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Game of the (8th) Generation

Been a few years since I posted a list here. With the new consoles about to hit, now's as good a time as any.

Rules for me: No remakes/rereleases/ports of prior generation stuff - otherwise Rocksmith 2014 and Mark of the Ninja Remastered would probably be on this list.

A few non-top 10 notes: was going to initially wait for Cyberpunk 2077 because it would probably make the list, but due to it being delayed until after the new consoles are out, I'm not really considering it to be part of the 8th generation, even if it actually is. Looking forward to the Xbox SeX patch.

Honorable Mention to No Man's Sky for doing a decent job of cleaning up their mess and then sticking with the game, even to this day.

Nice Going, You Finally Made One That Wasn't Bad Award: Sonic Mania

Most over-bashed: Anthem

Most overrated: Red Dead Redemption 2

Ok, the actual top 10...

List items

  • Arguably the best single-player shooter campaign ever, and multiplayer that although changed from the praised, then retroactively knocked, then even more retroactively praised again first installment, hooked me for a long time. Although I enjoy Apex Legends (as you'll see below) I would give back that game in a heartbeat for a sequel to this.

  • I am not a PC gamer, but the fact that we finally got a Fire Pro game - a real one, not the garbage dump that was the Xbox 360 game - on modern machines that can actually take advantage of the fact that the community generates tons of content, had me playing this as much as anything else over the past generation. There have been some decent updates and additions to the game along the way since then as well, even if some of them are pricey. Fire Pro is the series that introduced me to playing around with English-patched Japanese games played on emulators back when SFPWX Premium for SNES was still only a few years old. Fire Pro Wrestling D on Dreamcast was the first game I ever imported. I learned a little bit of hex editing for the specific purpose of editing some of the moves that came out with it to show up in English. It might be my favorite series of all time, and they've finally given us the ultimate version of it.

  • This doesn't really get talked about anymore, but this did so much right. I thought for sure everyone was going to copy off it, but it never really happened. Doesn't take away the fact that this game came out of nowhere for me and completely knocked me on my ass.

  • Still can't believe this was as good as it was. The sequel ain't bad either, but this is the one that's required playing. Too bad the multiplayer isn't anything special, but it's forgivable when the rest of the game is as good as it is.

  • Was never a Killer Instinct fan in the 90s but this one started really good and got even better after it changed studios. As much as a Mortal Kombat fan as I am none of the games released during this generation make this list. This one does. Pretty disappointing that we haven't heard anything about a follow-up for the new consoles.

  • Looked incredible, just with enough difficulty to piss you off but not to the point of giving up. Still haven't been able to give the sequel the same dedication I gave to this one. Not sure if that's because I'm distracted by other stuff or if it isn't as good. Doesn't take away this game being awesome.

  • Had a feeling this was going to be another Mighty No. 9 (meaning a celebrated creator returning to make a game similar to what he became famous for, just without the license...and it turns out to be garbage) but thankfully it wasn't the case. Might be higher but there were still a couple of bugs even when I played it long after it had been released (which, to their credit, they were still fixing). Absolutely got Symphony of the Night vibes from it, which is all I can ask for.

  • Took forever to come out, but was worth it. Not a lot to it but doesn't really need to be. Would probably make this list on visuals alone, but the game itself is good. Sucks that the DLC is taking forever to come out as well.

  • Never got into the earlier games in prior years, but this set the groundwork for a revamp that really came out well. One of the few games that is actually more enjoyable playing with a group of friends. Creativity can be super rewarding.

  • It took a while, but they finally made a Battle Royale game that grabbed me. Although I'm going to take a break from it when the new consoles hit, I'll continue to check in on it. Great combination of Titanfall-ish gameplay with Overwatch-ish abilities. The fact that there are still some annoying bugs that have never been fixed, and their ridiculously, offensively overpriced skins keep it from greatness, but it's still pretty damn good.