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Between 'Into the Breach' and 'BATTLETECH' this has a been a great year for turn-based giant robot games.

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Games I played in 2016

These are the games I played in 2016. Not beat, not "completed", just played.

List items

  • (XB1)Been poking at this game for some time. Still having fun with it, but haven't been able to spin up much desire to play it to completion. It will probably continue to be my "play when I'm not in the mood to play anything else" game.

  • (XB1)Hit my first barrier in this game, the much dreaded escort mission. I'll try it a few more times, but ironically enough Krillian dying might push me away from this game.

  • (XB1) Had tried the other Dead Rising games in the past, but couldn't get past the weird barrier to entry of the series. Heard that this one was easier to get into. Had fun with it until the game crashed. Will try it again later.

  • (PC)This title has pretty much lost its steam for me (after putting over 400 hours into it last year), but I still poke around in it every now and then.

  • (PC)After not playing this game for a while, I watched a steamer play it for a bit, and picked up on some tricks I missed. Reinstalled it and had some fun with it.

  • (PC) I guess this game is finally out now? Been watching videos of a tournament of this game, and it inspired me to try it again.

  • (PC) AHHH!! I FINALLY BEAT THE REBEL FLAGSHIP!!! I don't care that it was on Easy mode, IT STILL COUNTS TURKEY!

  • (Vita) After some getting used to, I decided that the Vita version is alright. It's a little hard because of my giant hands, though.

  • (Vita) PS+ Game. Some good looking graphics, but the gameplay just didn't do anything for me. I'm starting to get the feeling that puzzle games just aren't my thing.

  • (Vita) PS+ Game. Not really a big fan of puzzle games or stealth games, so this one was kinda doomed from the start for me, I guess.

  • (Vita) PS+ Game. Hoooooo boy. The controls in this one were floaty as all get out, not to mention that there didn't seem to be enough friction. In the brief time I played this there was a number of times that I slid off a small platform even after stopped "moving" before the edge. Didn't like the feel of the controls at all. Do not want, no thank you sir.

  • (PS3) PS+ Game. You can tell a game is going to be a real quality product when gives you an option to adjust the overscan on a screen, but doesn't give you any indication of where the display is going to be after you adjust it. Add on the fact that it expects you read a 30 page digital manual in lieu of a tutorial (an option handily called "Read or Die"), and an audio bug that hit me in almost immediately (how in the world does music skip in a digital game?) made this game an easy pass for me. I got too many games to play to deal with this nonsense.

  • (PC) Just did a little test run to see if it would run on my laptop. It does! Seems like it will be a good thing to play while I watch something on TV.

  • (PC) Yup, more StarCraft II. This is a good thing. Played through the "prologue", and a mission of the single player before I had to stop. Look forward to playing this.

  • (PC) A rather unremarkable two-stick style shooter. Played it for about an hour before I got bored. Wouldn't recommend, there are better in this genre.

  • (PC) I know that some people have had a problem with the remaster, but I still find it fun. Don't play the campaigns (I beat HW1 years ago, and it was hard enough I don't want to try it again), but I like to play skirmish against the CPU every now and then.

  • (Vita) PS+ game. Wasn't really into this one. The primary gameplay was alright for a little while, but the "reward" you get for passing a level was rather lackluster.

  • (PC) Had bought this game awhile ago but couldn't get it to work. A friend gave me a tip on how to get it to go, and lo and behold it worked! Will try to play with this same friend at some point, but not holding a lot of hope since it used Gamespy.

  • (PC) I've had a love for these kind of shoot-em-up games since I rented Aerofighters a long time ago for my SNES. I enjoy them a bit less since "bullet hell" has become a thing, but I still enjoy tipping my toe in every now and then. This game is good looking, and for a noob like me, has the added advantage of pretty much bringing you back up to full power after you die. I enjoyed it, and will probably poke at it again.

