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Every Sentient Species in Video Games

So yeah, I'm following through on a threat I made to make a big ol' list of all the fictional races from video games. I'm currently drawing the line at animals and other mindless creatures, since there's a hell of a lot of monsters in the wiki too, but that may change if I become even more insane.

Hopefully this'll be of some use to someone in the future, if only for when a future Quest asks you to name every type of elf. It might be called "Elf Benefits", or "Elf-Obsessed" perhaps.

(Work in progress)

List items

  • (Phantasy Star) Genetically-enhanced humans. Engineered to be magically superior.

  • (Phantasy Star) Genetically-enhanced humans. Engineered to be physically superior.

  • (Phantasy Star) Synthetic race of androids. Minimal magical ability, but very proficient with firearms.

  • (Dragon Quest) Thought to be mindless creatures, revealed to be quite intelligent and gregarious among monsters. Fond of tank battles.

  • (Dragon Quest) The eternal rivals of the Slime people. As fond of duck puns as the Slimes are of slime puns. Apparently led by mobsters.

  • (Everywhere) Powerful monsters, usually with an intimidating degree of intelligence. Would get on better with humans if we didn't find them so scary and they didn't find us so delicious.

  • (Everywhere) Creatures that dwell in Hell that fell to their underworld cell after, they tell, a rebellious spell that didn't end well. They are less than swell. Especially that big one, Satan.

  • (Everywhere) Can't mention demons without bringing up their divine antithesis. Video game demons generally have a lot of well thought-out art design behind them, yet for angels the artists always just seem to wing it.

  • (Halo) Actually an alliance of alien races that have banded together to be ultra-annoying to humans. Each race is presented in-game as a certain "class", like Elite or Grunt.

  • (Halo) A creepy parasitic race led by a being known as the Gravemind. So named, I guess, because graves are scary.

  • (Gears of War) Antagonistic race that had all but conquered the world of Sera from its indigenous humans. Might be aliens, might not.

  • (Resistance) Once-human genetic experiments gone awry. Have taken control of most of the planet. The footsoldiers are humanoid, but the rest have all sorts of forms.

  • (D&D) Goblins (and Hobgoblins) are significantly less advanced than Orcs, but still have a civilization, of sorts.

  • (D&D) Gnolls aren't particularly bright, being hyena-men, but they are talented fighters and know enough words to tell you how they'll remove vital parts of your anatomy.

  • (Xenoblade Chronicles) The Nopon are the rolypoly Ewok ersatz of Xenoblade Chronicles. Despite being insufferably cute, they make themselves handy by being travelling merchants that are conveniently everywhere. Darn their adorable hides.

  • (Xenoblade Chronicles) The High Entia are a race of haughty bird people with advanced technology. So they're elves, basically. But with more wings.

  • (Xenoblade Chronicles) The Machina are sentient mechanical people from Mechonis. The Machina are not to be confused with the Mechon, which are mindless machines created by a Machiavellian Machina for his vengeful machinations. Oh God, mech it stop.


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Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

Hot damn, Mento!

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Edited By Mento  Moderator

@Sparky_Buzzsaw: Yeah, I'm going to be at this for a while. It would probably go faster without my colorful commentary.

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Well done cataloguing all these different races. I appreciate your sense of humor too.