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GOTY 2012

I wish I had more time in the year in order to properly put time into some of the late year big releases (Far Cry 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Halo 4, Dishonoured), but if I find the time before New Year's Eve, I'll update the list accordingly.

List items

  • Was truly urprised by this game. The story is great, the open world (while not perfect) is fun to get around in and the combat is a perfect example of adapting another game's system to fit your own needs. Really hope this game gets some form of sequel or spiritual successor.

  • The only reason this missed out on the top spot is that I feel like it kinda losses steam in the last two episodes (no offence Whitta). However, those first three episodes are incredible, heart-wretching and simply impossible put down once started, and this game is how character development and interaction should be done.

  • This game properly blew me away. Between the soundtrack, the acid-trip visuals, great gameplay and strange story, this game is an excellent example of how to capture the look and feel of a certain period while still retaining what modern trappings you can. Can't wait for the sequel.

  • Despite the ending (which pissed me off as well), this is still a Mass Effect game, which is a still a series known for it's amazing characters, story and gunplay. Yes, it's a shame about certain aspects of choices made, but let's not forget that for all the negatives, there are still some extreme positives about this game.

  • If I had more time to play this (as I only picked it up when it was on sale last weekend), it would probably be ahead of Mass Effect 3, but alas, what can I do? I love this game: the look, the humour ("giant alien spiders are no joke!"), and the freedom the game gives the player are great, and it has a brilliant "one more ship" feeling to it.

  • Though I mainly played this for the excellent Game of Thrones mod, I still enjoy the base game from time to time. In addition, all the systems in place work great and are well explained, unlike it's predecessor. Again, like FTL, an amazing time-sink, I have lost hours to this game without realising.

  • Never played Trials: HD, but I'd seen enough of it to know that as soon as the sequel came out, I was jumping on it and sinking my teeth in, and I wasn't disappointed. This game is so difficult, but in such a fair way (much like Super Meat Boy). If you fuck up, you know it was probably your fault, and 50 attempts later, find out what you were doing wrong.

  • It's a fucking shame that people will never play this game due to it's art style. The combat is top notch, the characters are well-realised and funny, and there's a FUCKING TALKING SWORD! I mean, seriously...TALKING SWORD! It's all stoic and shit too, it's great!