3000, PSPgo and the PSP-E1000.

    PSP: Past, Present and Future (Part 1)

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    Edited By Enigma777

    The NGP has lit the internet on fire, so I figured it was time for a little retrospective. This is a look at some of my favorite PSP games of old, the current state of the platform and it's near future. 
    My first PSP was a black launch model. I woke up at 6:30am to go purchase it with money I had been saving since I first heard about it. My first game was Metal Gear AC!D, a free copy I won from Dan Shoe of EGM and Bitmob fame. Also I'm one of the 6 people in the world who bought a PSPgo, and I even went as far as to re-buy most of my UMDs in digital form (not as stupid as it seemed back then when you consider the NGP's backwards compatibly debacle). So yes, you can say I'm a fan. 
    Note: Since this blog has become so fucking long, I've decided to split it into several parts for your sake as well as mine...

    The Past



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    While most of the initial PSP launch-game lineup was tepid at best, one game stood above the rest. Probably the best puzzle game I've played since the original Tetris, I've put in more hours in Lumines and it's sequel than I'm willing to admit. 

    Killzone Liberation

    No Caption Provided
    Liberation was the first real game that made me realize just what kind of a deep experience PSP games could offer. I probably logged-in over 200 hours into the online multiplayer, complete with voice chat and clan support. I spent the better part of a year playing nothing but this game. Also it gets a nod for one of the biggest bastard bosses in videogame history. I'm looking at you Cobar!!! 

    Wipeout Pulse

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    Moa Therma White! 

    Monster Hunter Freedom 

    No Caption Provided
    Before Long Swords were their own weapon class and before you had a helpful farm to where you could collect materials, there was MHF. The game that started a revolution in Japan was hard, tedious, suffered from obtuse Japanese design decisions and had ridiculously long load times. Still, I did not mind loading the same mission for the 50th time in a roll just so I could collect some more Herbs because it was such a new experience. It's shame to think that thanks to it's popularity and success the series had done little to evolve forward -- 2 full-fledges sequels and a smattering of expansions later and there's still not even proper Infrastructure support! But no matter what the franchise has become now, MHF will still hold a special spot in my heart... just like the memory of my first Kut-Ku kill.


    No Caption Provided
    The first game from fledging studio Ready At Dawn, it was but a taste of the greatness the studio would achieve later on. A fun platformer, it showed a new side to the beloved PS2 franchise. Shame that Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier was nowhere near as good (who was the idiot who thought that Dark Daxter was a good idea?!).


    Jeanne D'Arc 

    From the masterminds at Level-5, this game came out of nowhere and quickly cemented itself as one of my all time favorite SRPG's after FF Tactics. With a deep combat system and an interesting story that is based on Joan of Arc, it was a blast to play.


    No Caption Provided
    By far one of the coolest original IPs to come out of Sony's Japan Studio. Watching your little Patapon army march to the beats of your drums is an almost ethereal experience. Their unflinching loyalty is truly inspiring, especially when you consider that they're often facing beasts 30 times their size. The sequel was even better, improving on every single aspect of the original. Pata-Pata-Pata-Pon!


    Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

    No Caption Provided
    One of the better values when it comes to video games. You get a completely reworked version of Rondo of Blood, the original game and it's sequel, Symphony of the Night, all in one package. Devilishly hard, it was extremely satisfying to beat this game. Also it's the closest you can get to a proper HD 2D Castlevania game, since Harmony of Despair was a huge letdown.

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

    No Caption Provided
    After a bunch of stinkers, I had lost all hope that Square Enix could make a decent game again. Alas, they proved me wrong when they released this back in 2007. Lo and behold, it was an amazing and intricate experience that served as a much-needed prequel to the beloved FFVII. You could finally understand the motivations of characters like Cloud and Sephiroth, as well as how the world got into the state it was. It also featured a new battle system that was a breath of fresh air and fun to play with. I can't talk about this game without mentioning the ending. Probably one of the best endings out there, no other game has had such an emotional impact except for Red Dead Redemption. If you love FFVII and Advent Children and you've never played this game, you are doing yourself a huge disservice!  

    Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

    No Caption Provided
    Dood! I missed out on this game back in the PS2 days, but I'm so gratefully that NIS remade it for the PSP. A great SRPG, it's crazy and funny and ridiculous in a way that only Japanese games can be. Featuring a fantastic cast of characters and some of the best voicework I've ever heard, I became an instant fanboy of the entire series. While the sequel is not as good (I blame Adell - that whiny little cunt), it has spawned multiple sequels and several spin-offs. Prinny: CIRBTH? is another great game in the same universe, even though it has some of the most evil level design ever and I tore a lot of my hair off in frustration. Super Meat Boy is a piece of cake compared to it.

    God of War: Chains of Olympus

    No Caption Provided
    It's GOW. In the palm of your hand. And awesome. COO showed that PSP games can not only approach console games, but also exceed them. It's only real fault is it's length, clocking at about 6 hours. Also, it has my favorite GOW side weapon - the Gauntlet of Zeus! Hopefully someday they will bring it back... 


