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Games set during the Pacific campaign of WWII

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The Pacific Campaign of WW2 also known as the Pacific war was a major theater in WWII mostly fought between American forces and forces of the Imperial Japanese Empire for dominance in islands, regions, naval and air power around the Pacific Ocean. The war lasted from December 7, 1941 (the day Japan launched a surprise attack against the U.S Naval base of Pearl Harbor) To September 2, 1945 (days after the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) also the day Japan officially surrendered. Their have been countless documentaries, movies and even video games to document and describe the events that took place over the war. Although United States and Japan are close allies now, nearly 50 years ago they were mutual enemies. Notable examples that took place in the war are: Pearl Harbor, Iowa Jima, Midway, Guadracanal and Peleliu. In the image above, U.S Navy plans attack a Japanese aircraft carrier. Battles like this were all too common during the Pacific War.

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