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Right now I haven't really listened to a Bombast in at least 5 months. For the first time I am 99% sure I am cancelling my sub...s...

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E3 Most Looked Forward to List:

1.  Dead Space 2 (Ps3, 360, PC?)
2.  Ps3 PS2 collections (Ps3)
3.  Halo Reach (360)
4.  Medal of Honor (360, Ps3, PC)
5.  Bulletstorm (Ps3, 360, PC?)
6.  Castlevania: Harmony of Dispair (360)
7.  Comic Jumper (360)
8.  Batman Arkham Asylum 2 (Ps3, 360, PC)
9.  infamous 2 (ps3)
10.  Uncharted 3 (Ps3)
11,  Unannounced multi-platform Insomniac game.
12.  Resistance 3 (Ps3)
13.  Gran Turismo 5 (Ps3)
14.  Star Wars: The Old Republic mmo (PC)
15.  The Last Guardian (Ps3)
16.  Marvel VS Capcom 3 (Ps3, 360)

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