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The 10 best early access games you can throw money at right now.

Here's my pick of the ten best early access games you can get into right now. I chose them for the concept, the current state as well as the potential for these titles to actually become a reality.

List items

  • Like an intergalactic Lego set, Space Engineers sets the bar quite high in terms of both developer communication with the community and game potential. Just don't call it Minecraft in space..

  • Here's a great indie-voxel building thing that's in a pretty decent state right now. Mac and Linux versions are on the horizon and it's only $5.

  • If you've ever wanted to run your own automotive empire and you don't feel like dusting off the 3.5" floppies for Detroit, this game is for you. It's an incredibly detail-oriented love letter to automotive fans, even in its current state.

  • Here's a Space-themed Terraria title that not only looks pretty decent, but it's pretty good - even in its current state.

  • Play god in this stylish and beautiful civilization simulator from Peter Molyneux - its in a great current state with routine updates.

  • This great dungeon crawling RPG makes use of voxels to create randomly-generated maps and a Zelda-like experience.. it's great and development is proceeding swimmingly.

  • Here's a sequel to the grandfather of Fallout.. following a successful Kickstarter campaign, the title is in Beta and ready for primetime.

  • It's DoubleFine's take on a resource management sim in space.

  • Yet another sandbox game which borrows from Terraria. This one shows some great potential.

  • Here's a throwback isometric turn-based strategy and exploration game that's worth a look for sure.