  • (PC) I like the WH40K universe, and I like chess (despite the fact that I am terrible at it). With the classic mode, it pretty much works as a 40K themed version of the old "Battle Chess" game, which is pretty cool by me. The "Regicide" mode seems pretty interesting so far. Multiplayer seems to be a big hook, but I'm just sticking to single player for the time being.

  • (PC) My latest attempt at getting into the 4X genre, which has always interested me, but also kinda intimidated me. I got this with a bundle, and honestly just played it because Civ V (which is, by most accounts, the superior game) was downloading some DLC. It seems alright, but from what I played of Civ V a few years back, it doesn't seem as...directed. The tech tree is a bit of a mess that doesn't give you any sense of where you should go in it.

  • (PC) A, XCOM, my old friend. While I wait for your sequel, I'll give you one last go, this time just having fun with an all S.H.I.V. run.

  • (PC) Yup, it is more XCOM, which is great. I guess people are running into game breaking bugs. I haven't hit that yet, though I have had a crash, long load times, and some bugs here and there. Still, I've put over 30 hours into the game, and I am loving it.

  • (PC)I played the demo years and years ago and enjoyed it, but never got around to picking up the game back then. I noticed it had gotten a Steam release and picked it up on sale for $5 bucks. Played a few missions into the campaign. It's fun, but it definitely feels dated.

  • (PC)So I noticed that on my e-mail I had a folder of audiosurf e-mails. I don't know if it still does, but it used to e-mail you when someone knocked you out of 1st place on a song. I played through some of them (some from 8 years ago! Geez!).

  • (PC) I don't know why I don't play this game more often. It's got style out the wazoo.

  • (PC) Hadn't played this one for a while. Still a fun little title.


  • (ANDR) Play the games "Arkham Horror" and "Eldtrich Horror" with my friends. Elder Sign is something I always wanted to give a go, but never had the chance. This app seems solid, a nice way to play the game without having to go through all the set-up and finding the table space.

  • (PC) Years and years ago, Harvest Moon on GBA stole quite a bit of my life from me. I fear Stardew Valley is going to do the same (put 4-5 hours into it yesterday, and probably would have played it all night if I didn't have to go to my own birthday party). Send help...and food and water...maybe some seeds...

  • (PC) I find myself once more attempting Dark Souls. I don't know why, but once or twice a year I attempt a Souls game. I've had Demon's Souls on PS3 since it launched, but with the world color and all that, it is more intimidating to jump into that Dark playing on PC puts guides and stuff within easy reach. Yes, I am a filthy casual.

    EDIT: I'm up to Blighttown. So far I have enjoyed the game more than I have in the past (never beat Taurus demon before this go around), but I feel like I may be hitting a wall. Will try to keep it up.

  • (PC) Played a with a friend and his son. Unfortunately this friend has a tendency to pick the hardest AI possible...even when I haven't played this game in a long time, and the other person on the team is an 8-year old. Needless to say we did much better when we toned the AI down a bit. I enjoy the heck out of this game.

  • (XB360/PC) Played this game a while back, and got burned out on it after the second dungeon. Giving it another go. Trying it on 360 first, and then on the PC, and the PC version looks markedly better, so I guess I'm playing it on PC.

  • (PC) It is time for me semi-annual "poke at Hearthstone for a couple of weeks and see what happens".

  • (XBONE) Played for an hour-ish, I think. Got to the second boss. Feels like it might be a little more faster paced than Dark Souls. The inclusion of more dialogue does not seem to add much this far.

  • (PC) Poked at this for a little bit, skirmishes vs AI matches. Seems fun, might suggest it to a friend since it is free.

  • (PC) My annual jump in and play while the Unofficial Giant Bomb server is up. Fun.

  • (PS3) Picked this one up for like $5. I know this is regarded as one of the worst RE games, but frankly while I have always been intrigued by the Resident Evil games, I never really liked them. I figured I would give this one a try just to sate my curiosity.

