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Appropriately Endurance-Runnable/Extended Quick-Look-able Games

Following the amazing success of the Persona 4, Bad Dudes, Deadly Premonition, and Cutscenes-Of-Amped-3 Endurance Runs, everybody's wondering where this crazy train's going to stop next! Well, wonder no more, for I've made it my goal to construct the definitive list of self-serious narrative-driven games with goofy elements that would shine best with a couple of NorCal natives piloting and talking over them. 
If a seemingly Endurance Runnable game is in the Extended Quick Look section, it's only because it doesn't have voice-acted cutscenes! For some reason, I can't see games like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon supporting a 20-hour Quick Look.

No Atlus games appear on the list, even though many of them would be absolutely ideal.

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