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Most Anticipated 3DS Games!

Since there's apparently a sequel or port to EVERY game franchise coming out on this thing, and I need to justify buying one with its $350 European price tag, here's what I'm looking forward to seeing released on Nintendo's new bundle of extra-dimensional joy.

List items

  • "Crysis 3DS" (with graphical upgrade)

  • "Duke Nukem Forever 3DS" (probably out 2011. Probably)

  • "Starcraft Ghost 3DS" (using existing engine up until original cancellation)

  • "Half-Life 2: Episode 3: 3DS" (3DS exclusive)

  • "Halo: 3-Dimensional Spartan" (abbreviated as "Halo: 3DS")

  • "Tales of Really Going To Release This One In English This Time You Guys: 3DS" (Japan-only)

  • "Team Fortress 2: 3DS For 2 Refined" (shares servers with PC version)

  • "Kingdom Hearts: Pee Break: 3DS" (tells the story of what happens in the five minute gap that happens after Kingdom Hearts 1 and a few months before Kingdom Hearts 2, but after Birth by Sleep or 358/2 Days and before Re:Coded or Chains of Memories)

  • "Diablo 3: 3DS" ("3DS" stands for "3rd Diablo Sequel")

  • "Skyrim 3DS" (early reports suggest 3DS version's world is around 50km2 bigger than those in other versions)

  • (First console to be fully backwards compatible with the PS2)