    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

    No Caption Provided
    If you only ever play a single PSP game, make sure it's this one. My favorite handheld game by a long shot, it has so much content crammed into it that it blows my mind. Kojima took the best parts from MGS3 and 4 and made sweet, sweet love to them, then sprinkled some bacon bits on top just for extra measure. The story is riveting, the gameplay phenomenal, it's gorgeous and has one of the best co-op modes I've seen in a video game. But that wasn't enough so he added epic bosses, your own customizable bipedal walking tank of nuclear destruction, a compelling base-management system and the ability to shoot down a flying dragon with a rocket launcher. Yea, it's that awesome.  

    There's a lot more games I want to add to this list, but I feel like it's long enough as it is, so I'll save them for next time. You may wonder why I omitted some of the more recent games (like Ghost of Sparta or P3P), and that's because I'm still working my way through them. Stay tuned for Part 2 coming soon!
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    #1  Edited By Enigma777

    The NGP has lit the internet on fire, so I figured it was time for a little retrospective. This is a look at some of my favorite PSP games of old, the current state of the platform and it's near future. 
    My first PSP was a black launch model. I woke up at 6:30am to go purchase it with money I had been saving since I first heard about it. My first game was Metal Gear AC!D, a free copy I won from Dan Shoe of EGM and Bitmob fame. Also I'm one of the 6 people in the world who bought a PSPgo, and I even went as far as to re-buy most of my UMDs in digital form (not as stupid as it seemed back then when you consider the NGP's backwards compatibly debacle). So yes, you can say I'm a fan. 
    Note: Since this blog has become so fucking long, I've decided to split it into several parts for your sake as well as mine...

    The Past



    No Caption Provided
    While most of the initial PSP launch-game lineup was tepid at best, one game stood above the rest. Probably the best puzzle game I've played since the original Tetris, I've put in more hours in Lumines and it's sequel than I'm willing to admit. 

    Killzone Liberation

    No Caption Provided
    Liberation was the first real game that made me realize just what kind of a deep experience PSP games could offer. I probably logged-in over 200 hours into the online multiplayer, complete with voice chat and clan support. I spent the better part of a year playing nothing but this game. Also it gets a nod for one of the biggest bastard bosses in videogame history. I'm looking at you Cobar!!! 

    Wipeout Pulse

    No Caption Provided
    Moa Therma White! 

    Monster Hunter Freedom 

    No Caption Provided
    Before Long Swords were their own weapon class and before you had a helpful farm to where you could collect materials, there was MHF. The game that started a revolution in Japan was hard, tedious, suffered from obtuse Japanese design decisions and had ridiculously long load times. Still, I did not mind loading the same mission for the 50th time in a roll just so I could collect some more Herbs because it was such a new experience. It's shame to think that thanks to it's popularity and success the series had done little to evolve forward -- 2 full-fledges sequels and a smattering of expansions later and there's still not even proper Infrastructure support! But no matter what the franchise has become now, MHF will still hold a special spot in my heart... just like the memory of my first Kut-Ku kill.


    No Caption Provided
    The first game from fledging studio Ready At Dawn, it was but a taste of the greatness the studio would achieve later on. A fun platformer, it showed a new side to the beloved PS2 franchise. Shame that Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier was nowhere near as good (who was the idiot who thought that Dark Daxter was a good idea?!).


    Jeanne D'Arc 

    From the masterminds at Level-5, this game came out of nowhere and quickly cemented itself as one of my all time favorite SRPG's after FF Tactics. With a deep combat system and an interesting story that is based on Joan of Arc, it was a blast to play.


    No Caption Provided
    By far one of the coolest original IPs to come out of Sony's Japan Studio. Watching your little Patapon army march to the beats of your drums is an almost ethereal experience. Their unflinching loyalty is truly inspiring, especially when you consider that they're often facing beasts 30 times their size. The sequel was even better, improving on every single aspect of the original. Pata-Pata-Pata-Pon!


    Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

    No Caption Provided
    One of the better values when it comes to video games. You get a completely reworked version of Rondo of Blood, the original game and it's sequel, Symphony of the Night, all in one package. Devilishly hard, it was extremely satisfying to beat this game. Also it's the closest you can get to a proper HD 2D Castlevania game, since Harmony of Despair was a huge letdown.

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

    No Caption Provided
    After a bunch of stinkers, I had lost all hope that Square Enix could make a decent game again. Alas, they proved me wrong when they released this back in 2007. Lo and behold, it was an amazing and intricate experience that served as a much-needed prequel to the beloved FFVII. You could finally understand the motivations of characters like Cloud and Sephiroth, as well as how the world got into the state it was. It also featured a new battle system that was a breath of fresh air and fun to play with. I can't talk about this game without mentioning the ending. Probably one of the best endings out there, no other game has had such an emotional impact except for Red Dead Redemption. If you love FFVII and Advent Children and you've never played this game, you are doing yourself a huge disservice!  

    Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness

    No Caption Provided
    Dood! I missed out on this game back in the PS2 days, but I'm so gratefully that NIS remade it for the PSP. A great SRPG, it's crazy and funny and ridiculous in a way that only Japanese games can be. Featuring a fantastic cast of characters and some of the best voicework I've ever heard, I became an instant fanboy of the entire series. While the sequel is not as good (I blame Adell - that whiny little cunt), it has spawned multiple sequels and several spin-offs. Prinny: CIRBTH? is another great game in the same universe, even though it has some of the most evil level design ever and I tore a lot of my hair off in frustration. Super Meat Boy is a piece of cake compared to it.

    God of War: Chains of Olympus

    No Caption Provided
    It's GOW. In the palm of your hand. And awesome. COO showed that PSP games can not only approach console games, but also exceed them. It's only real fault is it's length, clocking at about 6 hours. Also, it has my favorite GOW side weapon - the Gauntlet of Zeus! Hopefully someday they will bring it back... 


    Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

    No Caption Provided
    If you only ever play a single PSP game, make sure it's this one. My favorite handheld game by a long shot, it has so much content crammed into it that it blows my mind. Kojima took the best parts from MGS3 and 4 and made sweet, sweet love to them, then sprinkled some bacon bits on top just for extra measure. The story is riveting, the gameplay phenomenal, it's gorgeous and has one of the best co-op modes I've seen in a video game. But that wasn't enough so he added epic bosses, your own customizable bipedal walking tank of nuclear destruction, a compelling base-management system and the ability to shoot down a flying dragon with a rocket launcher. Yea, it's that awesome.  

    There's a lot more games I want to add to this list, but I feel like it's long enough as it is, so I'll save them for next time. You may wonder why I omitted some of the more recent games (like Ghost of Sparta or P3P), and that's because I'm still working my way through them. Stay tuned for Part 2 coming soon!
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    #2  Edited By JJWeatherman

    Good stuff. There's definitely been some great games on the PSP over the years. I've only played bits and pieces of the ones mentioned so far though. The one exception being Patapon which I played a ton of. I look forward to your continued list. 
    (This really makes me want to play MGS: PW. I played Ac!d and wasn't impressed, but I know this plays very differently.)

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    #3  Edited By Enigma777
    @JJWeatherman: Yea, AC!D wasn't very good, and neither was Portable Ops to be honest, but PW is a completely different beast. I think of it as the unnumbered MGS5.
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    #4  Edited By luce
    @Enigma777 said:

    " @JJWeatherman: Yea, AC!D wasn't very good in my humble ass opinion, and neither was Portable Ops, but PW is a completely different beast.  "

    Fix'd. Also it's pretty much the exact opposite for me. The AC!D series is fantastic and pretty unique (to everyone bitching about PSP having dumbed down versions of console games) .  
    Portable Ops was the closest you could get to a good MGS console game with simplified PSPs controls. PW was a mess control wise and had an extremely annoying mission structure. 
    Also the bosses sucked ass, multiplayer or no. 
    Glad to see atleast Jeanne D'arc getting it's due though
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    #5  Edited By Enigma777
    @luce: PO's controls were incredibly awkward and god-awful (making the game borderline unplayable). The mission design was even worse. Most just used the same 5 or so maps over and over again. PW improved on both quite well, but I'll guess we'll agree to disagree.  
    Ac!d was just weird. There was nothing particularly wrong with it, but I found it rather bland and I'm not a fan of the card combat at all. Also the story was stupid. It had a good final boss though.
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    #6  Edited By WatanabeKazuma

    I'm in a similar situation, decided to give the PSP another chance, originally had one on release but eventually just sold it after the complete lack of interesting games. Glad I did though, I have a DS but for whatever reason have neglected it hugely, I've been very impressed with my PSP though poor battery be damned!
    @JJWeatherman said:

    " Good stuff. There's definitely been some great games on the PSP over the years. I've only played bits and pieces of the ones mentioned so far though. The one exception being Patapon which I played a ton of. I look forward to your continued list.  (This really makes me want to play MGS: PW. I played Ac!d and wasn't impressed, but I know this plays very differently.) "
    If you like MGS you should play Peace Walker, I liked AC!D but it was nothing to do with the series if I'm being honest. Peace Walker is great though, fleshes out the most interesting period in the series for me with Big Boss after Snake Eater. The story is surprisingly straightforward and it's a complete MGS game in every way, genuinely my favourite just behind 4. I rambled on about it a while back
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    #7  Edited By Enigma777
    @WatanabeKazuma: The one thing I hate about my Go (outside of the lack of digital versions for older games) is it's crappy battery life. I really hope the NGP has a better one, but from the rumors I hear, I doubt it...
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    #8  Edited By MikkaQ

    Man I should put more hours into Peace Walker, but last time I booted it, I saw I spent 40 hours, and I kinda freaked out and bit, and stopped playing.  I shouldn't be spending that long on a portable console, ever, unless it's pokemon or something. Which Peace Walker basically is. 

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    #9  Edited By MightyDuck

    Great blog post.  I'm in the process of picking up a PSP soon and these games are definitely some of the ones I was interested in.

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