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Top 10 Most Anticipated Games of E3 2012

This list reads a bit funny, with #1 being least anticipated to #10 being the most. Enjoy!

List items

  • The first one may not have been the most original game, but I had trouble putting it down. It shamelessly ripped off The Legend of Zelda and Portal, but who cares? It was way more fun than it had any right to be, and I can't wait for the second. The delays and the promise of Wii U functionality only enhance the intrigue.

  • To me, the sign of a good horror game comes when you finally beat it. It's a blend of accomplished relief that you won't have to subject yourself to any more terror, and a feeling of genuine sadness that it's over. Both Dead Space 1 and 2 achieved this rare feat. And what other game could equip me with a gun that shoots saw blades while still having me scared to turn the next corner?

  • Even though I think the logo looks far too Human Centipede-y, I can't wait to find out more about this one. After putting some 85 hours into Skyrim, I'll take any excuse I can get to get back into Tamriel. There's a very good chance that this game could end up being a total trainwreck--but wouldn't you want to watch that play out, too?

  • Here is what I have ascertained about this game thus far: Lara Croft gets the absolute shit kicked out of her. I wouldn't be surprised if this game ends up being a 6-8 hour video of her falling down a canyon à la Homer Simpson. I'm not ready to say this is Game of the Year material yet, but I'm more than willing to be convinced.

  • I've missed these little bastards. I'll admit to never having beaten the first two installments, but I'll be damned if the third will take me down too. The fact that the Wii went without an original Pikmin title is baffling, but I'm almost glad that's the case: if this is out on day one, then I'll be in line.

  • Steampunk and stilts! This is another one that we don't seem to know much about quite yet, but it's only one of two new franchises on this list. That seems to be a reason to be excited all by itself. If whispers of a "first person Assassin's Creed" prove true, then we can be looking at a real juggernaut here.

  • Speaking of which, how are we not tired of this franchise yet? It's come a long way since the first outing with Altair, and each installment has managed to improve upon its predecessor in a meaningful way. It's always exciting to see a trilogy come to its conclusion, but even more so with a property as big as Assassin's Creed.

  • Gears of War 3 was my pick for Game of the Year in 2011, and the promise of a prequel has me very, very excited. Baird definitely didn't receive his fair share of exposition in the trilogy's finisher, and here's hoping that this can rectify that. And yeah, the Cole Train. WHOOOOO!

  • Resident Evil 5 didn't quite live up to the quality of its trailers, but I'm setting very high expectations for its successor regardless. By providing three individual campaign scenarios, here's hoping that Capcom can satisfy both the ammo-scrounging veterans and the high-octane newcomers.

  • Maybe it's because I've been on a zombie kick for the last little while, but I can't think of any other game I'm more excited for than The Last of Us. I've watched and rewatched the initial trailer, and I just can't wait to throw myself into the desolate wasteland with Joel and Ellie. It's dark, organic, brimming with terror, and it can't come soon enough.