  • (PS3) Poked around in this game a year or so ago, but never really sat down to play it. Put in about 2 hours now, and I am enjoying it.

  • (Vita) PS+ game. I guess platformers like these just aren't my cup of tea. I know people were wild about this game when it first came out a few years back, but it just didn't grab me.

  • (Vita) PS+ game. The standard Lemmings format more or less. Don't know that I like the inclusion of lemmings you have to kill or lose. Also, maybe I was just fat-fingering it, but the touch controls just seemed to make it more frustrating (No, you dumb game! I meant to click that button, not move the menu!).

  • (PS4) Played this for a little bit. I think the 2D nature of it makes it slightly more approachable than most Souls/souls-like games. Or maybe I think that just because I got lucky and beat the first boss on my first try...albeit after watching that boss in videos a bunch of times. EDIT: Bought the PC version as well, because Ska is one those studios that I will throw money at. Got about as far as I did in the PS4 version before I quit for the day. Will decide which version I will "main" before I get too much farther.

  • (PS4) Got this game off the Kickstarter. Just poked around in it a little. Took me a couple of tries to get used to the controls, but that's just me being terrible at games.

  • (PS4) Picked this one up on the cheap when I knew I was going to pick up a PS4. Seems pretty fun so far, but I knew what the game's weaknesses were when I picked it up.

  • (PS4) So, yeah, I knew I was buying a "budget" game when I picked this up. But hey...I am an unrepentant Godzilla fanboy, and as such I am contractually obligated to buy this game. I won't say it's a great game, but hey, I'm having some fun with it.

  • (PC) Still a fun game. Custom soundtrack stuff is cool. What is to be said about this game has pretty much been said at this point.

  • (PS4) Came with the PS4 I bought. Played some of the solo stuff, as I have no interest in online (and probably don't have the internet for it). Disappointed that it doesn't have just bot-matches available, as that is how I enjoyed the previous Battlefront games. I know. I'm crazy.

  • (PC) Played for a little while, mostly to pick up the Steam cards. Still one of my favorite RTSes.

  • (PC) A mostly fun little rhythm game. There was one level that was a complete bummer (it was more amount positioning than button-presses, so the rhythm element was painfully thin in that particular level).

  • (PC): I have played this on and off for a while, and figured it is probably time to polish it off. Will hopefully beat it before too long.

    (EDIT): Beat the game.

  • (PC): Got the PC version from Humble Bundle. Not as fun as the first one. Level design isn't as good, and there are a lot (Dare I say, too many) missions with time limits. Got about 8 missions in before I dropped it.

  • (PC): Picked this up after watching the QL. It's a fun little twist on RTS with the "get stars to upgrade your starting base/army" thing. Maybe a little simple, but that is kind of a nice change of pace compared to how complicated some other RTSes can be.

  • (PC): Had to jump through some hoops to get it work again, but I got it to go. Still a fun game, albeit the graphics are quite dated.

  • (PC): Poked around in this on again after getting RA2 to work. Also still fun.

  • (PC): The RTS element is fun, the political part a bit less so. It's basically "let's put all the hot-button political topics of the day and put them in here, where you are more than likely going to make a decision based on numbers rather than actual thought."

  • (PC): Working my way through my pile of shame, and this game was on there. An alright game (never played the physical board game, so I can't compare the two). Don't know if I will keep with it right now, but might come back to it later.

  • (PC): This game was in my pile of shame. I played it for about 20 minutes. This game has since been removed from my pile of shame, and will likely not be played again.

  • (PC): Next in line in my effort to at least reduce to pile of shame. I've poked at this one a time or two, but never really gave it much of a chance.

