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Game of the Generation - My Top 10

I was probably 90% attached to the 360 during the console cycle that just concluded. I owned a Wii for about a year, beginning shortly after it was released until the following Xmas. It was enjoyable, but after about 6 or 7 months it collected dust until I sold it. Never owned a PS3, and although I used to be pretty into PC games, I moved away from that a bit. With that in mind, these 10 games are all on the 360 because that's what got the vast majority of my attention. Nothin' against other systems - this is just what I was into from 2006 until now. Were there more important and influential games that are not listed here? Sure. But that doesn't matter, this is what I enjoyed the most.

First of all, a few honorable mentions, then the top 10.



Def Jam Rapstar

Starting off with a real banger, huh? You'll see more well known music games later, but I've got to praise this title - I'm not sure I had more fun doing in-person multiplayer with any other game this year. A shame the DLC got cut off and it has essentially been erased from existence due to legal issues. At least we got some Geto Boys before it ceased.

The videos I have saved from playing the game still make me laugh today. Incredibly fun stuff.


The Beatles Rock Band

I'm not even a big Beatles fan by any means, but as far as overall package goes, this was far and away the best way a band-centric music game could be presented. Found myself appreciating the music more because of the game. Even the later entries in the Rock Band series didn't match up to the visual style this game had. A great selection of DLC that complimented the main game, as well.

If I was really into the music, this game would have been even higher on the list.


The Walking Dead

I can't think of a higher bit of praise to give this game than to say every single person I recommended it to, from hardcore shooter fans to non-gamer girlfriends, said they really liked it. So, so good.


The Top 10...

List items

  • Hundreds and hundreds of dollars, hundreds and hundreds of songs. hundreds and hundreds of hours. I have never invested this much in a single game - not even close. When Rock Band 1 was announced my kneejerk reaction was "sounds interesting, but this is too much. I just want the fake guitar." But I gave it a shot when RB1 came out and never looked back. Each game in the series improved on the one before it, and Rock Band 3 was the pinnacle not just of the series, but the entire genre, and a peerless swan song for a genre that had admittedly been fading out for a year by the time it was released.

    Week to week DLC releases for years and years on end became more exciting to me than seeing what XBLA games would be released. The "HOLY CRAP, YES!!!" feeling of seeing a Devin Townsend or Testament song being put up for sale, the disgusted "ugh"s given when yet another Fall Out Boy or pop-country pack song was released...loved all of it. The Rock Band series pretty much defined the way to do DLC right on the 360 - carrying songs over from game to game in the series so people hadn't wasted their money on content that would only be good for a year.

    It's a sign of how long this generation was that a genre of game went from on top of the world to a complete afterthought all within the same lifecycle. Despite music games being a footnote in history at this point, I will likely never spend that kind of money on any game/game series ever again, nor will I invest the time I did. Rock Band 3 is why I'll never get rid of my 360, and will always keep that Beatles Rock Band premium set I won in a contest a few years boxed up and stored away. Someday I'm going to need those back up instruments when my current ones wear out.

  • My favorite for the year it was released. Love every single thing about the Mortal Kombat franchise not named Special Forces or whatever that TV show was that used to come on after WCW ended on Monday. For a franchise that "serious" fighting game fans sort of looked down on, the reboot from a few years back was absolutely incredible on every level, and set the bar for single-player in a fighting game. Although I'm holding out on new consoles for now, when MK10 is announced I have my doubts I'll be able to go without it. Bring it.

  • Another one that was my favorite game from the year of its' release. I don't think I've been as enthralled with a downloadable game before then or since. One of the few games I cared about enough to write a review on here. Absolute joy to play, and this is coming from someone who is lukewarm on most stealh games.

  • This one actually took a while for me to accept - I was so into Burnout Revenge (one of my favorite early 360 titles), and this one changed a lot of things up. Once I got over not being able to rear end someone at 150 miles an hour to destroy them, I really started to love this game. Also has the distinction of being the non-shooter game most played by myself along with my "real life" friends online. The DLC pack with the Delorean/General Lee/KITT/Ecto-1 may be my favorite piece of extra content ever released.

  • I have a feeling Mass Effect 2 would be going here instead...but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I will soon. I enjoyed the old KOTOR stuff on the XBox and was somewhat concerned that the loss of the Star Wars content (even as someone who doesn't really care about Star Wars) would make this more difficult to invest myself in. Nope. Within no time I had forgotten all about the older Star Wars games.

  • This was a really divisive game among the dedicated Halo players (which I don't count myself among, aside from the fact I've bought every single Halo game on launch day), but I found myself enjoying it the most out of the 360 entries in the series. Enjoyed the singleplayer, and I did play Reach multiplayer for quite a while, but with Halo 4 not only did I stick with the multiplayer for months and months, it's one of the few games I bought every piece of DLC for, and probably the ONLY "full retail" game that wasn't a cakewalk where I obtained every single achievement, including the DLC-based ones.

  • Although the visual appeal of this game couldn't match the style of The Beatles Rock Band, this is where music games peaked for me until my #1 entry came along. A real shame this couldn't have been a Rock Band product, because this is pretty much the band that fit music games like a glove. Wish it wasn't clogged up with other bands.

  • Shooter I spent a ton of time on. Good singleplayr (the last time Battlefield has seen that to this date), fantastic multiplayer, and a really impressive Vietnam expansion. Wish they would have followed up on this rather than going to Battlefield 3, at least on the console side.

  • This had incredible promise, and it looks like it's doing well on other platforms. It's unfortunate the legal problems with the publisher have completely crippled the title as far as DLC content on the 360. A shame. Enjoyed it while it lasted.

  • Yes, the series got better (much better, even) as time went on. But at the time it actually came out, this one hit the hardest for me. I had sort of passively enjoyed the GTA games up until that point, but hated the driving and shooting controls, which were just flat-out bad. This game fixed both, and added some awesome customization to go with it. Heck, as broken as the laggy multiplayer was, I still played a ton of it. There was additional appeal of the entire series for me as I used to play online games of this in a group with CheapyD, and by the third game he was an actual character.

    Glad to see where the series has gone since then.


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Edited By bluefish

Damn man, you got a crazy top 10. I in no way understand your attachment to a lot of the things here but that's cool, that's why it's your list and not mine.

I will say that you really 'oughta play ME2 but keep in mind they slimmed down some of the more open elements to make the core experience better which was (in my opinion) a good choice. And I'll also say that MK9 was about the best time I've ever had with a fighting game largely because it featured an awesome(!) single player.

And yea, I'm among the diehard Halo fan category and I thought Halo 4 was the strongest entry on 360. I thought Reach had a really strong mp but the single player was really lacking and all the maps were literally just made in forge and really hurt in the visual variety department...

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@bluefish: yeah, I know this list ain't for everyone, especially the music game stuff. But I'm going to be all over Mass Effect 2 very soon, just winding up a couple things I'm almost done with.