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Games I want to spend too much time playing.

Speaks for itself, innit?

List items

  • Blizzard quality class based mousebashing (buttons don't really apply!) at its finest. Loot, randomized dungeons, co op and talents to play around with! Evil never played this good...well except for that one ti-nevermind!

  • If this is even anything close to PSO EP1/2 on the NGC I'm sold.

    I love the gameplay, the classes, the different types of weapons and the areas! Rappies are returning and so are the normal races! Sod off mr beastman, no one cares! CASTS all the way!

  • Blizzard, Warcraft, new lands and a addiction that never really goes away.

    I knew I was buying this the moment it was announced, like all the expansions before (and after no doubt).

    Its smooth, it delivers on content and Pandaria only adds to that!

  • Its finally coming to the xbox360!

    I love dark fantasy and I love RPG's, I will play the living daylights out of this dark game.

    Wait that sounds off, anyway, Geralt, slaying and fantasy! <3

  • Darksiders 1 was a great homage and twisted version of the Zelda formula.

    As a gal with a Triforce tattoo you might understand why that interested me.

    One played great, had a lovely story and the puzzles were refreshing in the war shooter filled world of games.

    The second only looks to be delivering on more, more and more.

    Move over War, your agile brother Death is about to wreck havoc in style!


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Edited By Yummylee

Recommended for Darksiders II x) My list would consist of a little more RE6, Borderlands 2 (HOW COULD YOU MISS THAT OUT?!) and maybe the new DmC if it'll be as slick and addicting as the previous games.

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User Lists: 8

It was 5 in the morning and I was high on lack of sleep!
Borderlands 2 <3