  • (XB1): Game with Gold. A rather by the numbers beat-em-up. As I got a few of those which I enjoy better than this one, I'm going to shelf this one. Some weird choices in this one...such as the time that the path was far enough in the background that the character model looked liked it had switched to a low-poly model since it was now "in the background." I just sat there in awe, wondering how such a thing made it through to the final product in the first level of the game.0

  • (3DS) Picked this up after the QL, since it was relatively cheap. Already put in enough time to get my money's worth out of it. Good fun, thought it can be brutally frustrating at times (horrible card draw, the way that when you get bumped it throws you to back of the pack, but when you bump someone they barely get pushed back), but by and large I am having fun. Doesn't seem as complex as the QL made it first appear.

  • (XB1) Game With Gold. Poked at the first game a time or two, but never beat it. This one seems cut from the same cloth. Still pretty fun, and one of the best made tower-defenses I've played. Don't know how long I am going to play it, though.

  • (PC) Played for awhile. Fun little game. It's a bit floaty from time to time which make insta-death spikes a bit annoying, and the abundance of insta-death bomb throwing enemies makes the later levels annoying as well...especially when you don't an enemy throws insta-death bombs until you run up on it for the first time, it kills you instantly, and sends you back to the save point a ways back. Less than fun, that.

  • (PC) Poking at this game again. Never played original X-COM, so this is as close as I have gotten. It's fun, but it has a few things I don't like (i.e.: psychics being able to attack without line-of-sights, and Reapers being able to insta-zombie anyone, regardless of armor).

  • (PS4) Poked around in for a couple of hours. Having fun with it. The Monster Hunter games always intimidated me and the combat didn't look great, so I'm happy with the more "mashy" nature of this one over MH.

  • (PC) The original Audiosurf might have been the first game I bought on Steam, and is still a game I go back to all the time. Picked up the sequel during the Steam Summer Sale...and I'm kinda disappointed. I know I'm the only person on the face of the Earth who played Pointman on Casual, but that doesn't mean I can't be bummed that I can't do that anymore. I'll probably try it again...but right now I think I might stick with the original.

  • (PC) Poked around in this for a little bit. Seems interesting, though a bit more guidance in some parts would have been nice.

  • (3DS) With the sequel coming out, I picked this one back up. I hadn't played it in over a year, so I decided to restart rather than trying to get back into my 35+ hour game. Still pretty fun, but I don't know if I'm going to stick with it this time around.

  • (PC): Beat it in one sitting, and had a lot of fun. You should check it out, most innovative game of year, blah blah etc.

  • (DS): Actually owned this one a few years back. Holy moly if I had known how rare it was going to end up being, I would have hung onto it. Anyways, I had an itch to play it again, and found an Amazon vendor that wasn't charging an arm and a leg it. Played a little bit, hope to play more.

  • (PC): Played this for a little bit when it came out a few years back. Got on PC as part of a bundle at some point. Played it for a little bit today, and it is still pretty fun. Will probably play it to completion at some point.

  • (PC): Picked this up after eyeing it for a while and watching some gameplay videos. Have put in an hour and a half so far and am having fun with it. As a 40K nerd (well, lore nerd...I had a friend try to get me into in the minis, but I couldn't do it), the presentation of this game is spot on.

  • (PC): Sort of a Lemmings-like, only with zombies. Seems to be pretty fun so far.

  • (XB1): Never playe the original DOOM (poked around DOOM 3 for a few minutes once). Seems fun, but it is super late at night (3am), so I will go into more depth on this one later.

  • (PC): A neat little sim-builder that I picked up after watching a streamer I enjoy play it (got it on sale). It's fun, but I wish the "campaign/tutorial" was a little snappier. I also wish saiid campaign didn't have a story, 'cause holy cow is it the definition of "trying to hard to be edgy." Yes, I know it is a game about prison so of course it would be edgy, but still...woof to the story. Woof I was.

  • (PC): I ended up with a Steam coupon that let me pick this up for $5, so I did. Not really deep (more "spam more units than the other guy" than any real strats), but fun.

