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Game of The Year 2014 Users Choice

These are literally all the games I played this year that came out this year. If it was a top 11 list, it would have an empty spot.

Didn't really feel compelled to do any long write ups this year. Maybe next year will be more exciting.

List items

  • Don't know where this came from, but it was an essentially unchallenged number one. I honestly can't think of any significant complaints about this game. That is incredibly rare.

  • Held my multiplayer attention the most this year. Really good game that had some retroactive "disappointment" tags applied to it by some people for some reason. It wasn't a revolution but it was a very solid game.

  • I was going to leave this off my list completely until the last week or so. Looks like it's finally working as it should. Now that it's working, though, I cant recommend it enough. Whether you're in for singleplayer content, multiplayer content, achievements, or are just a Halo nostalgia freak, this has you covered with some of the best games of the last 10+ years.

  • Never got to play Deadly Premonition, but I'm sure as hell wasn't going to miss out this time. Hoping the fact that it's free in January will drum up enough hype for the next installment to arrive.

  • Aside from performance hitching (played it on 360), I think I actually liked this better than Walking Dead S1. Fantastic music as well.

  • Another one that came out of nowhere. One of the most brilliant multiplayer hooks ever.

  • Didn't get to put a lot of time into this one, but what I played impressed me enough - I'll be coming back to it.

  • I don't know if this counts or not, but I never played it last year and picked up the XBone version. You probably already know why this is highly regarded.

  • It's more Trials. And has an ok theme song.

  • Disappointment of the year for sure, but the month and a half I spent with it was pretty fun. After that time was over, I sold it and haven't regretted it for a minute. May be interested in a sequel.

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