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My top 10 games of 2015

Two Vita games, six games developed in Japan. 2015 was a great gaming year!

List items

  • Man, this game, I just love it so much! Not only is it a really good rhythm-game with a fantastic soundtrack, it also has a long and fantastic story mode. Spending more time with the cast of Persona 4 is something I deeply cherish, and this game delivers just that. Not only is it the best game I played this year, it's the best game I've played since Persona 4: Golden.

  • Was it not for my Persona 4 obsession this would've easily made #1, but here we are. I'm a sucker for a good story and this game has an amazing one. Combine that with fantastic characters, a really fun combat system and world design that most games could only dream of having and you have one hell of an adventure. I can't wait for the next expansion pack.

  • I'm not a very creative person, but the creation tools in this game is so simple and genius that even I could make levels that some people would call fun. Brilliant only begins to describe this one.

  • There really was some great stories told in games this year, huh? This one has a great cast of characters and a fun gameplay mechanic, but it's the story that really shines. Each episode left me hungry for more, and while most games based on choices don't quite nail the ending, this one really did. I'm excited to see what DONTNOD does next.

  • I can think of two words that perfectly describe Splatoon, fun, and style. It just sounds and looks so good! It's also the most fun I've had with a multi-player shooter in a long time.

  • Tricky to place this one since I've not beaten it yet. When I'm done with it I may find that it should've been higher up, but #6 is where it fits at this time. It's a fun little action game, and as the earlier games in the franchise it looks and sounds amazing!

  • I love horror movies, but most of them kinda suck. Until Dawn takes tropes from various types of horror movies and combined them into one hell of an experience. While it might not be heavy on gameplay, it sets its claws in you and don't let go until you're done with it. I played through it in one sitting and after all the jump scares and creepy settings I was left exhausted, jumpy and so very happy. It also has a healthy amount of Peter Stormare, more games should have that.

  • Damn, this game is amazing! Scoring in a sports game has never felt so good and looked so cool before. And you can play as a DeLorean! What's not to like? It will remain a go-to multiplayer game for me for a long time.

  • So much nostalgia! Classic voices, classic designs, classic sounds, all of it is here. And wow, they really nailed the looks of this game, it's almost ridiculous how good it looks. It also plays incredibly good, smashing enemies with a hammer, then transforming into a race car while shooting another enemy, it just feels right. I do wish the loot was more interesting, but I still had a fantastic time with this.

  • The Metal Gear Solid series have always been fun to look at but boring to play in my eyes. The story is beyond dumb and I love it, and that's why I'm so sad there is so little of it here. I want the super long cutscenes, the long codec conversations, the crazy boss battles and I want more from the characters. I want so much more from this, but it isn't there. But it plays so good! It could've had it all, but it comes short of being amazing.