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My favorite fighters from the fighting games i've played

These are my #1 characters from each of the fighting franchises I have played.

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  • Hes quick and has range.Spamming his Windmill kicks won me many matches against my friends. My Favorite Tekken character by far.

  • Ken, cause my brother always played Ryu and I had to choose the next best thing. He also has a badass uppercut. My Favorite Street fighter character.

  • The range on his spear was awesome. He was always my go to guy with Soul Caliber and I could always kick some peoples buts with him.

  • In the Smash Bros. franchise I could always count on luigi's chop to shoot people off the screen.

  • Come on.... He freezes his opponents and then beats the crap out of them. How could you be anyone else. Mortal kombat

  • In Marvel vs capcom, Cyclops was always my starter of my party. I could sometimes take the whole other team out without ever changing him out.

  • From Samurai shodown He was awesome.

  • He had the cool dog that was always fun to use.

  • In Brawl he was my main dude.

  • He was pretty much jackie chan so of course I used him.