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Best of 2020

Here is my list for this year! And here are the Honorable Mentions for this year!

List items

  • Hades is incredible accomplishment. No one had really tried putting a story into a roguelike, and I don't think anyone really thought it could work this well. Hades is a game that makes the roguelike loop extremely compelling. It's the best roguelike there's ever been, and this year's GOTY.

  • Perfect combination of really tight platforming and metroidvania exploration. All the mobility tools the game gives you feel extremely good to use, and make getting around a huge pleasure. It's a huge and beautiful game (especially on Series X) and all the side stuff is worth doing. Love it.

  • While I eventually fell off Animal Crossing, there's no denying how good it is. The addition of decorating outside is profoundly good, and it's hard to remember sometimes that Animal Crossing hasn't always had this. I'm extremely proud of what I've accomplished on my island, just a really comfy place that's exactly how I want it to be.

  • Probably the best tech demo since Wii Sports! It's full of charm, and character. I love how much it pulls from PlayStation hardware and software to build out its aesthetic. Plus it plays really well and might be one of the only games that will ever take full advantage of the DualSense controller. I only wish the motion controls were not as mandatory.

  • This is a fantastic podcast game! You can get in a boat, have it autopilot you to a monastery while you read Discord/Twitter and then burn down buildings, hit enemies with axes and steal all the valuables. It's dumb fun and it looks really nice on Series X!

  • A fantastic package of both known and obscure board games. My family took to this game more than any other in recent history since it's super accessible and it has a ton of variety given the 51 games. Additionally, through this game I was able to get an understanding of Shogi for the first time in my life. I actually think I like it more than Chess, which I never expected! This is the complete package.

  • Bunger Bunger Bunger!

  • While I didn't really care for the first half of the game, I did really enjoy the second half of the game. It felt like Last of Us should. It had the right character dynamics, really cool set pieces, and, new to the series, a fair amount of dramatic irony that is delicious. While I wish the first half could've been less boring, it does set up the second half, so... I guess it's fine.

  • I didn't play as much Fall Guys as I expected to, but I did watch a fair amount of it. It's such a goofy and fun idea for a game, and it really did take me by storm when it initially came out, albeit for a brief time. I'm really happy it's found success, and that they continue to build it out.

  • It's really nice that Tony Hawk is back. Personally, I don't care much for the levels of 1 or 2 so I didn't love this game as much as most, but damn if it doesn't feel good to skate around. I've booted up this game idly a lot this year just to skate around some. Feels so right.


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Great list with an awesome top 3! Playing Ori before the end of the year and am loving it!