  • (PC): Edition, to be exact. Playing 8-bit Hordes made me wonder if this one still runs...AND HOLY COW IT DOES! Installed off the disc and it ran without any futzing around in 2016 on Windows 10. Blizzard programers in the 1990s were very good at their jobs, it seems. That said, game doesn't hold up very well (build times are long, unit costs high, etc), but not bad for a 20 year-ish old game.

  • (XB360): Never played very deep into this game. As I really should polish off my last-gen games before I deep dive into the current gen, I decided to start with this one.

  • (PC): Was this game updated to get harder at some point? I feel like I'm getting team-wiped quicker than I did when I goofed around with it last year.

  • (PC): Played a bit just to reacquaint myself with the. Took me a bit to get back into the flow, but it's still pretty fun.

  • (PC) Fun side-scrolling shoot-em-up

  • (PC) Also a fun side-scrolling shoot-em-up

  • (PC) A weird little thing. Not really challenging since you can just click things until people run screaming, but nice for a bit of Halloween fun, I guess.

  • (XB1): Played Black Ops III earlier this year, interested to see how this one stacks up since, for many people, this was the last "good" CoD.

  • (XB1): Been curious about this for a while, and decided to try it now that it is on sale. Kinda regret because....Dear Developer: Don't start your game off with a stealth section with a high probably of insta-death...or worst, standing there waiting to die 'cause you are too slow to run away anyways. May give this another go just to justify the $15 I threw at it.

  • (PS4) PS+ Game: Yup, it's a Platinum game, albeit kind of a basic one. Still feels pretty good when get "witch time" after a well timed dodge.

  • (XB1) Game with Gold: Hadn't played a Dynasty Warriors type game in a long time (I played one on the PS2, but I can't remember what the title was), but this game has been working for when I just need something mindless to do. However, the pop-in on a new gen system is FREAKIN' UNREAL. Holy cow.

  • (PS4) Had never really gotten into the "hunting" genre (played a bit of Soul Sacrifice and Toukiden Kiwami), but am having fun with this. Had to restart a character once because I voice I picked ended up being so annoying I just couldn't take it.

  • (PC): A freakin' classic. But it had been over a year since I played it, so I got lost on the level. Felt like I was playing again for the first time almost.

  • (PC): Me and a friend have played this game far too much...but even in that case we got rocked when we played against Hard AI when we booted it up for the first time this October. A solid RTS.

  • (PC) A fun side-scrolling shoot-em-up...but I guess some update or another reset all my progress...or maybe I deleted the save when I uninstalled it?

  • (PC) I poke at this one every so often, but never seem to play out a full game.

  • (XB1): So...I haven't actually played a Metal Gear game since I poked at Metal Gear Solid 1 something like a decade ago. However, given all the positive buzz about this game, and given the fact I was able to pick it up on sale for like $15 bucks, I decided to give it ago. Seems pretty good so far. Have a couple of nitpicks (there have been times I've got a point-blank pistol shot lined up that doesn't get counted as a headshot for some reason, etc), but considering I don't really do stealth games, I had to force myself to put this one down and go to bed. Also, I've watched Let's Plays of the other games (Chip and Ironicus), so I got a pretty good idea of what is going on lore wise.

  • (XB1): Did not play Titanfall 1, as I am not a big multiplayer player, but I had heard enough good things about the campaign in this one that I decided to pick it up when it was on sale (~$30 bucks at Wal-Mart). Played a couple of hours, and it is fun. Wall running feels really good, or at least a lot better than it did in CoD: BlOps3.

  • (XB1): Games with Gold. I picked this one up on the cheap some time ago on Steam, but it wasn't until it came up on Games With Gold that I finally got around to playing it. Plays weirdly like a 3D pixel-hunt adventure game at it's worst (had to consult a FAQ on how to solve a side-case, turns out I had ran past the object I was supposed to inspect a dozen times without noticing it). That said, I'm oddly enjoying it so far. I'll keep poking away at it, I think.