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The Great Porn Purge

 We love ya girls, we do. You just can't do that here.
 We love ya girls, we do. You just can't do that here.
So I found out that I'm currently on the friend's list of a mod named ZombiePie. Awesome. But then I found out what he was doing.

Turns out that he has started to go into all the hentai game galleries here on the site and remove almost every picture with nudity, rape, tentacles, sex, and all those other little joyful things that make hentai games hentai games. This effects me because most of my lists involve the mocking of such games, despite being an unforgiving hentai freak. I'm not going to elaborate on that.

So, am I worried about the current porn game purge? Well, even though I love me some pictures of big anime tee-tees, I believe in the greater good. This isn't a porn site: it's an info site. So as long as somebody deals with the gratuitous lolicon and actually fills us in on these games I could care less. GiantBomb is only one tiny sliver of the internet. If I want to find screencaps of Bazooka Cafe or whatever, I have other bookmarked sources that specialize in such things. Also, if I lose an article in the process, big friggin' deal. Not like I have 15-billion other ones to choose from.

Now just fix AnimeVice. I currently only use that one to find porn. I'd say somethi-Oh wait, they already are. Awesome.

So to Mr. ZombiePie, and all the other people involved, keep up the good work.


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Edited By Paulrus

 We love ya girls, we do. You just can't do that here.
 We love ya girls, we do. You just can't do that here.
So I found out that I'm currently on the friend's list of a mod named ZombiePie. Awesome. But then I found out what he was doing.

Turns out that he has started to go into all the hentai game galleries here on the site and remove almost every picture with nudity, rape, tentacles, sex, and all those other little joyful things that make hentai games hentai games. This effects me because most of my lists involve the mocking of such games, despite being an unforgiving hentai freak. I'm not going to elaborate on that.

So, am I worried about the current porn game purge? Well, even though I love me some pictures of big anime tee-tees, I believe in the greater good. This isn't a porn site: it's an info site. So as long as somebody deals with the gratuitous lolicon and actually fills us in on these games I could care less. GiantBomb is only one tiny sliver of the internet. If I want to find screencaps of Bazooka Cafe or whatever, I have other bookmarked sources that specialize in such things. Also, if I lose an article in the process, big friggin' deal. Not like I have 15-billion other ones to choose from.

Now just fix AnimeVice. I currently only use that one to find porn. I'd say somethi-Oh wait, they already are. Awesome.

So to Mr. ZombiePie, and all the other people involved, keep up the good work.
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Edited By Claude

Naked Cartoon Pussy was fun while it lasted. But like you said, all that stuff is just a click away if you really need it. I'm a big believer in freedom and expression, but I understand the purge.

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Edited By sweep  Moderator

This decision actually came from AnimeVice, it was only after they decided to remove the hentai from their own wiki that the new rules were extended over to GiantBomb. I do not envy the monstrous task those mods now face.

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Edited By ZombiePie
@Sweep said:
" This decision actually came from AnimeVice, it was only after they decided to remove the hentai from their own wiki that the new rules were extended over to GiantBomb. I do not envy the monstrous task those mods now face. "
Not only that but this decision was made by the staff and is simply being enforced by the mods. In fact when talking to Ethan he informed me that the original rules about screenshots which allowed for sex pictures was a carry over from the Anime Vice rules by accident. We were in fact never suppose to have these types of images on our database in the first place.

I appreciate the praise but other mods are assisting in this "rectification." I'm simply the mod that is doing this the most publicly. 
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Edited By Y2Ken

I guess that makes sense. I'd noticed it more at Anime Vice, hadn't really come across it here. Don't really have a problem with it, keep up the good work!