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2021 Best Old Games

While I didn't play many new releases in 2021 to populate a 10 entry list, I did play enough old games to do just that because who needs new things when I can ruminate in the warmth of nostalgia.

List items

  • Technically both the Remastered version, and the original xbox 360 version. It's a little rough in the second half, and the last boss (while stylish and cool) is kind of a pushover but this is still one of the best games I've ever played.

    Bring on the Elden Ring, baby.

  • Between part 2 and the Horde mode DLC, I had plenty of reason to return to Doom Eternal and it's still maybe my favourite iteration of Doom yet.

  • I'm kind of shocked how into this I got. I had played it when it originally came out but it just didn't click with me. But years of becoming acclimated to the 'new' bioware, I was more ready to accept what this game was laying down.

    There's a lot of signs of rushed development here, but there's also a fantastic story and a dialogue system that feels less confining than Mass Effect.

    Truly, it is the age of Dragons.

  • I discovered this game when I was younger perusing random Dragon Ball roms and found the turn based combat so compelling that I played through in Japanese. So naturally, when I found out there's an fan translated english rom of the game I had to play through it. Game's still as addictive as when I was a teen.

  • A year later and this game is still my most played Switch game. Despite having an unfinished copy of Diablo 2 HD sitting right there next to it.


    So in purchasing an Xbox Series S, I re-discovered a bunch of old games I had purchased on the 360 and this was chief among them. I had mostly played it co-op with my Uncle while staying with him one summer so it was nice revisiting some of those memories as I chased a few achievements I was missing. Turns out, either my uncle was holding me back or I just sucked because they weren't hard to obtain.


  • My 2nd most played switch game

  • For some inexplicable reason, the quick look for this game is my favourite video on the site. So it only stands to reason that I'd inevitably play it, and I finally did!

    It's a simple puzzle game that is constantly building on it's mechanics and has an weirdly deep story. 10/10 would rewatch the quick look despite finishing the game. (probably won't ever play the game again though)

  • Don't you just love stumbling onto a game in your steam library that you've just forgotten all about and then spending a weekend just playing it to completion.

    This was one of the first 'HD' games I played on my 360 and I loved it then and I love it now. A cool story and some big monsters to shoot all, always a good time. Probably wouldn't have finished it if I didn't have the nostalgia engine pumping full steam, but luckily I had that engine filled and had a good time going back to.

  • Oh Sacrifice. What a weird game you are. A very ambitious story with a poorly designed, yet still quite ambitious, gameplay style. One of my favourite games, but I'll be the first to admit you have to overlook a lot.

  • It's more Shenmue. It's literally just more Shenmue and I love it despite there **apparently** being 100 games better than it, according to some :eyes

    It's probably the worst of the three, and the ending is super rushed, but I'm glad I saw it through. Fingers crossed for more.