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Games I Finished 2015

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  • 2015's 2014 Game of the Year. LISA is the most bizzarre, stylish and terribly unfortunate adventure game I have ever played. A prime concoction of black-humor and absurdism that is rarely seen in video games. I want to fold myself around the diamond that is this game, absorb that thing right into my core of my gut and hold it dearly, protecting it, looking at it every now and then just to remind myself of it, just to make sure this game really happened.

  • A quick, but fun, puzzle platformer. Light on story and light on content. The story that it does have didn't affect me too much and the gameplay was fun for the first of two hours it took me to finish the game. <$5 feels like a right price-point. Maybe this game really touched some people out there, but it didn't touch me.