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2020 Best Old Games

Between getting a PS4 last year and a switch this year, I had some catching up to do and a lot of time to do it! Lotta switch games on this list!

Honourable Mentions:

Red Dead Online. I had a brief love affair with Red Dead Online. It was hot, fast, and by the end of it I was left feeling disappointed and violated. [And just like a bad relationship...I feel myself wanting to go back :/]

Ape Escape 2. This game is basically MGS1 with all it's super stupid, super fun boss battles.

Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+. I literally just picked this up and having this on the switch has been amazing. It's perfectly suited to a 10 minute bus ride and I might actually go for some degree of competition this time.

List items

  • This game has been a slow burn over many months for me. At first, I couldn't help feeling shackled by the games slower pace compared to Sekiro but by the end I had fallen in love with the original Souls games again, and this might be the best of the bunch.

    Fuck, I'm so excited for Elden Ring now.

  • This game is the very definition of 'greater than the sum of its parts' for me. No one part of it is better than the game it's imitating but it came together in a way that made me literally walk through the entire game. It was a level of storytelling flow that I don't experience with many games but something about this game resonated with me on a profound level.

  • It took me a looooooong time to get into, but this game is a close contender for best rogue-whatever game of all time.

  • *continued from number five*

    .....No, this is!

    Diablo 3 never clicked with me on PC but the endless grind nature of it really works well on switch

  • The best switch game for when you're on the go!

    Also fuck you purple I'm the best puyo

  • Everyone says this game is pretty good and you know what, it is! Huzzah!

  • Apex remains pretty good! I may be ending the year without it in my rotation of games being played but I know I'll return sooner or later.

  • As I look through my notes on Death Stranding, I question whether or not I enjoyed the game. I mean, I know I did but my notes read like the ramblings of a confused lunatitic.

    The Kojima weirdness is what it is, and there's some great characters here, despite a really disconnected feeling narrative.

    I definitely want to see another game like this, but maybe without Kojima. The gamification of pathfinding is super interesting to me and I want more of it....but without actually having to go for a walk.


  • Can't wait for this to come to game pass so I have a reason to play it again. I can see if I can beat my record of getting all the trophies in 2 days.