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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

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  • One of the first(and only) releases of the year I absolutely fell in love with immediately, The Banner Saga is one of the best games I've played this year and it does this with so much style.

  • I've always been a Call of Duty fan at heart, excluding last year's Ghost, these games have always been incredible fun and well made games. Please don't get me wrong I love both of Treyarch's Black Ops games, but this is the first Call of Duty in a long time to truly innovate the series. The change to the mobility is huge and adds a ton to the feel of the game, you just feel so free.

    On the campaign side of things, Advance Warfare hits it perfectly it doesn't try to be more than a roller coaster action movie of a story. None of the side missions and decision making of the Black Ops 2 campaign, just set piece after set piece with a good amount of different gameplay, stealth, jets and mech suits! Also Kevin Spacey is in it a lot and he's really good in it.

    Multiplayer is basically Black Ops 2 but with jumping and shit, it's fucking great. Although I find most of the maps poorly designed for objective modes, really badly placed objective, the maps in the base game are fun and goes great with the new mobility. Pick 13 is an improved Pick 10, allowing me to say "fuck it" and just use a heavy shield, XMGs, 5 perks and no exo abilities.

    This is sounding more like a review than a summary for GOTY...

  • Anyone who knows me well enough knows I'm absolutely in love and obsessed with everything Pokemon. I kinda always have been but I won't lie, if it wasn't for last years Pokemon X/Y and the oddity that was Twitch Plays Pokemon I wouldn't have rekindled my love of Pokemon.

    Before X the last Pokemon game I played was third gen's Pokemon Emerald. For many reasons Generation 3 has always had a special place in my heart, I was nine when I played the original Ruby. Although not my first Pokemon game, it was the first one where I understood what I was doing and that meant a lot since it was the first game I truly fell in love with the series. I could go on for HOURS about my love of Gen 3, but I don't want this to end up being ages long.

    ORAS is more of the same with a myriad of little improvements that go a long way, but the at it's core Pokemon hasn't changed in many years for better or worst. For this reason I felt it only right to have this game in the middle of my list.

    This is where I talk about competitive Pokemon metagame and you all stop reading...

  • "Re-released on Playstation 4 and Xbox One on November 18th

    This motherfucker... what I went through last year to play this fucking game on Xbox 360, to understand my great dislike of the original game you need to know I borrowed a 360 to play this game.

    The last generation version didn't do it for me, the singleplayer was a story with extremely high Highs and absolutely boring Lows. The multiplayer was an abysmal mess on release and when my friends and I finally did get a chance to play it, it was still mess.

    So I wrote GTA V off thinking it was a game with insane potential being held back by the consoles it was on, and you know what I was absolutely right! GTA V on the current-gen(I played on the PS4) is a fantastic game finally realizing it's potential. All this upgrade didn't improve my opinions of the story all the other massive upgrades make up for a lot of it.

    The visual upgrade is massive, maybe it's because I saw what the game looked like before, but I've never been this awestruck by graphics since the first time I saw a PC game on Max settings those many years ago...

    The first person mode completely changes the games experience, stabbing someone as a character is so different from stabbing someone in first person, it's really messed up.

    The multiplayer is a boat full of boatdrinks fun to play when you get 10+ friends together to just cause mayhem, also accidentally telling a friend the weapon switch button in a jet is the triangle button..."

  • "Re-released on Playstation 4 on April 14th

    Anyone who knows me well knows I'm neither the biggest Final Fantasy fan nor MMORPGs, but against all odds Final Fantasy X|V hooked me more than any other MMO I've ever played including the World of Warcraft. I started playing this game around the time the alpha on PS4 time, but luckily for my group of friends and I the game was released on Steam and was on sale for $15!

    So although I didn't actually play the PS4 version, it was the only way I saw this game could fairly be on this list. The story was very good and enjoyable throughout my leveling to 50 and once I hit 50 the obvious end game MMO stuff began but unlike a lot of other ones I didn't feel overwhelmed and that greatly helped me enjoy the game.

    I'm currently unsubscribed due to money problems, but I'll gladly resub when 2.5 or even 3.0 the recently announced Heavensward expansion pack are released, can wait for adventure in need being DPS..."

  • "Re-released as Rebirth on November 4th.

    This is a weird one, I wasn't sure if it belonged on this list or my actually 2014 Game of the Year list, but after some thought I decided it's best to put this on here instead. Although there a ton of new additions, the core game is the same as Isaac released years ago and you know what that's fantastic. I never got into the original game on PC for whatever reason, but since the game was apart of Playstation Plus' Instant Collection I haven't been able to stop playing. I continue to jump in everyday and do a run or two!"

  • "Re-released as Marvel Heroes 2015 on June 4th

    I can't give Marvel Heroes game of the year every year so I'll give it another honorable mention since it continues to be my most played game. Hours of free time spent playing this game everyday and it's constantly improving(sometimes breaking) every week! if you haven't already check it out, it's free! Join BatmanBatmanBatman, we'll do the raid eventually..."

  • Arceus this Picture for Wiki Page is out of date...

    "Out of Beta on March 25th.

    As someone who played this MOBA in the very early beta and thought it wasn't very good, this being on my list came as a pretty big shock to me, but here it is Smite the Third Person Action MOBA is on my Technically Released in 2014 list! The game is fast and a lot of fun, although I'm not the biggest fan of the MOBA parts of the game, the action elements feel great and landing your abilities is awesome. One of the better examples of free to play done right(Excluding Valve's games.) The game has log in rewards allowing you to earn the game's real money currency and even better if you want to buy all the gameplay related content up front it's only $30. I've had more fun this year with Smite than most games, it won't replace Dota 2 as my MOBA of choice but as a fun casual action game Smite is fantastic!"