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GOTY 2011

This is my Game Of The Year list for 2011. There were games this year I never got around playing, so I have a bit of catching up to do in 2012.

List items

  • Wow.. just.. Wow... I've been waiting for this game, since I first played Oblivion, a game that was my first exposure to this series, and which and loved to hell. And holy shit did Skyrim deliver. The made the leveling system more interesting, same goes for story, combat, magic use and exploration, the game even manged to fill the gap of a really fucking good viking game, which I have been wanting for years... also.. fucking dragons. Freedom in games never felt better.

  • I think this game is probably the game i put the most time into. It's just a fun time consumer. It's creative and fun. And I think part of the reason I've spent so much time on this, is because of the GB/whiskey media Minecraft server. So props to both the former admin FunExplosions and the current Nodderly. So if you own minecraft, but still don't get it, you really need to join up on a multiplayer server.

  • Now at first I thought this game would be way lower on this list, but the more I think about it, this game really pulled it off. While it had the disadvantage of being a sequal to a game no-one expected would be funny, it still remains funny, witty and clever. The joke are probably even better than in the first one, but that one still had the surprise element, that this game didn't have. Also it introduced me to the two funniest and best new charaters of 2011.

  • I've never been the biggest MK nut. But this game really converted me into one. Sure the online might have been broken, but who the hell care? Local play is where's it at! Also who the hell thought that this game would acutally manage to pull of and interesting and good story mode? I sure didn't... and yet it fucking did.. That's just mighty impressive.

  • This game might have been higher on my list. But I have yet to acutally finish it. Still even from what I've played, Arkham City is still a awesome awesome game. The combat system is still fun, the game doesn't take away all the gadgets in the beginning of the game, and holy shit they managed to cram a lot of villains in this one too. Good job Batman... Good job...

  • Saints Row: The Third turned out to be even more nutty than the second game in the series. And that is no small feat. Everything about the game, just screams "I'M A FUCKING VIDEO GAME, LOOK AT ME!!!!" I really loved that about it. The story is super funny and it truly has some of the most funny setpieces ever used in a video game.

  • Bastion was one of those games when I first saw it, that I thought to myself that I would enjoy the story and kinda hate the gameplay. Turns out I was about half right. While I did enjoy the story more, the gameplay turned out to be pretty fucking cool too. The were a lot of different weapons, with different styles and awesome upgrades. This game is unique. And it really deserves all the praise it has gotten.

  • Man I wished I have had more to time to play this game, because this game is super fun online. I haven't even touched the singleplayer. Exploding helicoptors and tanks is just common sights while playing this online, and the whole "There's a dude that's having a bad day in that crashed jet" Is still pretty awesome in this day. Now i just need to pump steroids in my computer, so I can really enjoy the awesome visuals this game has.

  • inFamous 2 is more of the same with a few tweaks here and there. And frankly that's all right in my book. The first inFamous was one of my favorite games when it came out back in 2009. While it's not quite as impressive the second time around, it's still super fun running around with lighting powers and zappin' fools and the improvements are quite nice too... Oh yeah, and the acutally managed to make me care about Zeke.

  • (Note: I had to select the one episode, but this is really for the entire "season")

    When I first heard that Telltale was doing a back to the future adventure game, I was both excited and worried... Luckly telltale got most of it right. Bringing in the doc himself and the best Marty Mcfly impersonater anyone could wish for, helped this game to get just the right feeling you'd want out of a Back to The Future video game. Also this game was pretty funny,